Package nom.tam.util

Class BufferDecoder

@Deprecated public abstract class BufferDecoder extends FitsDecoder
Use FitsDecoder instead which provides a similar function but in a more consistent way and with a less misleading name. This is a rusty rail implementation for of an older abandoned class only, unsafe for general use. For reading non-FITS encoding you may also use InputDecoder as a base for implementing efficient custom decoding of binary inputs in general.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BufferDecoder

      public BufferDecoder(BufferPointer p)
      p - Unused, but the position and length fields are set/reset as to pretend that half of the buffer is perpetually available for reading. However, at no point will there be any data actually in the buffer of this object, and you should by all means avoid directly loading data from the stream into this dead-end buffer, other than the hopefully untiggered existing implementation of checkBuffer(int) (and it's safest if you don't override or ever call checkBuffer(int) from your code!).