Package nom.tam.util

Interface FitsOutput

All Superinterfaces:
ArrayDataOutput, AutoCloseable, Closeable, DataOutput, FitsIO, OutputWriter
All Known Implementing Classes:
BufferedDataOutputStream, BufferedFile, FitsFile, FitsOutputStream

public interface FitsOutput extends ArrayDataOutput
Interface for FITS-specific output. It mainly just provides an #isAtStart() method that can be used to determine whether or not we are at the head of the file or stream, in order to decide if an HDU here should be written as primary or as a FITS extension. The decision is made by BasicHDU.write(ArrayDataOutput) and there is no need for any user interaction beyond it.
Attila Kovacs
  • Method Details

    • isAtStart

      boolean isAtStart()
      Checks whether we are currently at the start of this output file or stream.
      true if we are currently at the start of stream (where a primary HDU is to be written), or false if we are further along, where HDUs should be written as extensions.
      See Also: