Package nom.tam.fits

Class FitsException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
FitsIntegrityException, HeaderCardException, PaddingException, TableException, TruncatedFileException

public class FitsException extends IllegalStateException
When we cannot deal with some FITS data as expected. Originally it was a hard exception, that you had no choice by to catch. Since 1.19, it has been demoted to a softer, runtime exception. This is a back compatible change, which gives more freedom to programmers on dealing with these (or not).
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FitsException

      public FitsException(String msg)
      Instantiates this exception with the designated message string.
      msg - a human readable message that describes what in fact caused the exception
    • FitsException

      public FitsException(String msg, Throwable reason)
      Instantiates this exception with the designated message string, when it was triggered by some other type of exception
      msg - a human readable message that describes what in fact caused the exception
      reason - the original exception (or other throwable) that triggered this exception.