Enum NOAOExt

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<NOAOExt>, java.lang.constant.Constable, IFitsHeader

public enum NOAOExt extends Enum<NOAOExt> implements IFitsHeader

This keyword dictionary defines keywords which may be used in image data recorded by the data acquisition system. It currently does not consider keywords for data processing. Most of the keywords defined here will not be used. New parameters must be added to the logical class heirarchy and then a keyword defined in this dictionary before use in image data.

See http://iraf.noao.edu/iraf/web/projects/ccdmosaic/imagedef/fitsdic.html

Richard van Nieuwenhoven.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader

    IFitsHeader.HDU, IFitsHeader.SOURCE, IFitsHeader.VALUE
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    default value = none
    default value = none
    Times for the active optics sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the active optics sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Active optics system position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Active optics system position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Active optics system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Active optics system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Active optics system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Active optics system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    default value = none
    default value = none
    Active optics system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Active optics system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Active optics voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Active optics voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Times for the adapter sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the adapter sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Adapter position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Adapter position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Adapter linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Adapter linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Adapter pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Adapter pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    default value = none
    default value = none
    default value = none
    Adapter temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Adapter temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Adapter voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Adapter voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Atmospheric dispersion compensator hardware identification.
    Times for the ADC sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the ADC sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    ADC position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    ADC position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    ADC linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    ADC linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    ADC pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    ADC pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    ADC status.
    Atmospheric dispersion compensator software identification.
    ADC temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    ADC temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    ADC voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    ADC voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Declination of the aperture(s).
    Declination unit.
    Object declination for wavefront sensing.
    Declination unit.
    Object coordinate epoch for wavefront sensing.
    Object coordinate system equinox for wavefront sensing.
    default value = none
    default value = none
    Times for the adaptive optics sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the adaptive optics sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Adaptive optics system position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Adaptive optics system position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Adaptive optics system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Adaptive optics system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Adaptive optics system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Adaptive optics system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Object right ascension for wavefront sensing.
    Object coordinate system type for wavefront sensing.
    Right ascension unit.
    default value = none
    default value = none
    Adaptive optics system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Adaptive optics system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Type of object used for wavefront sensing.
    Adaptive optics system voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Adaptive optics system voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Epoch of the coordinates for the aperture(s).
    Coordinate system equinox for the aperture(s).
    The computed airmass(es) at the time(s) given by the AMMJDn keywords.
    Times for the airmass calculation given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the airmass calculation given as modified Julian dates.
    Amplifier integration or sample time.
    Times for the amplifier sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the amplifier sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Amplifier name.
    CCD amplifier position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    CCD amplifier position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    CCD amplifier linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    CCD amplifier linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    CCD amplifier pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    CCD amplifier pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Amplifier unbinned pixel read time.
    CCD amplifier sampling method used.
    Mapping of the CCD section to amplifier coordinates.
    The logical unbinned size of the amplifier readout in section notation.
    CCD amplifier temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    CCD amplifier temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    CCD amplifier voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    CCD amplifier voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Aperture position angle unit.
    Declination of the aperture(s).
    Declination unit.
    Aperture diameter of the aperture(s) for circular apertures and fibers.
    Epoch of the coordinates for the aperture(s).
    Coordinate system equinox for the aperture(s).
    Aperture diameter of the aperture(s) for circular apertures and fibers.
    Aperture length of the aperture(s) for slit apertures.
    Aperture identification.
    Aperture position angle of the aperture(s) on the sky.
    Aperture identification.
    Aperture length of the aperture(s) for slit apertures.
    Aperture position angle of the aperture(s) on the sky.
    Aperture position angle unit.
    Right ascension of the aperture(s).
    Aperture coordinate system type for the aperture(s).
    Right ascension unit.
    Aperture type.
    Aperture type.
    Units of aperture dimensions.
    Units of aperture dimensions.
    Aperture width of the aperture(s) for slit apertures.
    Right ascension of the aperture(s).
    Right ascension unit.
    Archive hardware version.
    Archive identification.
    The archive name in which the observation is archived.
    Archive status of data.
    Archive software version.
    Arcon predicted gain.
    Arcon gain index value.
    Arcon predicted RMS readout noise.
    Arcon waveform complilation date.
    Arcon waveform options enabled.
    Aperture coordinate system type for the aperture(s).
    Transformation matrix between CCD and amplifier coordinates.
    Transformation origin vector between CCD and amplifier coordinates.
    Section of the recorded image containing overscan or prescan data.
    Section of the recorded image containing overscan or prescan data.
    Description of bad pixels.
    Camera configuration.
    Camera name.
    Camera focus.
    Camera hardware version.
    Times for the instrument sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the instrument sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Camera position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Camera position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Camera linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Camera linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Camera pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Camera pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Camera status.
    Camera software version.
    Camera temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Camera temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Camera voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Camera voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Declination of the CCD center.
    Declination unit.
    Epoch of the CCD center coordinates.
    CCD coordinate system equinox.
    CCD hardware version
    Times for the CCD sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the CCD sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    CCD identification.
    Number of amplifiers used to readout the CCD.
    CCD position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    CCD position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    CCD linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    CCD linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    CCD pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    CCD pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    The actual format size of the CCD.
    Right ascension of the CCD center.
    CCD coordinate system type.
    Right ascension unit.
    The unbinned section of the logical CCD pixel raster covered by the amplifier readout in section notation.
    The logical unbinned size of the CCD in section notation.
    CCD on-chip summing given as two or four integer numbers.
    CCD software version
    CCD temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    CCD temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    CCD voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    CCD voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Spectrum coordinate matrix.
    Spectrum coordinate matrix.
    Spectrum coordinate matrix.
    Spectrum coordinate matrix.
    Spectrum coordinate matrix.
    Spectrum coordinate matrix.
    Spectrum coordinate matrix.
    Spectrum coordinate matrix.
    Coordinate scale matrix for image world coordinates.
    default value = none
    default value = none
    default value = none
    Times for the chopping system sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the chopping system sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    default value = none
    Chopping system position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Chopping system position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Chopping system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Chopping system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Chopping system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Chopping system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    default value = none
    default value = none
    Chopping system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Chopping system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Chopping system voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Chopping system voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
    Cross-dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
    Dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
    Cross-dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
    Observer comments.
    Dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
    Cross-dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
    Dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
    Cross-dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
    Controller hardware version.
    Controller status.
    Controller software version.
    Detector controller name.
    Correctors in the optical path.
    Correctors in the optical path.
    Correctors in the optical path.
    Default cross dispersion unit.
    Default cross dispersion coordinate value.
    Reference spectrum pixel coordinate.
    Reference spectrum pixel coordinate.
    Reference spectrum pixel coordinate.
    Reference spectrum pixel coordinate.
    Spectrum reference dispersion coordinate corresponding to the spectrum reference pixel coordinate.
    Spectrum reference dispersion coordinate corresponding to the spectrum reference pixel coordinate.
    Spectrum reference dispersion coordinate corresponding to the spectrum reference pixel coordinate.
    Reference right ascension coordinate corresponding to the image reference pixel coordinate.
    Reference declination coordinate corresponding to the image reference pixel coordinate.
    Coordinate type for image world coordinates.
    Coordinate type for image world coordinates.
    Spectrum dispersion coordinate type.
    Coordinate type for image world coordinates.
    Coordinate type for image world coordinates.
    Coordinate reference unit for direct imaging world coordinates.
    Coordinate reference unit for direct imaging world coordinates.
    Coordinate reference unit for direct imaging world coordinates.
    Total dark time of the observation.
    Mapping of the CCD section to image coordinates.
    Date at the end of the exposure.
    Date header creation.
    Default date for the observation.
    Projected position angle of the positive declination axis on the detector.
    Default declination units.
    Detector configuration.
    Declination of the detector center.
    Declination unit.
    Detector name.
    Epoch of the detector center coordinates.
    Detector coordinate system equinox.
    Detector hardware version.
    Times for the detector sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the detector sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Detector position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Detector position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Detector linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Detector linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Detector pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Detector pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Right ascension of the detector center.
    Detector coordinate system type.
    Right ascension unit.
    Mapping of the CCD section to detector coordinates.
    The logical unbinned size of the detector in section notation.
    Detector status.
    Detector software version.
    Detector temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Detector temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Detector voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Detector voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Dewar identification.
    Dewar hardware version.
    Times for the dewar sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the dewar sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Dewar position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Dewar position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Dewar linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Dewar linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Dewar pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Dewar pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Dewar status.
    Dewar software version.
    Dewar temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Dewar temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Dewar voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Dewar voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Times for the disperser sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the disperser sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Disperser position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Disperser position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    The detector axis along which the dispersion is most closely aligned.
    Approximate central dispersion/pixel on the detector.
    Disperser identification names.
    Disperser identification names.
    Disperser linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Disperser linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Disperser pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Disperser pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Default dispersion coordinate unit.
    Default dispersion coordinate value.
    Approximate central dispersion coordinate on the detector.
    Disperser temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Disperser temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Disperser voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Disperser voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Average wind direction measurements measured east of north over the sampling period inside the dome.
    Average wind direction measurements measured east of north over the sampling period inside the dome.
    Maximum wind speed over the sampling period inside the dome.
    Maximum wind speed over the sampling period inside the dome.
    Times for the dome environment measurements given as modified Julian.
    Times for the dome environment measurements given as modified Julian.
    Wind sampling period for the wind measurements inside the dome.
    Wind sampling period for the wind measurements inside the dome.
    Temperatures Celsius inside the dome.
    Temperatures Celsius inside the dome.
    Average wind speeds over the sampling period inside the dome.
    Average wind speeds over the sampling period inside the dome.
    Times for the dome sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the dome sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Dome position angle sensor measurements.
    Dome position angle sensor measurements.
    Dome linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Dome linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Dome pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Dome pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Dome status.
    Dome temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Dome temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Dome voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Dome voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Transformation matrix between CCD and detector coordinates.
    Transformation origin vector between CCD and detector coordinates.
    Average wind direction measurements measured east of north over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Average wind direction measurements measured east of north over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Maximum wind speed in km/s over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Maximum wind speed in km/s over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Relative humidity measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Relative humidity measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Times for the site environment measurements given as modified Julian.
    Times for the site environment measurements given as modified Julian.
    Wind sampling period for the wind measurements outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Wind sampling period for the wind measurements outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Atmospheric pressure measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Atmospheric pressure measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Temperatures outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Temperatures outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Precipitable water vapor measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Precipitable water vapor measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Average wind speeds over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Average wind speeds over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
    Error information.
    Requested exposure time of the observation.
    Fiber identification for the fiber(s).
    Fiber identification for the fiber(s).
    Filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.
    Filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.
    Filter type.
    Filter type.
    Number of focus exposures in a focus sequence.
    Pixel shift on the detector between exposures in a focus sequence.
    Starting focus value in focus sequence.
    Focus increment step in focus sequence.
    Amplifier gain in electrons per analog unit.
    Guider TV name.
    Guider TV filter names.
    Guider TV filter names.
    Guider TV filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.
    Guider TV filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.
    Guider TV filter type.
    Guider TV filter type.
    Guider TV identification and hardware version.
    Times for the guider television sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the guider television sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Guider television position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Guider television position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Guider television linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Guider television linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Guider television pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Guider television pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Guider TV status.
    Guider TV software version.
    Guider television temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Guider television temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Guider television voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Guider television voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Guide object declination.
    Declination unit.
    Guider identification and hardware version.
    Guider name.
    Guider software version.
    Epoch of the guide object coordinates.
    Guide object coordinate system equinox.
    Times for the guider sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the guider sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Guider position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Guider position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Guider linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Guider linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Guider pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Guider pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Guide object right ascension.
    Guide object coordinate system type.
    Guider correction rate.
    Right ascension unit.
    Guider status.
    Guider temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Guider temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Guider voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Guider voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Hour angle at TELMJD.
    Image creation system hardware version.
    The image identification when there are multiple images within an observation.
    Image creation system software version.
    Instrument focus.
    Times for the instrument sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the instrument sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Instrument position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Instrument position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Instrument linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Instrument linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Instrument pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Instrument pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Instrument status.
    Instrument configuration.
    Instrument temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Instrument temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Instrument hardware version.
    Instrument software version.
    Instrument voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Instrument voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    The keyword dictionary defining the keywords.
    Calibration lamp name
    Calibration lamp type.
    Times for the lamp sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the lamp sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Calibration lamp position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Calibration lamp position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Calibration lamp linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Calibration lamp linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Calibration lamp pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Calibration lamp pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Calibration lamp temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Calibration lamp temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Calibration lamp voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Calibration lamp voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Local siderial time at the start of the exposure.
    Local siderial time at the end of the exposure.
    Local siderial time of the header creation.
    Default local siderial time for the observation.
    Transformation matrix between CCD and image coordinates.
    Transformation origin vector between CCD and image coordinates.
    The maximum number of scanned (unbinned) lines used to form an output line.
    The minimum number of scanned (unbinned) lines used to form an output line.
    Modified Julian date at the start of the exposure.
    Modified Julian date when the image header was created by the software.
    Default modified Julian date for the observation.
    The number of amplifiers in the detector.
    The number of CCDs in the detector.
    default value = none
    default value = none
    default value = none
    default value = none
    Times for the nodding system sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the nodding system sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    default value = none
    Nodding position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Nodding position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Nodding system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Nodding system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Nodding system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Nodding system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    default value = none
    default value = none
    Nodding system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Nodding system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Nodding system voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Nodding system voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Number of coadded subexposures.
    Declination of the target astronomical object(s).
    Declination unit.
    Epoch of the target astronomical object coordinate(s).
    Coordinate system equinox for the target astronomical object(s).
    Standard reference or catalog name for the target astronomical object(s).
    Right ascension of the target astronomical object(s).
    Coordinate system type for the target astronomical object(s).
    Right ascension unit.
    Type of target astronomical object(s).
    Type of target astronomical object(s).
    Declination of the observation.
    Declination unit.
    Epoch of the coordinates used in observation coordinates.
    Equinox of coordinates used in observation coordinates.
    Observatory identification for the site of the observation.
    The unique observatory observation identification.
    Right ascension of the observation.
    Coordinate system used in observation coordinates.
    Right ascension unit.
    Name(s) of the observers.
    Status of the observation.
    The type of observation such as an astronomical exposure or a particular type of calibration exposure.
    Declination of the target astronomical object(s).
    Declination unit.
    Epoch of the target astronomical object coordinate(s).
    Coordinate system equinox for the target astronomical object(s).
    Right ascension of the target astronomical object(s).
    Right ascension unit.
    Coordinate system type for the target astronomical object(s).
    Status of calibration to data proportional to photons.
    Photometric conditions during the observation.
    Processing hardware used.
    Processing hardware used.
    Name of processing pipeline applied.
    Processing software version.
    Processing software version.
    Projected pixel scale along axis n.
    Unbinned pixel size along each dimension given in appropriate units.
    Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
    Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
    Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
    Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
    Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
    Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
    Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
    Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
    CCD preflash time.
    Processing log information formatted as FITS comments.
    Processing status.
    The unique observatory proposal identification.
    The name or title of the proposal.
    Name(s) of the proposers.
    Name(s) of the proposers.
    Default coordinate system equinox.
    Projected position angle of the positive right ascension axis on the detector.
    Default right ascension units.
    CCD readout noise in rms electrons.
    Amplifier unbinned pixel read time.
    Archive identification.
    Seeing estimates specified as the stellar full-width at half-maximum in arc seconds.
    Seeing estimates specified as the stellar full-width at half-maximum in arc seconds.
    Times for the seeing estimates given as modified Julian dates.
    Times for the seeing estimates given as modified Julian dates.
    Exposure time of the nth subexposure.
    Exposure time of the nth subexposure.
    Time for the shutter to close fully.
    Shutter identification and hardware version.
    Time for the shutter to open fully.
    Shutter status.
    Shutter software version.
    Slit or mask hole identification for the aperture(s).
    Slit or mask hole identification for the aperture(s).
    FWHM of the object spectrum profile on the detector.
    UTC of the start of each subexposure.
    UTC of the start of each subexposure.
    FWHM of the object spectrum profile on the detector.
    Modified Julian date at the time of the altitude/azimuth keywords.
    Telescope pointing altitude at the time given by TELAAMJD.
    Telescope pointing azimuth at the time given by TELAAMJD.
    Telescope configuration.
    Telescope pointing declination.
    Declination unit.
    Telescope pointing coordinate epoch.
    Telescope pointing coordinate system equinox.
    Telescope focus value in available units.
    Time of zenith distance and hour angle
    Times for the telescope sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Telescope position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Telescope position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Telescope linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Telescope linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Telescope pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Telescope pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Telescope pointing right ascension.
    Telescope pointing coordinate system type.
    Right ascension unit.
    Telescope status.
    Telescope control system software version.
    Telescope temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Telescope temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Declination telescope tracking rate in arc seconds per second.
    Right ascension telescope tracking rate from siderial in arc seconds per second.
    Telescope hardware version.
    Telescope voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Telescope voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Time of exposure end in the TSYSEND system.
    Time of header creation.
    Default time system.
    Section of the recorded image to be kept after calibration processing.
    Time system for the TIMEEND keyword.
    Time system for the header creation keywords.
    Time system for the TIME-OBS keyword.
    TV name.
    TV filter names.
    Television focus value in available units.
    TV filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.
    TV filter type.
    TV identification and hardware version.
    Times for the guider television sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    TV name.
    TV filter names.
    Television focus value in available units.
    TV filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.
    TV filter type.
    TV identification and hardware version.
    Times for the guider television sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
    Television position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Television linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Television pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    TV status.
    TV software version.
    Television temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Television voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Television position angle measurements in appropriate units.
    Television linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    Television pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
    TV status.
    TV software version.
    Television temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
    Television voltage sensor measurements in volts.
    Altitude unit.
    Plane angle unit.
    Focal plane aperture size unit.
    Area unit.
    Azimuth unit.
    Capacitance unit.
    Charge unit.
    Conductance unit.
    Current unit.
    Delination unit.
    Energy unit.
    Event unit.
    Flux unit.
    Force unit.
    Frequency unit.
    Time of day unit.
    Illuminance unit.
    Inductance unit.
    Latitude unit.
    Length unit.
    Luminous flux unit.
    Luminous intensity unit.
    Longitude unit.
    Mass unit.
    Magnetic density unit.
    Magnetic field unit.
    Magnetic flux unit.
    Position angle unit.
    Power unit.
    Pressure unit.
    Right ascension unit.
    Celestial rate of motion.
    Resistance unit.
    Solid angle unit.
    Celestial separation unit.
    Temperature unit.
    Time unit.
    Velocity unit.
    Voltage unit.
    UTC time at the start of the exposure.
    UTC at the end of the exposure.
    UTC of header creation.
    Default UTC time for the observation.
    IRAF WCS attribute strings for all axes.
    IRAF WCS attribute strings.
    Descriptive string identifying the source of the astrometry used to derive the WCS.
    Descriptive string identifying the source of the astrometry used to derive the WCS.
    Dimensionality of the WCS physical system.
    Epoch of the coordinates used in the world coordinate system.
    Equinox when equatorial coordinates are used in the world coordinate system.
    Coordinate system type when equatorial coordinates are used in the world coordinate system.
    Coordinate system type when equatorial coordinates are used in the world coordinate system.
    Weather condition description.
    Zenith distance of telescope pointing at TELMJD.
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from interface nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    final FitsKey
    (primarily for internal use) Returns the concrete implementation of this header entry, which provides implementation of access methods.
    static NOAOExt
    Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
    static NOAOExt[]
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    compareTo, describeConstable, equals, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader

    comment, extractIndices, hdu, key, n, status, valueType
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final NOAOExt ACTFREQ

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ACTHWV

      public static final NOAOExt ACTHWV

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ACTMJD

      public static final NOAOExt ACTMJD
      Times for the active optics sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR ACTMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • ACTMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt ACTMJDn
      Times for the active optics sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR ACTMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • ACTPAN

      public static final NOAOExt ACTPAN
      Active optics system position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ACTPANn

      public static final NOAOExt ACTPANn
      Active optics system position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ACTPOS

      public static final NOAOExt ACTPOS
      Active optics system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ACTPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt ACTPOSn
      Active optics system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ACTPRE

      public static final NOAOExt ACTPRE
      Active optics system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ACTPREn

      public static final NOAOExt ACTPREn
      Active optics system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt ACTSTAT

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ACTSWV

      public static final NOAOExt ACTSWV

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ACTTEM

      public static final NOAOExt ACTTEM
      Active optics system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ACTTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt ACTTEMn
      Active optics system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ACTVOL

      public static final NOAOExt ACTVOL
      Active optics voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ACTVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt ACTVOLn
      Active optics voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADAMJD

      public static final NOAOExt ADAMJD
      Times for the adapter sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR ADAMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • ADAMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt ADAMJDn
      Times for the adapter sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR ADAMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • ADAPAN

      public static final NOAOExt ADAPAN
      Adapter position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADAPANn

      public static final NOAOExt ADAPANn
      Adapter position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADAPOS

      public static final NOAOExt ADAPOS
      Adapter linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADAPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt ADAPOSn
      Adapter linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADAPRE

      public static final NOAOExt ADAPRE
      Adapter pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADAPREn

      public static final NOAOExt ADAPREn
      Adapter pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt ADAPSWV

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt ADAPTER

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt ADASTAT

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ADATEM

      public static final NOAOExt ADATEM
      Adapter temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADATEMn

      public static final NOAOExt ADATEMn
      Adapter temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADAVOL

      public static final NOAOExt ADAVOL
      Adapter voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADAVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt ADAVOLn
      Adapter voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADC

      public static final NOAOExt ADC
      Atmospheric dispersion compensator hardware identification.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ADCMJD

      public static final NOAOExt ADCMJD
      Times for the ADC sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR ADCMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • ADCMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt ADCMJDn
      Times for the ADC sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR ADCMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • ADCPAN

      public static final NOAOExt ADCPAN
      ADC position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADCPANn

      public static final NOAOExt ADCPANn
      ADC position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADCPOS

      public static final NOAOExt ADCPOS
      ADC linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADCPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt ADCPOSn
      ADC linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADCPRE

      public static final NOAOExt ADCPRE
      ADC pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADCPREn

      public static final NOAOExt ADCPREn
      ADC pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt ADCSTAT
      ADC status.

      units = 'dictionary'

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ADCSWV

      public static final NOAOExt ADCSWV
      Atmospheric dispersion compensator software identification.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ADCTEM

      public static final NOAOExt ADCTEM
      ADC temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADCTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt ADCTEMn
      ADC temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADCVOL

      public static final NOAOExt ADCVOL
      ADC voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADCVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt ADCVOLn
      ADC voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADECnnn

      public static final NOAOExt ADECnnn
      Declination of the aperture(s).

      units = APDECU ADEU%4d

      default value = OBJDEC ODEC%4d

      index = none 1-9999

    • ADEUnnn

      public static final NOAOExt ADEUnnn
      Declination unit.

      default value = OBJDECU APDECU

      index = none 1-9999

    • ADODEC

      public static final NOAOExt ADODEC
      Object declination for wavefront sensing.

      units = ADODECU

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt ADODECU
      Declination unit.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt ADOEPOCH
      Object coordinate epoch for wavefront sensing.

      default value = TELEPOCH

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt ADOEQUIN
      Object coordinate system equinox for wavefront sensing. A value before 1984 is Besselian otherwise it is Julian.

      default value = TELEQUIN

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt ADOFREQ

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ADOHWV

      public static final NOAOExt ADOHWV

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ADOMJD

      public static final NOAOExt ADOMJD
      Times for the adaptive optics sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR ADOMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • ADOMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt ADOMJDn
      Times for the adaptive optics sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR ADOMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • ADOPAN

      public static final NOAOExt ADOPAN
      Adaptive optics system position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADOPANn

      public static final NOAOExt ADOPANn
      Adaptive optics system position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADOPOS

      public static final NOAOExt ADOPOS
      Adaptive optics system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADOPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt ADOPOSn
      Adaptive optics system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADOPRE

      public static final NOAOExt ADOPRE
      Adaptive optics system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADOPREn

      public static final NOAOExt ADOPREn
      Adaptive optics system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADORA

      public static final NOAOExt ADORA
      Object right ascension for wavefront sensing.

      units = ADORAU

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt ADORADEC
      Object coordinate system type for wavefront sensing.

      default value = TELRADEC

      index = none

    • ADORAU

      public static final NOAOExt ADORAU
      Right ascension unit.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt ADOSTAT

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ADOSWV

      public static final NOAOExt ADOSWV

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ADOTEM

      public static final NOAOExt ADOTEM
      Adaptive optics system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADOTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt ADOTEMn
      Adaptive optics system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt ADOTYPE
      Type of object used for wavefront sensing.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ADOVOL

      public static final NOAOExt ADOVOL
      Adaptive optics system voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ADOVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt ADOVOLn
      Adaptive optics system voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • AEPOnnn

      public static final NOAOExt AEPOnnn
      Epoch of the coordinates for the aperture(s).

      units = 'yr'

      default value = OBJEPOCH OEPO%4d

      index = none 1-9999

    • AEQUnnn

      public static final NOAOExt AEQUnnn
      Coordinate system equinox for the aperture(s). A value before 1984 is Besselian otherwise it is Julian.

      units = 'yr'

      default value = OBJEQUIN OEQU%4d

      index = none 1-9999

    • AIRMASSn

      public static final NOAOExt AIRMASSn
      The computed airmass(es) at the time(s) given by the AMMJDn keywords.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9

    • AMMJD

      public static final NOAOExt AMMJD
      Times for the airmass calculation given as modified Julian dates. The MJDHDR keyword may be used for the time at which the image header is created or the MJD-OBS keyword may be used for the time of observation.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR AMMJD

      index = none 1-9

    • AMMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt AMMJDn
      Times for the airmass calculation given as modified Julian dates. The MJDHDR keyword may be used for the time at which the image header is created or the MJD-OBS keyword may be used for the time of observation.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR AMMJD

      index = none 1-9


      public static final NOAOExt AMPINTEG
      Amplifier integration or sample time.

      units = 'ns'

      default value = none

      index = none

    • AMPMJD

      public static final NOAOExt AMPMJD
      Times for the amplifier sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates. The MJDHDR keyword may be used for the time at which the image header is created or the MJD-OBS keyword may be used for the time of observation.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS AMPMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • AMPMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt AMPMJDn
      Times for the amplifier sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates. The MJDHDR keyword may be used for the time at which the image header is created or the MJD-OBS keyword may be used for the time of observation.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS AMPMJD

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt AMPNAME
      Amplifier name.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • AMPPAN

      public static final NOAOExt AMPPAN
      CCD amplifier position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • AMPPANn

      public static final NOAOExt AMPPANn
      CCD amplifier position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • AMPPOS

      public static final NOAOExt AMPPOS
      CCD amplifier linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • AMPPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt AMPPOSn
      CCD amplifier linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • AMPPRE

      public static final NOAOExt AMPPRE
      CCD amplifier pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • AMPPREn

      public static final NOAOExt AMPPREn
      CCD amplifier pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt AMPREAD
      Amplifier unbinned pixel read time.

      units = 'ns'

      default value = none none

      index = none none


      public static final NOAOExt AMPSAMPL
      CCD amplifier sampling method used. This may also include any integration times.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • AMPSEC

      public static final NOAOExt AMPSEC
      Mapping of the CCD section to amplifier coordinates.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt AMPSIZE
      The logical unbinned size of the amplifier readout in section notation. This includes drift scanning if applicable.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • AMPTEM

      public static final NOAOExt AMPTEM
      CCD amplifier temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • AMPTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt AMPTEMn
      CCD amplifier temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • AMPVOL

      public static final NOAOExt AMPVOL
      CCD amplifier voltage sensor measurements in volts. }

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • AMPVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt AMPVOLn
      CCD amplifier voltage sensor measurements in volts. }

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • APAUnnn

      public static final NOAOExt APAUnnn
      Aperture position angle unit.

      default value = PAUNIT APPAUNIT

      index = none 1-9999

    • APDEC

      public static final NOAOExt APDEC
      Declination of the aperture(s).

      units = APDECU ADEU%4d

      default value = OBJDEC ODEC%4d

      index = none 1-9999

    • APDECU

      public static final NOAOExt APDECU
      Declination unit.

      default value = OBJDECU APDECU

      index = none 1-9999

    • APDInnn

      public static final NOAOExt APDInnn
      Aperture diameter of the aperture(s) for circular apertures and fibers. This is also used as an approximation to the size of hexagonal lenses.

      units = APUNIT

      default value = none APERDIA

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt APEPOCH
      Epoch of the coordinates for the aperture(s).

      units = 'yr'

      default value = OBJEPOCH OEPO%4d

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt APEQUIN
      Coordinate system equinox for the aperture(s). A value before 1984 is Besselian otherwise it is Julian.

      units = 'yr'

      default value = OBJEQUIN OEQU%4d

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt APERDIA
      Aperture diameter of the aperture(s) for circular apertures and fibers. This is also used as an approximation to the size of hexagonal lenses.

      units = APUNIT

      default value = none APERDIA

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt APERLEN
      Aperture length of the aperture(s) for slit apertures.

      units = APUNIT

      default value = none APERLEN

      index = none 1-999

    • APERnnn

      public static final NOAOExt APERnnn
      Aperture identification. This can be a physical aperture identification, the name of a mask, a fiber configuration, etc. When there are many apertures the keyword APERTURE may be used to specify a configuration or mask identification and the APER%4d keywords can be used to identify some information about the aperture such as a fiber number.

      default value = none APERTURE

      index = none 1-9999

    • APERPA

      public static final NOAOExt APERPA
      Aperture position angle of the aperture(s) on the sky. This is measured using the longest dimension from north to east for slits. For hexagonal lenslets it gives the position angle for one of the sides.

      units = APPAUNIT

      default value = none APERPA

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt APERWID
      Aperture identification. This can be a physical aperture identification, the name of a mask, a fiber configuration, etc. When there are many apertures the keyword APERTURE may be used to specify a configuration or mask identification and the APER%4d keywords can be used to identify some information about the aperture such as a fiber number.

      default value = none APERTURE

      index = none 1-9999

    • APLEnnn

      public static final NOAOExt APLEnnn
      Aperture length of the aperture(s) for slit apertures.

      units = APUNIT

      default value = none APERLEN

      index = none 1-999

    • APPAnnn

      public static final NOAOExt APPAnnn
      Aperture position angle of the aperture(s) on the sky. This is measured using the longest dimension from north to east for slits. For hexagonal lenslets it gives the position angle for one of the sides.

      units = APPAUNIT

      default value = none APERPA

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt APPAUNIT
      Aperture position angle unit.

      default value = PAUNIT APPAUNIT

      index = none 1-9999

    • APRA

      public static final NOAOExt APRA
      Right ascension of the aperture(s).

      units = APRAU ARAU%4d

      default value = OBJRA ORA%4d

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt APRADEC
      Aperture coordinate system type for the aperture(s).

      default value = OBJRADEC ORDS%4d

      index = none 1-9999

    • APRAU

      public static final NOAOExt APRAU
      Right ascension unit.

      default value = OBJRAU APRAU

      index = none 1-9999

    • APTYnnn

      public static final NOAOExt APTYnnn
      Aperture type. This is an from a dictionary. The common types are "slit", "hole", "fiber", "hexlens", "hexlens+fiber" and "none". The last type is for aperture-less spectroscopy such as with objective prisms. Typically for multiobject spectroscopy all the aperture types will be the same and the keyword will be APTYPE.

      default value = none APTYPE

      index = none 1-9999

    • APTYPE

      public static final NOAOExt APTYPE
      Aperture type. This is an from a dictionary. The common types are "slit", "hole", "fiber", "hexlens", "hexlens+fiber" and "none". The last type is for aperture-less spectroscopy such as with objective prisms. Typically for multiobject spectroscopy all the aperture types will be the same and the keyword will be APTYPE.

      default value = none APTYPE

      index = none 1-9999

    • APUNIT

      public static final NOAOExt APUNIT
      Units of aperture dimensions. This applies to slit widths and lengths, fiber diameters, lenslet diameters, etc. It may be a physical dimension or a projected angle on the sky.

      default value = UNITAP APUNIT

      index = none 1-9999

    • APUNnnn

      public static final NOAOExt APUNnnn
      Units of aperture dimensions. This applies to slit widths and lengths, fiber diameters, lenslet diameters, etc. It may be a physical dimension or a projected angle on the sky.

      default value = UNITAP APUNIT

      index = none 1-9999

    • APWInnn

      public static final NOAOExt APWInnn
      Aperture width of the aperture(s) for slit apertures.

      units = APUNIT

      default value = none APERWID

      index = none 1-9999

    • ARAnnn

      public static final NOAOExt ARAnnn
      Right ascension of the aperture(s).

      units = APRAU ARAU%4d

      default value = OBJRA ORA%4d

      index = none 1-9999

    • ARAUnnn

      public static final NOAOExt ARAUnnn
      Right ascension unit.

      default value = OBJRAU APRAU

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt ARCHHWV
      Archive hardware version.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ARCHID

      public static final NOAOExt ARCHID
      Archive identification. This may be the same as the observation identification.

      default value = OBSID none

      index = none none


      public static final NOAOExt ARCHIVE
      The archive name in which the observation is archived.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt ARCHSTAT
      Archive status of data.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt ARCHSWV
      Archive software version.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ARCONG

      public static final NOAOExt ARCONG
      Arcon predicted gain. This is the gain measured in the laboratory. The GAIN keyword may also have this value initially but it is updated to the most recent estimate of the gain.

      units = 'e/counts'

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt ARCONGI
      Arcon gain index value.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt ARCONRN
      Arcon predicted RMS readout noise. This is the value measured in the laboratory. The RDNOISE keyword may also have this value initially but it is updated to the most current estimate.

      units = 'e'

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt ARCONWD
      Arcon waveform complilation date.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt ARCONWM
      Arcon waveform options enabled.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ARDSnnn

      public static final NOAOExt ARDSnnn
      Aperture coordinate system type for the aperture(s).

      default value = OBJRADEC ORDS%4d

      index = none 1-9999

    • ATMn_n

      public static final NOAOExt ATMn_n
      Transformation matrix between CCD and amplifier coordinates. Normally only two values will be non-zero and will have values of 1 or -1. If missing the default is an identify matrix.

      default value = 0.(i!=j),1.(i=j)

      index = 1-9,1-9

    • ATVn

      public static final NOAOExt ATVn
      Transformation origin vector between CCD and amplifier coordinates.

      default value = 0.

      index = 1-9

    • BIASnnn

      public static final NOAOExt BIASnnn
      Section of the recorded image containing overscan or prescan data. This will be in binned pixels if binning is done. Multiple regions may be recorded and specified, such as both prescan and overscan, but the first section given by this parameter is likely to be the one used during calibration.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt BIASSEC
      Section of the recorded image containing overscan or prescan data. This will be in binned pixels if binning is done. Multiple regions may be recorded and specified, such as both prescan and overscan, but the first section given by this parameter is likely to be the one used during calibration.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9999

    • BPM

      public static final NOAOExt BPM
      Description of bad pixels. The value is an IRAF bad pixel mask name.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt CAMCONF
      Camera configuration.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • CAMERA

      public static final NOAOExt CAMERA
      Camera name.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt CAMFOCUS
      Camera focus.

      units = 'instrumental'

      default value = none

      index = none

    • CAMHWV

      public static final NOAOExt CAMHWV
      Camera hardware version.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • CAMMJD

      public static final NOAOExt CAMMJD
      Times for the instrument sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS CAMMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • CAMMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt CAMMJDn
      Times for the instrument sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS CAMMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • CAMPAN

      public static final NOAOExt CAMPAN
      Camera position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITANG

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CAMPANn

      public static final NOAOExt CAMPANn
      Camera position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITANG

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CAMPOS

      public static final NOAOExt CAMPOS
      Camera linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CAMPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt CAMPOSn
      Camera linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CAMPRE

      public static final NOAOExt CAMPRE
      Camera pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CAMPREn

      public static final NOAOExt CAMPREn
      Camera pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt CAMSTAT
      Camera status.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • CAMSWV

      public static final NOAOExt CAMSWV
      Camera software version.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • CAMTEM

      public static final NOAOExt CAMTEM
      Camera temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CAMTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt CAMTEMn
      Camera temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CAMVOL

      public static final NOAOExt CAMVOL
      Camera voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CAMVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt CAMVOLn
      Camera voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CCDDEC

      public static final NOAOExt CCDDEC
      Declination of the CCD center.

      units = CCDDECU

      default value = DETDEC

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt CCDDECU
      Declination unit.

      default value = DETDECU

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt CCDEPOCH
      Epoch of the CCD center coordinates.

      units = 'yr'

      default value = DETEPOCH

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt CCDEQUIN
      CCD coordinate system equinox. A value before 1984 is Besselian otherwise it is Julian.

      units = 'yr'

      default value = DETEQUIN

      index = none

    • CCDHWV

      public static final NOAOExt CCDHWV
      CCD hardware version

      default value = DETHWV

      index = none

    • CCDMJD

      public static final NOAOExt CCDMJD
      Times for the CCD sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates. The MJDHDR keyword may be used for the time at which the image header is created or the MJD-OBS keyword may be used for the time of observation.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR CCDMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • CCDMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt CCDMJDn
      Times for the CCD sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates. The MJDHDR keyword may be used for the time at which the image header is created or the MJD-OBS keyword may be used for the time of observation.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR CCDMJD

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt CCDNAME
      CCD identification.

      default value = DETECTOR

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt CCDNAMPS
      Number of amplifiers used to readout the CCD. This keyword may be absent if only one amplifier is used.

      default value = 1

      index = none

    • CCDPAN

      public static final NOAOExt CCDPAN
      CCD position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CCDPANn

      public static final NOAOExt CCDPANn
      CCD position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CCDPOS

      public static final NOAOExt CCDPOS
      CCD linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CCDPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt CCDPOSn
      CCD linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CCDPRE

      public static final NOAOExt CCDPRE
      CCD pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CCDPREn

      public static final NOAOExt CCDPREn
      CCD pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt CCDPSIZE
      The actual format size of the CCD. This is the same as the CCDSIZE keyword except in the case of drift scanning.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • CCDRA

      public static final NOAOExt CCDRA
      Right ascension of the CCD center.

      units = CCDRAU

      default value = DETRA

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt CCDRADEC
      CCD coordinate system type.

      default value = DETRADEC

      index = none

    • CCDRAU

      public static final NOAOExt CCDRAU
      Right ascension unit.

      default value = DETRAU

      index = none

    • CCDSEC

      public static final NOAOExt CCDSEC
      The unbinned section of the logical CCD pixel raster covered by the amplifier readout in section notation. The section must map directly to the specified data section through the binning and CCD to image coordiante transformation. The image data section (DATASEC) is specified with the starting pixel less than the ending pixel. Thus the order of this section may be flipped depending on the coordinate transformation (which depends on how the CCD coordinate system is defined).

      default value = CCDSIZE

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt CCDSIZE
      The logical unbinned size of the CCD in section notation. Normally this would be the physical size of the CCD unless drift scanning is done. This is the full size even when subraster readouts are done.

      default value = DETSIZE

      index = none

    • CCDSUM

      public static final NOAOExt CCDSUM
      CCD on-chip summing given as two or four integer numbers. These define the summing of CCD pixels in the amplifier readout order. The first two numbers give the number of pixels summed in the serial and parallel directions respectively. If the first pixel read out consists of fewer unbinned pixels along either direction the next two numbers give the number of pixels summed for the first serial and parallel pixels. From this it is implicit how many pixels are summed for the last pixels given the size of the CCD section (CCDSEC). It is highly recommended that controllers read out all pixels with the same summing in which case the size of the CCD section will be the summing factors times the size of the data section.

      default value = '1 1'

      index = none

    • CCDSWV

      public static final NOAOExt CCDSWV
      CCD software version

      default value = DETSWV

      index = none

    • CCDTEM

      public static final NOAOExt CCDTEM
      CCD temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CCDTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt CCDTEMn
      CCD temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CCDVOL

      public static final NOAOExt CCDVOL
      CCD voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CCDVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt CCDVOLn
      CCD voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CD1_1

      public static final NOAOExt CD1_1
      Spectrum coordinate matrix. World coordinate axis 1 is defined to be the dispersion and the other axes are spatial. The matrix implies a dispersion axis in the image coordinates.

      units = CUNIT1/pixel CUN1%4d/pixel

      default value = 1. CD1_1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CD1_2

      public static final NOAOExt CD1_2
      Spectrum coordinate matrix. World coordinate axis 1 is defined to be the dispersion and the other axes are spatial. The matrix implies a dispersion axis in the image coordinates.

      units = CUNIT1/pixel CUN1%4d/pixel

      default value = 0. CD1_2

      index = none 1-9999

    • CD11nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CD11nnn
      Spectrum coordinate matrix. World coordinate axis 1 is defined to be the dispersion and the other axes are spatial. The matrix implies a dispersion axis in the image coordinates.

      units = CUNIT1/pixel CUN1%4d/pixel

      default value = 1. CD1_1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CD12nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CD12nnn
      Spectrum coordinate matrix. World coordinate axis 1 is defined to be the dispersion and the other axes are spatial. The matrix implies a dispersion axis in the image coordinates.

      units = CUNIT1/pixel CUN1%4d/pixel

      default value = 0. CD1_2

      index = none 1-9999

    • CD2_1

      public static final NOAOExt CD2_1
      Spectrum coordinate matrix. World coordinate axis 1 is defined to be the dispersion and the other axes are spatial. The matrix implies a dispersion axis in the image coordinates.

      units = CUNIT2/pixel CUN2%4d/pixel

      default value = 0. CD2_1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CD2_2

      public static final NOAOExt CD2_2
      Spectrum coordinate matrix. World coordinate axis 1 is defined to be the dispersion and the other axes are spatial. The matrix implies a dispersion axis in the image coordinates.

      units = CUNIT2/pixel CUN2%4d/pixel

      default value = 1. CD2_2

      index = none 1-9999

    • CD21nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CD21nnn
      Spectrum coordinate matrix. World coordinate axis 1 is defined to be the dispersion and the other axes are spatial. The matrix implies a dispersion axis in the image coordinates.

      units = CUNIT2/pixel CUN2%4d/pixel

      default value = 0. CD2_1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CD22nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CD22nnn
      Spectrum coordinate matrix. World coordinate axis 1 is defined to be the dispersion and the other axes are spatial. The matrix implies a dispersion axis in the image coordinates.

      units = CUNIT2/pixel CUN2%4d/pixel

      default value = 1. CD2_2

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt CHPANGLE
      Coordinate scale matrix for image world coordinates. This describes the scales and rotations of the coordinate axes.

      units = CUNIT2/pixel CUN2%4d/pixel

      default value = 1. CD2_2

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt CHPDIST

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt CHPFREQ

      default value = none

      index = none

    • CHPHWV

      public static final NOAOExt CHPHWV

      default value = none

      index = none

    • CHPMJD

      public static final NOAOExt CHPMJD
      Times for the chopping system sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR CHPMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • CHPMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt CHPMJDn
      Times for the chopping system sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR CHPMJD

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt CHPNCHOP

      default value = none

      index = none

    • CHPPAN

      public static final NOAOExt CHPPAN
      Chopping system position angle measurements in appropriate units. Note that CHPANGLE should be used for the chopping angle and these keywords are for other system position angle measurements.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CHPPANn

      public static final NOAOExt CHPPANn
      Chopping system position angle measurements in appropriate units. Note that CHPANGLE should be used for the chopping angle and these keywords are for other system position angle measurements.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CHPPOS

      public static final NOAOExt CHPPOS
      Chopping system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CHPPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt CHPPOSn
      Chopping system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CHPPRE

      public static final NOAOExt CHPPRE
      Chopping system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CHPPREn

      public static final NOAOExt CHPPREn
      Chopping system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt CHPSTAT

      default value = none

      index = none

    • CHPSWV

      public static final NOAOExt CHPSWV

      default value = none

      index = none

    • CHPTEM

      public static final NOAOExt CHPTEM
      Chopping system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CHPTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt CHPTEMn
      Chopping system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CHPVOL

      public static final NOAOExt CHPVOL
      Chopping system voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CHPVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt CHPVOLn
      Chopping system voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CMAX1

      public static final NOAOExt CMAX1
      Dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = CUNIT1 CUN1%4d

      default value = none CMAX1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CMAX2

      public static final NOAOExt CMAX2
      Cross-dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = CUNIT2 CUN2%4d

      default value = none CMAX2

      index = none 1-9999

    • CMIN1

      public static final NOAOExt CMIN1
      Dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = CUNIT1 CUN1%4d

      default value = none CMIN1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CMIN2

      public static final NOAOExt CMIN2
      Cross-dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = CUNIT2 CUN2%4d

      default value = none CMIN2

      index = none 1-9999

    • CMMTnnn

      public static final NOAOExt CMMTnnn
      Observer comments.

      default value = none

      index = 1-9999

    • CMN1nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CMN1nnn
      Dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = CUNIT1 CUN1%4d

      default value = none CMIN1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CMN2nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CMN2nnn
      Cross-dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = CUNIT2 CUN2%4d

      default value = none CMIN2

      index = none 1-9999

    • CMX1nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CMX1nnn
      Dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = CUNIT1 CUN1%4d

      default value = none CMAX1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CMX2nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CMX2nnn
      Cross-dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = CUNIT2 CUN2%4d

      default value = none CMAX2

      index = none 1-9999

    • CONHWV

      public static final NOAOExt CONHWV
      Controller hardware version.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt CONSTAT
      Controller status.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • CONSWV

      public static final NOAOExt CONSWV
      Controller software version.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt CONTROLR
      Detector controller name.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • CORRCT

      public static final NOAOExt CORRCT
      Correctors in the optical path.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • CORRCTn

      public static final NOAOExt CORRCTn
      Correctors in the optical path.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt CORRCTOR
      Correctors in the optical path.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt CROSUNIT
      Default cross dispersion unit.

      default value = 'arcsec'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt CROSVAL
      Default cross dispersion coordinate value.

      units = CROSUNIT

      default value = none

      index = none

    • CRP1nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CRP1nnn
      Reference spectrum pixel coordinate. Generally this should be the at the center of the spectrum. In raw data the spectrum position(s) may be predicted apart from an offset that will be determined during data reduction.

      units = 'pixel' 'pixel'

      default value = none CRPIX1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CRP2nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CRP2nnn
      Reference spectrum pixel coordinate. Generally this should be the at the center of the spectrum. In raw data the spectrum position(s) may be predicted apart from an offset that will be determined during data reduction.

      units = 'pixel' 'pixel'

      default value = none CRPIX2

      index = none 1-9999

    • CRPIX1

      public static final NOAOExt CRPIX1
      Reference spectrum pixel coordinate. Generally this should be the at the center of the spectrum. In raw data the spectrum position(s) may be predicted apart from an offset that will be determined during data reduction.

      units = 'pixel' 'pixel'

      default value = none CRPIX1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CRPIX2

      public static final NOAOExt CRPIX2
      Reference spectrum pixel coordinate. Generally this should be the at the center of the spectrum. In raw data the spectrum position(s) may be predicted apart from an offset that will be determined during data reduction.

      units = 'pixel' 'pixel'

      default value = none CRPIX2

      index = none 1-9999

    • CRV1nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CRV1nnn
      Spectrum reference dispersion coordinate corresponding to the spectrum reference pixel coordinate. Note that by definition WCS axis 1 is always the dispersion axis. The mapping of this WCS axis to the dispersion direction in the image is given by the coordinate transformation matrix keywords. In raw data the reference dispersion coordinate may be approximately predicted. This will be refined during data reductions.

      units = CUNIT1 CUN1%4d

      default value = none CRVAL1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CRV2nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CRV2nnn
      Spectrum reference dispersion coordinate corresponding to the spectrum reference pixel coordinate. Note that by definition WCS axis 1 is always the dispersion axis. The mapping of this WCS axis to the dispersion direction in the image is given by the coordinate transformation matrix keywords. In raw data the reference dispersion coordinate may be approximately predicted. This will be refined during data reductions.

      units = CUNIT1 CUN1%4d

      default value = 0. CRVAL1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CRVAL1

      public static final NOAOExt CRVAL1
      Spectrum reference dispersion coordinate corresponding to the spectrum reference pixel coordinate. Note that by definition WCS axis 1 is always the dispersion axis. The mapping of this WCS axis to the dispersion direction in the image is given by the coordinate transformation matrix keywords. In raw data the reference dispersion coordinate may be approximately predicted. This will be refined during data reductions.

      units = CUNIT1 CUN1%4d

      default value = none CRVAL1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CRVAL2

      public static final NOAOExt CRVAL2
      Reference right ascension coordinate corresponding to the image reference pixel coordinate. Note that by definition WCS axis 1 is always the right ascension axis. The mapping of this WCS axis to the right ascension direction in the image is given by the coordinate transformation matrix keywords. In raw data the reference right ascension coordinate may be only approximate. This will be refined during data reductions.

      units = CUNIT1 CUN1%4d

      default value = 0. CRVAL1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CTY1nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CTY1nnn
      Reference declination coordinate corresponding to the image reference pixel coordinate. Note that by definition WCS axis 1 is always the declination axis. The mapping of this WCS axis to the declination direction in the image is given by the coordinate transformation matrix keywords. In raw data the reference right ascension coordinate may be only approximate. This will be refined during data reductions.

      units = CUNIT2 CUN2%4d

      default value = 0. CRVAL2

      index = none 1-9999

    • CTY2nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CTY2nnn
      Coordinate type for image world coordinates. The IRAF WCS standards are used (which is generally the FITS standard).

      default value = 'LINEAR' CTYPE1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CTYP2nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CTYP2nnn
      Coordinate type for image world coordinates. The IRAF WCS standards are used (which is generally the FITS standard).

      default value = 'LINEAR' CTYPE2

      index = none 1-9999

    • CTYPE1

      public static final NOAOExt CTYPE1
      Spectrum dispersion coordinate type. These are the FITS defined types.

      default value = 'LINEAR' CTYPE1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CTYPE2

      public static final NOAOExt CTYPE2
      Coordinate type for image world coordinates. The IRAF WCS standards are used (which is generally the FITS standard).

      default value = 'LINEAR' CTYPE1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CUN1nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CUN1nnn
      Coordinate type for image world coordinates. The IRAF WCS standards are used (which is generally the FITS standard).

      default value = 'LINEAR' CTYPE2

      index = none 1-9999

    • CUN2nnn

      public static final NOAOExt CUN2nnn
      Coordinate reference unit for direct imaging world coordinates.

      default value = RAUNIT CUNIT1

      index = none 1-9999

    • CUNIT1

      public static final NOAOExt CUNIT1
      Coordinate reference unit for direct imaging world coordinates.

      default value = DECUNIT CUNIT2

      index = none 1-9999

    • CUNIT2

      public static final NOAOExt CUNIT2
      Coordinate reference unit for direct imaging world coordinates.

      default value = RAUNIT CUNIT1

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt DARKTIME
      Total dark time of the observation. This is the total time during which dark current is collected by the detector. If the times in the extension are different the primary HDU gives one of the extension times.

      units = UNITTIME

      default value = EXPTIME

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt DATASEC
      Mapping of the CCD section to image coordinates.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt DATEEND
      Date at the end of the exposure. The format follows the FITS standard.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt DATEHDR
      Date header creation. The format follows the FITS 'date' standard.

      default value = DATE-OBS

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt DATEOBS
      Default date for the observation. This keyword is generally not used and is DATE-OBS keyword for the start of the exposure on the detector is used.

      default value = DATE-OBS

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt DECPANGL
      Projected position angle of the positive declination axis on the detector. The position angle is measured clockwise from the image y axis.

      units = UNITPA

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt DECUNIT
      Default declination units.

      default value = UNITDEC

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt DETCONF
      Detector configuration.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • DETDEC

      public static final NOAOExt DETDEC
      Declination of the detector center.

      units = DETDECU

      default value = TELDEC

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt DETDECU
      Declination unit.

      default value = TELDECU

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt DETECTOR
      Detector name.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt DETEPOCH
      Epoch of the detector center coordinates.

      units = 'yr'

      default value = TELEPOCH

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt DETEQUIN
      Detector coordinate system equinox. A value before 1984 is Besselian otherwise it is Julian.

      units = 'yr'

      default value = TELEQUIN

      index = none

    • DETHWV

      public static final NOAOExt DETHWV
      Detector hardware version.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • DETMJD

      public static final NOAOExt DETMJD
      Times for the detector sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates. The MJDHDR keyword may be used for the time at which the image header is created or the MJD-OBS keyword may be used for the time of observation.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS DETMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • DETMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt DETMJDn
      Times for the detector sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates. The MJDHDR keyword may be used for the time at which the image header is created or the MJD-OBS keyword may be used for the time of observation.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS DETMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • DETPAN

      public static final NOAOExt DETPAN
      Detector position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DETPANn

      public static final NOAOExt DETPANn
      Detector position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DETPOS

      public static final NOAOExt DETPOS
      Detector linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DETPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt DETPOSn
      Detector linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DETPRE

      public static final NOAOExt DETPRE
      Detector pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DETPREn

      public static final NOAOExt DETPREn
      Detector pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DETRA

      public static final NOAOExt DETRA
      Right ascension of the detector center.

      units = DETRAU

      default value = TELRA

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt DETRADEC
      Detector coordinate system type.

      default value = TELRADEC

      index = none

    • DETRAU

      public static final NOAOExt DETRAU
      Right ascension unit.

      default value = TELRAU

      index = none

    • DETSEC

      public static final NOAOExt DETSEC
      Mapping of the CCD section to detector coordinates.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt DETSIZE
      The logical unbinned size of the detector in section notation. This is the full pixel raster size including, if applicable, drift scanning or a mosaic format. This is the full size even when subraster readouts are done.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt DETSTAT
      Detector status.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • DETSWV

      public static final NOAOExt DETSWV
      Detector software version. This will not generally be used and the controller software version will apply.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • DETTEM

      public static final NOAOExt DETTEM
      Detector temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DETTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt DETTEMn
      Detector temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DETVOL

      public static final NOAOExt DETVOL
      Detector voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DETVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt DETVOLn
      Detector voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DEWAR

      public static final NOAOExt DEWAR
      Dewar identification.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • DEWHWV

      public static final NOAOExt DEWHWV
      Dewar hardware version.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • DEWMJD

      public static final NOAOExt DEWMJD
      Times for the dewar sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates. The MJDHDR keyword may be used for the time at which the image header is created or the MJD-OBS keyword may be used for the time of observation.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS DEWMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • DEWMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt DEWMJDn
      Times for the dewar sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates. The MJDHDR keyword may be used for the time at which the image header is created or the MJD-OBS keyword may be used for the time of observation.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS DEWMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • DEWPAN

      public static final NOAOExt DEWPAN
      Dewar position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DEWPANn

      public static final NOAOExt DEWPANn
      Dewar position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DEWPOS

      public static final NOAOExt DEWPOS
      Dewar linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DEWPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt DEWPOSn
      Dewar linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DEWPRE

      public static final NOAOExt DEWPRE
      Dewar pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DEWPREn

      public static final NOAOExt DEWPREn
      Dewar pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt DEWSTAT
      Dewar status.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • DEWSWV

      public static final NOAOExt DEWSWV
      Dewar software version.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • DEWTEM

      public static final NOAOExt DEWTEM
      Dewar temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DEWTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt DEWTEMn
      Dewar temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DEWVOL

      public static final NOAOExt DEWVOL
      Dewar voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DEWVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt DEWVOLn
      Dewar voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DISMJD

      public static final NOAOExt DISMJD
      Times for the disperser sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS DISMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • DISMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt DISMJDn
      Times for the disperser sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS DISMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • DISPAN

      public static final NOAOExt DISPAN
      Disperser position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DISPANn

      public static final NOAOExt DISPANn
      Disperser position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt DISPAXIS
      The detector axis along which the dispersion is most closely aligned.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • DISPDW

      public static final NOAOExt DISPDW
      Approximate central dispersion/pixel on the detector.

      units = DISPUNIT

      default value = none

      index = none

    • DISPER

      public static final NOAOExt DISPER
      Disperser identification names.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DISPERn

      public static final NOAOExt DISPERn
      Disperser identification names.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DISPOS

      public static final NOAOExt DISPOS
      Disperser linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DISPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt DISPOSn
      Disperser linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DISPRE

      public static final NOAOExt DISPRE
      Disperser pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DISPREn

      public static final NOAOExt DISPREn
      Disperser pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt DISPUNIT
      Default dispersion coordinate unit.

      default value = 'Angstrom'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt DISPVAL
      Default dispersion coordinate value.

      units = DISPUNIT

      default value = none

      index = none

    • DISPWC

      public static final NOAOExt DISPWC
      Approximate central dispersion coordinate on the detector.

      units = DISPUNIT

      default value = none

      index = none

    • DISTEM

      public static final NOAOExt DISTEM
      Disperser temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DISTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt DISTEMn
      Disperser temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DISVOL

      public static final NOAOExt DISVOL
      Disperser voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DISVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt DISVOLn
      Disperser voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DMEDIR

      public static final NOAOExt DMEDIR
      Average wind direction measurements measured east of north over the sampling period inside the dome.

      units = UNITPA

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DMEDIRn

      public static final NOAOExt DMEDIRn
      Average wind direction measurements measured east of north over the sampling period inside the dome.

      units = UNITPA

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DMEGUS

      public static final NOAOExt DMEGUS
      Maximum wind speed over the sampling period inside the dome.

      units = UNITVEL

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DMEGUSn

      public static final NOAOExt DMEGUSn
      Maximum wind speed over the sampling period inside the dome.

      units = UNITVEL

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DMEMJD

      public static final NOAOExt DMEMJD
      Times for the dome environment measurements given as modified Julian. For the wind measurements this is the start of the sampling period.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR DMEMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • DMEMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt DMEMJDn
      Times for the dome environment measurements given as modified Julian. For the wind measurements this is the start of the sampling period.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR DMEMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • DMEPER

      public static final NOAOExt DMEPER
      Wind sampling period for the wind measurements inside the dome. If no value is given then the measurements are assumed to be 'instantaneous'.

      units = UNITTIME

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DMEPERn

      public static final NOAOExt DMEPERn
      Wind sampling period for the wind measurements inside the dome. If no value is given then the measurements are assumed to be 'instantaneous'.

      units = UNITTIME

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DMETEM

      public static final NOAOExt DMETEM
      Temperatures Celsius inside the dome.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DMETEMn

      public static final NOAOExt DMETEMn
      Temperatures Celsius inside the dome.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DMEWIN

      public static final NOAOExt DMEWIN
      Average wind speeds over the sampling period inside the dome.

      units = UNITVEL

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DMEWINn

      public static final NOAOExt DMEWINn
      Average wind speeds over the sampling period inside the dome.

      units = UNITVEL

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DOMMJD

      public static final NOAOExt DOMMJD
      Times for the dome sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR DOMMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • DOMMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt DOMMJDn
      Times for the dome sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR DOMMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • DOMPAN

      public static final NOAOExt DOMPAN
      Dome position angle sensor measurements. This should be in degrees east of north for the center of the dome slit.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DOMPANn

      public static final NOAOExt DOMPANn
      Dome position angle sensor measurements. This should be in degrees east of north for the center of the dome slit.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DOMPOS

      public static final NOAOExt DOMPOS
      Dome linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DOMPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt DOMPOSn
      Dome linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DOMPRE

      public static final NOAOExt DOMPRE
      Dome pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DOMPREn

      public static final NOAOExt DOMPREn
      Dome pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt DOMSTAT
      Dome status.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • DOMTEM

      public static final NOAOExt DOMTEM
      Dome temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DOMTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt DOMTEMn
      Dome temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DOMVOL

      public static final NOAOExt DOMVOL
      Dome voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DOMVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt DOMVOLn
      Dome voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • DTMn_n

      public static final NOAOExt DTMn_n
      Transformation matrix between CCD and detector coordinates. If missing the default is an identify matrix.

      default value = 0.(i!=j),1.(i=j)

      index = 1-9,1-9

    • DTVn

      public static final NOAOExt DTVn
      Transformation origin vector between CCD and detector coordinates.

      default value = 0.

      index = 1-9

    • ENVDIR

      public static final NOAOExt ENVDIR
      Average wind direction measurements measured east of north over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.

      units = UNITPA

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVDIRn

      public static final NOAOExt ENVDIRn
      Average wind direction measurements measured east of north over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.

      units = UNITPA

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVGUS

      public static final NOAOExt ENVGUS
      Maximum wind speed in km/s over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.

      units = UNITVEL

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVGUSn

      public static final NOAOExt ENVGUSn
      Maximum wind speed in km/s over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.

      units = UNITVEL

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVHUM

      public static final NOAOExt ENVHUM
      Relative humidity measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.

      units = '%'

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVHUMn

      public static final NOAOExt ENVHUMn
      Relative humidity measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.

      units = '%'

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVMJD

      public static final NOAOExt ENVMJD
      Times for the site environment measurements given as modified Julian. For the wind measurements this is the start of the sampling period.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR ENVMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt ENVMJDn
      Times for the site environment measurements given as modified Julian. For the wind measurements this is the start of the sampling period.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR ENVMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVPER

      public static final NOAOExt ENVPER
      Wind sampling period for the wind measurements outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords. If no value is given then the measurements are assumed to be 'instantaneous'.

      units = UNITTIME

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVPERn

      public static final NOAOExt ENVPERn
      Wind sampling period for the wind measurements outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords. If no value is given then the measurements are assumed to be 'instantaneous'.

      units = UNITTIME

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVPRE

      public static final NOAOExt ENVPRE
      Atmospheric pressure measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVPREn

      public static final NOAOExt ENVPREn
      Atmospheric pressure measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVTEM

      public static final NOAOExt ENVTEM
      Temperatures outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt ENVTEMn
      Temperatures outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVWAT

      public static final NOAOExt ENVWAT
      Precipitable water vapor measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.

      units = 'mm'

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVWATn

      public static final NOAOExt ENVWATn
      Precipitable water vapor measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.

      units = 'mm'

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVWIN

      public static final NOAOExt ENVWIN
      Average wind speeds over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.

      units = UNITVEL

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ENVWINn

      public static final NOAOExt ENVWINn
      Average wind speeds over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.

      units = UNITVEL

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • ERRORnnn

      public static final NOAOExt ERRORnnn
      Error information. The sequence numbers are used to order the information.

      default value = none

      index = 1-999

    • EXPREQ

      public static final NOAOExt EXPREQ
      Requested exposure time of the observation.

      units = UNITTIME

      default value = EXPTIME

      index = none

    • FIBER

      public static final NOAOExt FIBER
      Fiber identification for the fiber(s). The string consists of a fiber number, an object type number (0=sky, 1=object, etc.), the right ascension and declination, and the object name or title. This can replace OBJNAME, APRA/OBJRA, and APDEC/OBJDEC.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9999

    • FIBnnn

      public static final NOAOExt FIBnnn
      Fiber identification for the fiber(s). The string consists of a fiber number, an object type number (0=sky, 1=object, etc.), the right ascension and declination, and the object name or title. This can replace OBJNAME, APRA/OBJRA, and APDEC/OBJDEC.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9999

    • FILPOS

      public static final NOAOExt FILPOS
      Filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.

      units = 'instrumental'

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • FILPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt FILPOSn
      Filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.

      units = 'instrumental'

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • FILTYP

      public static final NOAOExt FILTYP
      Filter type. This is the technical specification or observatory identification name.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • FILTYPn

      public static final NOAOExt FILTYPn
      Filter type. This is the technical specification or observatory identification name.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt FOCNEXPO
      Number of focus exposures in a focus sequence.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt FOCSHIFT
      Pixel shift on the detector between exposures in a focus sequence.

      units = 'pixel'

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt FOCSTART
      Starting focus value in focus sequence.

      units = 'instrumental'

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt FOCSTEP
      Focus increment step in focus sequence.

      units = 'instrumental'

      default value = none

      index = none

    • GAIN

      public static final NOAOExt GAIN
      Amplifier gain in electrons per analog unit. This is the most current estimate of the gain.

      units = 'e/count'

      default value = none

      index = none

    • GTV

      public static final NOAOExt GTV
      Guider TV name.

      default value = TV

      index = none

    • GTVFIL

      public static final NOAOExt GTVFIL
      Guider TV filter names. This name is the astronomical standard name if applicable; i.e. U, B, Gunn I, etc. The filter type and filter device position are given by other keywords.

      default value = TVFILT GTVFIL

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVFILn

      public static final NOAOExt GTVFILn
      Guider TV filter names. This name is the astronomical standard name if applicable; i.e. U, B, Gunn I, etc. The filter type and filter device position are given by other keywords.

      default value = TVFILT GTVFIL

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVFPO

      public static final NOAOExt GTVFPO
      Guider TV filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.

      units = 'instrumental'

      default value = TVFPOS TVFPO%d

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVFPOn

      public static final NOAOExt GTVFPOn
      Guider TV filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.

      units = 'instrumental'

      default value = TVFPOS TVFPO%d

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVFTY

      public static final NOAOExt GTVFTY
      Guider TV filter type. This is the technical specification or observatory identification name.

      default value = TVFTYP TVFTYP%d

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVFTYn

      public static final NOAOExt GTVFTYn
      Guider TV filter type. This is the technical specification or observatory identification name.

      default value = TVFTYP TVFTYP%d

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVHWV

      public static final NOAOExt GTVHWV
      Guider TV identification and hardware version.

      default value = TVHWV

      index = none

    • GTVMJD

      public static final NOAOExt GTVMJD
      Times for the guider television sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = TVMJD%d none

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt GTVMJDn
      Times for the guider television sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = TVMJD%d none

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVPAN

      public static final NOAOExt GTVPAN
      Guider television position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = TVPAN TVPAN%d

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVPANn

      public static final NOAOExt GTVPANn
      Guider television position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = TVPAN TVPAN%d

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVPOS

      public static final NOAOExt GTVPOS
      Guider television linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = TVPOS TVPOS%d

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt GTVPOSn
      Guider television linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = TVPOS TVPOS%d

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVPRE

      public static final NOAOExt GTVPRE
      Guider television pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = TVPRE TVPRE%d

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVPREn

      public static final NOAOExt GTVPREn
      Guider television pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = TVPRE TVPRE%d

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt GTVSTAT
      Guider TV status.

      default value = TVSTAT

      index = none

    • GTVSWV

      public static final NOAOExt GTVSWV
      Guider TV software version.

      default value = TVSWV

      index = none

    • GTVTEM

      public static final NOAOExt GTVTEM
      Guider television temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = TVTEMP TVTEMP%d

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt GTVTEMn
      Guider television temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = TVTEMP TVTEMP%d

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVVOL

      public static final NOAOExt GTVVOL
      Guider television voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = TVVOL TVVOL%d

      index = none 1-999

    • GTVVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt GTVVOLn
      Guider television voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = TVVOL TVVOL%d

      index = none 1-999

    • GUIDEC

      public static final NOAOExt GUIDEC
      Guide object declination.

      units = GUIDECU

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt GUIDECU
      Declination unit.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt GUIDEHWV
      Guider identification and hardware version.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • GUIDER

      public static final NOAOExt GUIDER
      Guider name. Two of the names are 'manual' and 'none' for manual guiding or no guider, respectively.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt GUIDESWV
      Guider software version.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt GUIEPOCH
      Epoch of the guide object coordinates.

      default value = TELEPOCH

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt GUIEQUIN
      Guide object coordinate system equinox. A value before 1984 is Besselian otherwise it is Julian.

      default value = TELEQUIN

      index = none

    • GUIMJD

      public static final NOAOExt GUIMJD
      Times for the guider sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR GUIMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • GUIMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt GUIMJDn
      Times for the guider sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR GUIMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • GUIPAN

      public static final NOAOExt GUIPAN
      Guider position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • GUIPANn

      public static final NOAOExt GUIPANn
      Guider position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • GUIPOS

      public static final NOAOExt GUIPOS
      Guider linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units. This might be used for guide probe positions.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • GUIPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt GUIPOSn
      Guider linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units. This might be used for guide probe positions.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • GUIPRE

      public static final NOAOExt GUIPRE
      Guider pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • GUIPREn

      public static final NOAOExt GUIPREn
      Guider pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • GUIRA

      public static final NOAOExt GUIRA
      Guide object right ascension.

      units = GUIRAU

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt GUIRADEC
      Guide object coordinate system type.

      default value = TELRADEC

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt GUIRATE
      Guider correction rate.

      units = UNITFREQ

      default value = none

      index = none

    • GUIRAU

      public static final NOAOExt GUIRAU
      Right ascension unit.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt GUISTAT
      Guider status.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • GUITEM

      public static final NOAOExt GUITEM
      Guider temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • GUITEMn

      public static final NOAOExt GUITEMn
      Guider temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • GUIVOL

      public static final NOAOExt GUIVOL
      Guider voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • GUIVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt GUIVOLn
      Guider voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • HA

      public static final NOAOExt HA
      Hour angle at TELMJD.

      units = UNITRA

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt IMAGEHWV
      Image creation system hardware version.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt IMAGEID
      The image identification when there are multiple images within an observation. For detectors with CCDs this would be a unique number assigned to each amplifier in the detector.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt IMAGESWV
      Image creation system software version.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt INSFOCUS
      Instrument focus.

      units = 'instrumental'

      default value = none

      index = none

    • INSMJD

      public static final NOAOExt INSMJD
      Times for the instrument sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS INSMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • INSMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt INSMJDn
      Times for the instrument sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS INSMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • INSPAN

      public static final NOAOExt INSPAN
      Instrument position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • INSPANn

      public static final NOAOExt INSPANn
      Instrument position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • INSPOS

      public static final NOAOExt INSPOS
      Instrument linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • INSPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt INSPOSn
      Instrument linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • INSPRE

      public static final NOAOExt INSPRE
      Instrument pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • INSPREn

      public static final NOAOExt INSPREn
      Instrument pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt INSSTAT
      Instrument status.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt INSTCONF
      Instrument configuration.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • INSTEM

      public static final NOAOExt INSTEM
      Instrument temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • INSTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt INSTEMn
      Instrument temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt INSTHWV
      Instrument hardware version.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt INSTSWV
      Instrument software version. ------------------------------------------------------------------

      default value = none

      index = none

    • INSVOL

      public static final NOAOExt INSVOL
      Instrument voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • INSVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt INSVOLn
      Instrument voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • KWDICT

      public static final NOAOExt KWDICT
      The keyword dictionary defining the keywords. This dictionary should be archived with the data.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • LAMP

      public static final NOAOExt LAMP
      Calibration lamp name

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt LAMPTYPE
      Calibration lamp type.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • LMPMJD

      public static final NOAOExt LMPMJD
      Times for the lamp sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates. The MJDHDR keyword may be used for the time at which the image header is created or the MJD-OBS keyword may be used for the time of observation.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS LMPMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • LMPMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt LMPMJDn
      Times for the lamp sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates. The MJDHDR keyword may be used for the time at which the image header is created or the MJD-OBS keyword may be used for the time of observation.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS LMPMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • LMPPAN

      public static final NOAOExt LMPPAN
      Calibration lamp position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • LMPPANn

      public static final NOAOExt LMPPANn
      Calibration lamp position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • LMPPOS

      public static final NOAOExt LMPPOS
      Calibration lamp linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • LMPPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt LMPPOSn
      Calibration lamp linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • LMPPRE

      public static final NOAOExt LMPPRE
      Calibration lamp pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • LMPPREn

      public static final NOAOExt LMPPREn
      Calibration lamp pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • LMPTEM

      public static final NOAOExt LMPTEM
      Calibration lamp temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • LMPTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt LMPTEMn
      Calibration lamp temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • LMPVOL

      public static final NOAOExt LMPVOL
      Calibration lamp voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • LMPVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt LMPVOLn
      Calibration lamp voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • LST_OBS

      public static final NOAOExt LST_OBS
      Local siderial time at the start of the exposure.

      units = UNITHOUR

      default value = none

      index = none

    • LSTEND

      public static final NOAOExt LSTEND
      Local siderial time at the end of the exposure.

      units = UNITHOUR

      default value = none

      index = none

    • LSTHDR

      public static final NOAOExt LSTHDR
      Local siderial time of the header creation.

      units = UNITHOUR

      default value = LST-OBS

      index = none

    • LSTOBS

      public static final NOAOExt LSTOBS
      Default local siderial time for the observation. This keyword is generally not used and is LST-OBS keyword for the start of the exposure on the detector is used.

      units = UNITHOUR

      default value = LST-OBS

      index = none

    • LTMn_n

      public static final NOAOExt LTMn_n
      Transformation matrix between CCD and image coordinates. If missing the default is an identify matrix.

      default value = 0.(i!=j),1.(i=j)

      index = 1-9,1-9

    • LTVn

      public static final NOAOExt LTVn
      Transformation origin vector between CCD and image coordinates.

      default value = 0.

      index = 1-9


      public static final NOAOExt MAXNSCAN
      The maximum number of scanned (unbinned) lines used to form an output line. This is used with drift scanning or a scan table. For long drift scans this will be the number of lines in the CCD.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt MINNSCAN
      The minimum number of scanned (unbinned) lines used to form an output line. This is used with drift scanning or a scan table. This will only differ from MAXNSCAN if the initial lines in the output image are from the initial ramp-up.

      default value = MAXNSCAN

      index = none

    • MJDHDR

      public static final NOAOExt MJDHDR
      Modified Julian date when the image header was created by the software. The fractional part of the date is given to better than a second of time. Many header keywords may be sampled or computed at this time and this keyword is the default for these.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS

      index = none

    • MJDOBS

      public static final NOAOExt MJDOBS
      Default modified Julian date for the observation. The fractional part of the date is given to better than a second of time. This keyword is generally not used and is MJD-OBS keyword for the start of the exposure on the detector is used.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJD-OBS

      index = none

    • NAMPS

      public static final NOAOExt NAMPS
      The number of amplifiers in the detector. When there is only a single amplifier used it may be absent since the default value is 1.

      default value = 1

      index = none

    • NCCDS

      public static final NOAOExt NCCDS
      The number of CCDs in the detector. This is used with mosaics of CCD detectors. For a single CCD it may be absent since the default value is 1.

      default value = 1

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt NODANGLE

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt NODDIST

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt NODFREQ

      default value = none

      index = none

    • NODHWV

      public static final NOAOExt NODHWV

      default value = none

      index = none

    • NODMJD

      public static final NOAOExt NODMJD
      Times for the nodding system sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR NODMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • NODMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt NODMJDn
      Times for the nodding system sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR NODMJD

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt NODNCHOP

      default value = none

      index = none

    • NODPAN

      public static final NOAOExt NODPAN
      Nodding position angle measurements in appropriate units. Note that NODANGLE should be used for the nodding angle and these keywords are for other system position angle measurements.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • NODPANn

      public static final NOAOExt NODPANn
      Nodding position angle measurements in appropriate units. Note that NODANGLE should be used for the nodding angle and these keywords are for other system position angle measurements.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • NODPOS

      public static final NOAOExt NODPOS
      Nodding system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • NODPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt NODPOSn
      Nodding system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • NODPRE

      public static final NOAOExt NODPRE
      Nodding system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • NODPREn

      public static final NOAOExt NODPREn
      Nodding system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt NODSTAT

      default value = none

      index = none

    • NODSWV

      public static final NOAOExt NODSWV

      default value = none

      index = none

    • NODTEM

      public static final NOAOExt NODTEM
      Nodding system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • NODTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt NODTEMn
      Nodding system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • NODVOL

      public static final NOAOExt NODVOL
      Nodding system voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • NODVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt NODVOLn
      Nodding system voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt NSUBEXPS
      Number of coadded subexposures. When charge shuffling this gives the number of charge shuffled exposures.

      default value = 1

      index = none

    • OBJDEC

      public static final NOAOExt OBJDEC
      Declination of the target astronomical object(s).

      units = OBJDECU ODEU%d

      default value = DEC none

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt OBJDECU
      Declination unit.

      default value = DECUNIT OBJDECU

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt OBJEPOCH
      Epoch of the target astronomical object coordinate(s). This is given in years.

      units = 'yr'

      default value = EPOCH OBJEPOCH

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt OBJEQUIN
      Coordinate system equinox for the target astronomical object(s). A value before 1984 is Besselian otherwise it is Julian.

      units = 'yr'

      default value = EQUINOX OBJEQUIN

      index = none 1-9999

    • OBJnnn

      public static final NOAOExt OBJnnn
      Standard reference or catalog name for the target astronomical object(s). The name should follow IAU standards. These keywords differ from the OBJECT keyword which is used to identify the observation.

      default value = OBJECT OBJNAME

      index = none 1-9999

    • OBJRA

      public static final NOAOExt OBJRA
      Right ascension of the target astronomical object(s).

      units = OBJRAU ORAU%4d

      default value = RA none

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt OBJRADEC
      Coordinate system type for the target astronomical object(s).

      default value = RADECSYS OBJRADEC

      index = none 1-9999

    • OBJRAU

      public static final NOAOExt OBJRAU
      Right ascension unit.

      default value = RAUNIT OBJRAU

      index = none 1-9999

    • OBJTnnn

      public static final NOAOExt OBJTnnn
      Type of target astronomical object(s). This is taken from a dictionary of names yet to be defined. Some common types are 'galaxy', 'star', and 'sky'. If not particular object is targeted the type 'field' may be used.

      default value = none OBJTYPE

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt OBJTYPE
      Type of target astronomical object(s). This is taken from a dictionary of names yet to be defined. Some common types are 'galaxy', 'star', and 'sky'. If not particular object is targeted the type 'field' may be used.

      default value = none OBJTYPE

      index = none 1-9999

    • OBSDEC

      public static final NOAOExt OBSDEC
      Declination of the observation. This may be distinct from the object coordinates and the telescope coordinates. It may be used to indicate the requested observation coordinates.

      units = OBSDECU

      default value = DETDEC

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt OBSDECU
      Declination unit.

      default value = DETDECU

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt OBSEPOCH
      Epoch of the coordinates used in observation coordinates.

      units = 'yr'

      default value = TELEPOCH

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt OBSEQUIN
      Equinox of coordinates used in observation coordinates. A value before 1984 is Besselian otherwise it is Julian.

      units = 'yr'

      default value = TELEQUIN

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt OBSERVAT
      Observatory identification for the site of the observation.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • OBSID

      public static final NOAOExt OBSID
      The unique observatory observation identification. This serves to identify all data from the same observation.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • OBSRA

      public static final NOAOExt OBSRA
      Right ascension of the observation. This may be distinct from the object coordinates and the telescope coordinates. It may be used to indicate the requested observation coordinates.

      units = OBSRAU

      default value = DETRA

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt OBSRADEC
      Coordinate system used in observation coordinates.

      default value = TELRADEC

      index = none

    • OBSRAU

      public static final NOAOExt OBSRAU
      Right ascension unit.

      default value = DETRAU

      index = none

    • OBSRVRnn

      public static final NOAOExt OBSRVRnn
      Name(s) of the observers.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt OBSSTAT
      Status of the observation. -----------------------------------------------------------------

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt OBSTYPE
      The type of observation such as an astronomical exposure or a particular type of calibration exposure.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ODECnnn

      public static final NOAOExt ODECnnn
      Declination of the target astronomical object(s).

      units = OBJDECU ODEU%d

      default value = DEC none

      index = none 1-9999

    • ODEUnnn

      public static final NOAOExt ODEUnnn
      Declination unit.

      default value = DECUNIT OBJDECU

      index = none 1-9999

    • OEPOnnn

      public static final NOAOExt OEPOnnn
      Epoch of the target astronomical object coordinate(s). This is given in years.

      units = 'yr'

      default value = EPOCH OBJEPOCH

      index = none 1-9999

    • OEQUnnn

      public static final NOAOExt OEQUnnn
      Coordinate system equinox for the target astronomical object(s). A value before 1984 is Besselian otherwise it is Julian.

      units = 'yr'

      default value = EQUINOX OBJEQUIN

      index = none 1-9999

    • ORAnnn

      public static final NOAOExt ORAnnn
      Right ascension of the target astronomical object(s).

      units = OBJRAU ORAU%4d

      default value = RA none

      index = none 1-9999

    • ORAUnnn

      public static final NOAOExt ORAUnnn
      Right ascension unit.

      default value = RAUNIT OBJRAU

      index = none 1-9999

    • ORDSnnn

      public static final NOAOExt ORDSnnn
      Coordinate system type for the target astronomical object(s).

      default value = RADECSYS OBJRADEC

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt PHOTCAL
      Status of calibration to data proportional to photons. For CCD data this means bias section correction, zero level calibration, dark count calibration, and flat field calibration.

      default value = F

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt PHOTOMET
      Photometric conditions during the observation.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • PIPEHW

      public static final NOAOExt PIPEHW
      Processing hardware used.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-99

    • PIPEHWn

      public static final NOAOExt PIPEHWn
      Processing hardware used.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-99


      public static final NOAOExt PIPELINE
      Name of processing pipeline applied.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • PIPESW

      public static final NOAOExt PIPESW
      Processing software version.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-99

    • PIPESWn

      public static final NOAOExt PIPESWn
      Processing software version.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-99

    • PIXSCALn

      public static final NOAOExt PIXSCALn
      Projected pixel scale along axis n.

      units = UNITSEP/pixel

      default value = none

      index = 1-9

    • PIXSIZEn

      public static final NOAOExt PIXSIZEn
      Unbinned pixel size along each dimension given in appropriate units. The units should be indicated in the comment. The projected pixel size in arc seconds or wavelength are given by other parameters.

      units = 'um'

      default value = none

      index = 1-9

    • PMAX1

      public static final NOAOExt PMAX1
      Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = 'pixel' 'pixel'

      default value = none PMAX1

      index = none 1-9999

    • PMAX2

      public static final NOAOExt PMAX2
      Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = 'pixel' 'pixel'

      default value = none PMAX2

      index = none 1-9999

    • PMIN1

      public static final NOAOExt PMIN1
      Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = 'pixel' 'pixel'

      default value = none PMIN1

      index = none 1-9999

    • PMIN2

      public static final NOAOExt PMIN2
      Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = 'pixel' 'pixel'

      default value = none CMIN2

      index = none 1-9999

    • PMN1nnn

      public static final NOAOExt PMN1nnn
      Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = 'pixel' 'pixel'

      default value = none PMIN1

      index = none 1-9999

    • PMN2n

      public static final NOAOExt PMN2n
      Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = 'pixel' 'pixel'

      default value = none CMIN2

      index = none 1-9999

    • PMX1n

      public static final NOAOExt PMX1n
      Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = 'pixel' 'pixel'

      default value = none PMAX1

      index = none 1-9999

    • PMX2n

      public static final NOAOExt PMX2n
      Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.

      units = 'pixel' 'pixel'

      default value = none PMAX2

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt PREFLASH
      CCD preflash time. If the times in the extension are different the primary HDU gives one of the extension times.

      units = UNITTIME

      default value = 0.

      index = none

    • PROCnnn

      public static final NOAOExt PROCnnn
      Processing log information formatted as FITS comments.

      default value = none

      index = 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt PROCSTAT
      Processing status.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • PROPID

      public static final NOAOExt PROPID
      The unique observatory proposal identification.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt PROPOSAL
      The name or title of the proposal.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt PROPOSER
      Name(s) of the proposers.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9999

    • PROPSRnn

      public static final NOAOExt PROPSRnn
      Name(s) of the proposers.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt RADECEQ
      Default coordinate system equinox. A value before 1984 is Besselian otherwise it is Julian. If absent the default is J2000.

      units = 'yr'

      default value = 2000.

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt RAPANGL
      Projected position angle of the positive right ascension axis on the detector. The position angle is measured clockwise from the image y axis.

      units = UNITPA

      default value = none

      index = none

    • RAUNIT

      public static final NOAOExt RAUNIT
      Default right ascension units.

      default value = UNITRA

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt RDNOISE
      CCD readout noise in rms electrons. This is the most current estimate.

      units = 'e'

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt READTIME
      Amplifier unbinned pixel read time.

      units = 'ns'

      default value = none none

      index = none none

    • RECNO

      public static final NOAOExt RECNO
      Archive identification. This may be the same as the observation identification.

      default value = OBSID none

      index = none none

    • SEEING

      public static final NOAOExt SEEING
      Seeing estimates specified as the stellar full-width at half-maximum in arc seconds. There may be more than one estimate. The times of the estimates are given by the SEEMJDn keyword.

      units = UNITSEP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • SEEINGn

      public static final NOAOExt SEEINGn
      Seeing estimates specified as the stellar full-width at half-maximum in arc seconds. There may be more than one estimate. The times of the estimates are given by the SEEMJDn keyword.

      units = UNITSEP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • SEEMJD

      public static final NOAOExt SEEMJD
      Times for the seeing estimates given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR SEEMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • SEEMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt SEEMJDn
      Times for the seeing estimates given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR SEEMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • SEXP

      public static final NOAOExt SEXP
      Exposure time of the nth subexposure. If all subexposures are the same length then only the first keyword, SEXP, is needed. For charge shuffling the subexposure time is the total time for each charge shuffled exposure. There is no finer division of the exposure times. Comments would be used to describe the subexposures of each charge shuffled subexposure.

      units = UNITTIME

      default value = none SEXP

      index = none 1-9999

    • SEXPnnn

      public static final NOAOExt SEXPnnn
      Exposure time of the nth subexposure. If all subexposures are the same length then only the first keyword, SEXP, is needed. For charge shuffling the subexposure time is the total time for each charge shuffled exposure. There is no finer division of the exposure times. Comments would be used to describe the subexposures of each charge shuffled subexposure.

      units = UNITTIME

      default value = none SEXP

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt SHUTCLOS
      Time for the shutter to close fully.

      units = 'ms'

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt SHUTHWV
      Shutter identification and hardware version.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt SHUTOPEN
      Time for the shutter to open fully.

      units = 'ms'

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt SHUTSTAT
      Shutter status.

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt SHUTSWV
      Shutter software version.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • SLIT

      public static final NOAOExt SLIT
      Slit or mask hole identification for the aperture(s). The string consists of a number, an object type number (0=sky, 1=object, etc.), the right ascension and declination, and the object name or title. declination, and the object name or title. This can replace OBJNAME, APRA/OBJRA, and APDEC/OBJDEC.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9999

    • SLITnnn

      public static final NOAOExt SLITnnn
      Slit or mask hole identification for the aperture(s). The string consists of a number, an object type number (0=sky, 1=object, etc.), the right ascension and declination, and the object name or title. declination, and the object name or title. This can replace OBJNAME, APRA/OBJRA, and APDEC/OBJDEC.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt SPECFWHM
      FWHM of the object spectrum profile on the detector. The width is in the units of the spatial world coordinate system. This may be approximate. It is particularly useful for specifying the profile width of fiber fed spectra.

      units = CUNIT2 CUN2%4d

      default value = none SPECFWHM

      index = none 1-9999

    • SUT

      public static final NOAOExt SUT
      UTC of the start of each subexposure.

      units = UNITHOUR

      default value = none SUT

      index = none 1-9999

    • SUTn

      public static final NOAOExt SUTn
      UTC of the start of each subexposure.

      units = UNITHOUR

      default value = none SUT

      index = none 1-9999

    • SWIDnnn

      public static final NOAOExt SWIDnnn
      FWHM of the object spectrum profile on the detector. The width is in the units of the spatial world coordinate system. This may be approximate. It is particularly useful for specifying the profile width of fiber fed spectra.

      units = CUNIT2 CUN2%4d

      default value = none SPECFWHM

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt TELAAMJD
      Modified Julian date at the time of the altitude/azimuth keywords.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR

      index = none

    • TELALT

      public static final NOAOExt TELALT
      Telescope pointing altitude at the time given by TELAAMJD.

      units = UNITALT

      default value = none

      index = none

    • TELAZ

      public static final NOAOExt TELAZ
      Telescope pointing azimuth at the time given by TELAAMJD.

      units = UNITAZ

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt TELCONF
      Telescope configuration. The configuration defines the mirrors, correctors, light paths, etc.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • TELDEC

      public static final NOAOExt TELDEC
      Telescope pointing declination.

      units = TELDECU

      default value = DEC

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt TELDECU
      Declination unit.

      default value = DECUNIT

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt TELEPOCH
      Telescope pointing coordinate epoch.

      units = 'yr'

      default value = EPOCH

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt TELEQUIN
      Telescope pointing coordinate system equinox. A value before 1984 is Besselian otherwise it is Julian.

      units = 'yr'

      default value = EQUINOX

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt TELFOCUS
      Telescope focus value in available units.

      units = 'instrumental'

      default value = none

      index = none

    • TELMJD

      public static final NOAOExt TELMJD
      Time of zenith distance and hour angle

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR

      index = none

    • TELMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt TELMJDn
      Times for the telescope sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR TELMJD

      index = none 1-999

    • TELPAN

      public static final NOAOExt TELPAN
      Telescope position angle measurements in appropriate units. This could include altitude and azimuth measurements.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • TELPANn

      public static final NOAOExt TELPANn
      Telescope position angle measurements in appropriate units. This could include altitude and azimuth measurements.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • TELPOS

      public static final NOAOExt TELPOS
      Telescope linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • TELPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt TELPOSn
      Telescope linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • TELPRE

      public static final NOAOExt TELPRE
      Telescope pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • TELPREn

      public static final NOAOExt TELPREn
      Telescope pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • TELRA

      public static final NOAOExt TELRA
      Telescope pointing right ascension.

      units = TELRAU

      default value = RA

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt TELRADEC
      Telescope pointing coordinate system type.

      default value = RADECSYS

      index = none

    • TELRAU

      public static final NOAOExt TELRAU
      Right ascension unit.

      default value = RAUNIT

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt TELSTAT
      Telescope status.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • TELTCS

      public static final NOAOExt TELTCS
      Telescope control system software version.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • TELTEM

      public static final NOAOExt TELTEM
      Telescope temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius. The comment string may be modified to indicate the location of the measurement.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • TELTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt TELTEMn
      Telescope temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius. The comment string may be modified to indicate the location of the measurement.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt TELTKDEC
      Declination telescope tracking rate in arc seconds per second.

      units = UNITRATE

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt TELTKRA
      Right ascension telescope tracking rate from siderial in arc seconds per second.

      units = UNITRATE

      default value = none

      index = none

    • TELVER

      public static final NOAOExt TELVER
      Telescope hardware version.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • TELVOL

      public static final NOAOExt TELVOL
      Telescope voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999

    • TELVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt TELVOLn
      Telescope voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-999


      public static final NOAOExt TIMEEND
      Time of exposure end in the TSYSEND system.

      units = UNITHOUR

      default value = none

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt TIMEHDR
      Time of header creation.

      units = UNITHOUR

      default value = TIMESYS

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt TIMESYS
      Default time system. All times which do not have a "timesys" element associated with them in this dictionary default to this keyword. .

      default value = 'UTC'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt TRIMSEC
      Section of the recorded image to be kept after calibration processing. This is generally the part of the data section containing useful data. The section is in in binned pixels if binning is done.

      default value = DATASEC

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt TSYSEND
      Time system for the TIMEEND keyword.

      default value = TIMESYS

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt TSYSHDR
      Time system for the header creation keywords.

      default value = TIMESYS

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt TSYSOBS
      Time system for the TIME-OBS keyword.

      default value = TIMESYS

      index = none

    • TV

      public static final NOAOExt TV
      TV name.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9

    • TVFILTn

      public static final NOAOExt TVFILTn
      TV filter names. This name is the astronomical standard name if applicable; i.e. U, B, Gunn I, etc. The filter type and filter device position are given by other keywords.

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVFOCn

      public static final NOAOExt TVFOCn
      Television focus value in available units.

      units = 'instrumental'

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVFPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt TVFPOSn
      TV filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.

      units = 'instrumental'

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVFTYPn

      public static final NOAOExt TVFTYPn
      TV filter type. This is the technical specification or observatory identification name.

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVHWV

      public static final NOAOExt TVHWV
      TV identification and hardware version.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9

    • TVMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt TVMJDn
      Times for the guider television sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR TVMJD%d

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVn

      public static final NOAOExt TVn
      TV name.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9

    • TVnFILTn

      public static final NOAOExt TVnFILTn
      TV filter names. This name is the astronomical standard name if applicable; i.e. U, B, Gunn I, etc. The filter type and filter device position are given by other keywords.

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVnFOCn

      public static final NOAOExt TVnFOCn
      Television focus value in available units.

      units = 'instrumental'

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVnFPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt TVnFPOSn
      TV filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.

      units = 'instrumental'

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVnFTYPn

      public static final NOAOExt TVnFTYPn
      TV filter type. This is the technical specification or observatory identification name.

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVnHWV

      public static final NOAOExt TVnHWV
      TV identification and hardware version.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9

    • TVnMJDn

      public static final NOAOExt TVnMJDn
      Times for the guider television sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.

      units = 'd'

      default value = MJDHDR TVMJD%d

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVnPANn

      public static final NOAOExt TVnPANn
      Television position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVnPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt TVnPOSn
      Television linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVnPREn

      public static final NOAOExt TVnPREn
      Television pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVnSTAT

      public static final NOAOExt TVnSTAT
      TV status.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9

    • TVnSWV

      public static final NOAOExt TVnSWV
      TV software version.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9

    • TVnTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt TVnTEMn
      Television temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVnVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt TVnVOLn
      Television voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVPANn

      public static final NOAOExt TVPANn
      Television position angle measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVPOSn

      public static final NOAOExt TVPOSn
      Television linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVPREn

      public static final NOAOExt TVPREn
      Television pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.

      units = UNITPRES

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVSTAT

      public static final NOAOExt TVSTAT
      TV status.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9

    • TVSWV

      public static final NOAOExt TVSWV
      TV software version.

      default value = none none

      index = none 1-9

    • TVTEMn

      public static final NOAOExt TVTEMn
      Television temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.

      units = UNITTEMP

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9

    • TVVOLn

      public static final NOAOExt TVVOLn
      Television voltage sensor measurements in volts.

      units = UNITVOLT

      default value = none none

      index = 1-9 1-9,1-9


      public static final NOAOExt UNITALT
      Altitude unit.

      default value = UNITANG

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITANG
      Plane angle unit.

      default value = 'deg'

      index = none

    • UNITAP

      public static final NOAOExt UNITAP
      Focal plane aperture size unit.

      default value = 'arcsec'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITAREA
      Area unit.

      default value = 'pixel'

      index = none

    • UNITAZ

      public static final NOAOExt UNITAZ
      Azimuth unit.

      default value = UNITANG

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITCAP
      Capacitance unit.

      default value = 'F'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITCHAR
      Charge unit.

      default value = 'C'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITCOND
      Conductance unit.

      default value = 'S'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITCUR
      Current unit.

      default value = 'A'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITDEC
      Delination unit.

      default value = 'deg'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITENER
      Energy unit.

      default value = 'J'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITEVNT
      Event unit.

      default value = 'count'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITFLUX
      Flux unit.

      default value = 'Jy'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITFORC
      Force unit.

      default value = 'N'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITFREQ
      Frequency unit.

      default value = 'Hz'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITHOUR
      Time of day unit.

      default value = h

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITILLU
      Illuminance unit.

      default value = 'lux'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITINDU
      Inductance unit.

      default value = 'H'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITLAT
      Latitude unit.

      default value = UNITANG

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITLEN
      Length unit. A wavelength unit is also provided so this unit is primarily used to instrumental descriptions.

      default value = 'm'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITLFLX
      Luminous flux unit.

      default value = 'lm'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITLINT
      Luminous intensity unit.

      default value = 'cd'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITLONG
      Longitude unit.

      default value = UNITANG

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITMASS
      Mass unit.

      default value = 'kg'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITMDEN
      Magnetic density unit.

      default value = 'T'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITMFLD
      Magnetic field unit.

      default value = 'G'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITMFLX
      Magnetic flux unit.

      default value = 'Wb'

      index = none

    • UNITPA

      public static final NOAOExt UNITPA
      Position angle unit.

      default value = UNITANG

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITPOW
      Power unit.

      default value = 'W'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITPRES
      Pressure unit.

      default value = 'Pa'

      index = none

    • UNITRA

      public static final NOAOExt UNITRA
      Right ascension unit.

      default value = 'hr'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITRATE
      Celestial rate of motion.

      default value = arcsec/sec

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITRES
      Resistance unit.

      default value = 'Ohm'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITSANG
      Solid angle unit.

      default value = 'sr'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITSEP
      Celestial separation unit.

      default value = 'arcsec'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITTEMP
      Temperature unit.

      default value = 'K'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITTIME
      Time unit.

      default value = 's'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITVEL
      Velocity unit.

      default value = 'km/s'

      index = none


      public static final NOAOExt UNITVOLT
      Voltage unit.

      default value = 'V'

      index = none

    • UTC_OBS

      public static final NOAOExt UTC_OBS
      UTC time at the start of the exposure.

      units = UNITHOUR

      default value = none

      index = none

    • UTCEND

      public static final NOAOExt UTCEND
      UTC at the end of the exposure.

      units = UNITHOUR

      default value = none

      index = none

    • UTCHDR

      public static final NOAOExt UTCHDR
      UTC of header creation.

      units = UNITHOUR

      default value = UTC-OBS

      index = none

    • UTCOBS

      public static final NOAOExt UTCOBS
      Default UTC time for the observation. This keyword is generally not used and is UTC-OBS keyword for the start of the exposure on the detector is used.

      units = UNITHOUR

      default value = UTC-OBS

      index = none

    • WAT_nnn

      public static final NOAOExt WAT_nnn
      IRAF WCS attribute strings for all axes. These are defined by the IRAF WCS system.

      default value = none

      index = 1-999

    • WATn_nnn

      public static final NOAOExt WATn_nnn
      IRAF WCS attribute strings. These are defined by the IRAF WCS system.

      default value = none

      index = 1-9,1-999

    • WCSAnnn

      public static final NOAOExt WCSAnnn
      Descriptive string identifying the source of the astrometry used to derive the WCS. One example is the exposure used to derive a WCS apart from the reference coordinate.

      default value = none WCSASTRM

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt WCSASTRM
      Descriptive string identifying the source of the astrometry used to derive the WCS. One example is the exposure used to derive a WCS apart from the reference coordinate.

      default value = none WCSASTRM

      index = none 1-9999

    • WCSDIM

      public static final NOAOExt WCSDIM
      Dimensionality of the WCS physical system. In IRAF a WCS can have a higher dimensionality than the image.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • WCSEnnn

      public static final NOAOExt WCSEnnn
      Epoch of the coordinates used in the world coordinate system.

      units = 'yr' 'yr'

      default value = CCDEPOCH WCSEPOCH

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt WCSEPOCH
      Equinox when equatorial coordinates are used in the world coordinate system. A value before 1984 is Besselian otherwise it is Julian.

      units = 'yr' 'yr'

      default value = CCDEQUIN EQUINOX

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt WCSRADEC
      Coordinate system type when equatorial coordinates are used in the world coordinate system.

      default value = CCDRADEC WCSRADEC

      index = none 1-9999

    • WCSRnnn

      public static final NOAOExt WCSRnnn
      Coordinate system type when equatorial coordinates are used in the world coordinate system.

      default value = CCDRADEC WCSRADEC

      index = none 1-9999


      public static final NOAOExt WEATHER
      Weather condition description. Generally this would be either 'clear' or 'partly cloudy'.

      default value = none

      index = none

    • ZD

      public static final NOAOExt ZD
      Zenith distance of telescope pointing at TELMJD.

      units = UNITANG

      default value = none

      index = none

    • MJD_OBS

      public static final NOAOExt MJD_OBS
      Modified Julian date at the start of the exposure. The fractional part of the date is given to better than a second of time.

      units = 'd'

      default value = none

      index = none

  • Method Details

    • values

      public static NOAOExt[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static NOAOExt valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • impl

      public final FitsKey impl()
      Description copied from interface: IFitsHeader
      (primarily for internal use) Returns the concrete implementation of this header entry, which provides implementation of access methods.
      Specified by:
      impl in interface IFitsHeader
      the implementation of this keyword, which provides the actual access methods. Implementations of this interface should simply return themselves.