Enum SBFitsExt

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<SBFitsExt>, java.lang.constant.Constable, IFitsHeader

public enum SBFitsExt extends Enum<SBFitsExt> implements IFitsHeader

A Set of FITS Standard Extensions for Amateur Astronomical Processing Software Packages published by SBIG.

Please note that SBIG has published a FITS Standard SBIGFITSEXT that SBIG with CCDOps, Software Bisque with CCDSoft and Diffraction Limited with MaximDl all agreed to and implemented.

See https://diffractionlimited.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/sbfitsext_1r0.pdf

Richard van Nieuwenhoven.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader

    IFitsHeader.HDU, IFitsHeader.SOURCE, IFitsHeader.VALUE
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    Aperture Area of the Telescope used in square millimeters.
    Aperture Diameter of the Telescope used in millimeters.
    Upon initial display of this image use this ADU level for the Black level.
    Temperature of CCD when exposure taken.
    Altitude in degrees of the center of the image in degrees.
    Azimuth in degrees of the center of the image in degrees.
    Upon initial display of this image use this ADU level as the White level.
    Total dark time of the observation.
    Electronic gain in e-/ADU.
    Focal Length of the Telescope used in millimeters.
    This indicates the type of image and should be one of the following: Light Frame Dark Frame Bias Frame Flat Field.
    This is the Declination of the center of the image in degrees.
    This is the Right Ascension of the center of the image in hours, minutes and secon ds.
    Add this ADU count to each pixel value to get to a zero - based ADU.
    This string indicates the version of this standard that the image was created to ie ‘SBFITSEXT Version 1.0’.
    This is the setpoint of the cooling in degrees C.
    Latitude of the imaging location in degrees.
    Longitude of the imaging location in degrees.
    Number of images combined to make this image as in Track and Accumulate or Co - Added images.
    This indicates the name and version of the Software that initially created this file ie ‘SBIGs CCDOps Version 5.10’.
    This indicates the name and version of the Software that modified this file ie ‘SBIGs CCDOps Version 5.10’ and the re can be multiple copies of this keyword.
    If the image was auto-guided this is the exposure time in seconds of the tracker used to acquire this image.
    Binning factor in width.
    Sub frame X position of upper left pixel relative to whole frame in binned pixel units.
    Pixel width in microns (after binning).
    Binning factor in height.
    Sub frame Y position of upper left pixel relative to whole frame in binned pixel units.
    Pixel height in microns (after binning).
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from interface nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    final FitsKey
    (primarily for internal use) Returns the concrete implementation of this header entry, which provides implementation of access methods.
    static SBFitsExt
    Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
    static SBFitsExt[]
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    compareTo, describeConstable, equals, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader

    comment, extractIndices, hdu, key, n, status, valueType
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final SBFitsExt APTAREA
      Aperture Area of the Telescope used in square millimeters. Note that we are specifying the area as well as the diameter because we want to be able to correct for any central obstruction.
    • APTDIA

      public static final SBFitsExt APTDIA
      Aperture Diameter of the Telescope used in millimeters.
    • CBLACK

      public static final SBFitsExt CBLACK
      Upon initial display of this image use this ADU level for the Black level.
    • CCD_TEMP

      public static final SBFitsExt CCD_TEMP
      Temperature of CCD when exposure taken.

      public static final SBFitsExt CENTALT
      Altitude in degrees of the center of the image in degrees. Format is the same as the OBJCTDEC keyword.
    • CENTAZ

      public static final SBFitsExt CENTAZ
      Azimuth in degrees of the center of the image in degrees. Format is the same as the OBJCTDEC keyword.
    • CWHITE

      public static final SBFitsExt CWHITE
      Upon initial display of this image use this ADU level as the White level. For the SBIG method of displaying images using Background and Range the following conversions would be used: Background = CBLACK Range = CWHITE - CBLACK.

      public static final SBFitsExt DARKTIME
      Total dark time of the observation. This is the total time during which dark current is collected by the detector. If the times in the extension are different the primary HDU gives one of the extension times.

      units = UNITTIME

      default value = EXPTIME

      index = none

    • EGAIN

      public static final SBFitsExt EGAIN
      Electronic gain in e-/ADU.

      public static final SBFitsExt FOCALLEN
      Focal Length of the Telescope used in millimeters.

      public static final SBFitsExt IMAGETYP
      This indicates the type of image and should be one of the following: Light Frame Dark Frame Bias Frame Flat Field.

      public static final SBFitsExt OBJCTDEC
      This is the Declination of the center of the image in degrees. The format for this is ‘+25 12 34.111’ (SDD MM SS.SSS) using a space as the separator. For the sign, North is + and South is -.

      public static final SBFitsExt OBJCTRA
      This is the Right Ascension of the center of the image in hours, minutes and secon ds. The format for this is ’12 24 23.123’ (HH MM SS.SSS) using a space as the separator.

      public static final SBFitsExt PEDESTAL
      Add this ADU count to each pixel value to get to a zero - based ADU. For example in SBIG images we add 100 ADU to each pixel to stop underflow at Zero ADU from noise. We would set PEDESTAL to - 100 in this case.

      public static final SBFitsExt SBSTDVER
      This string indicates the version of this standard that the image was created to ie ‘SBFITSEXT Version 1.0’.
    • SET_TEMP

      public static final SBFitsExt SET_TEMP
      This is the setpoint of the cooling in degrees C. If it is not specified the setpoint is assumed to be the

      public static final SBFitsExt SITELAT
      Latitude of the imaging location in degrees. Format is the same as the OBJCTDEC key word.

      public static final SBFitsExt SITELONG
      Longitude of the imaging location in degrees. Format is the same as the OBJCTDEC keyword.

      public static final SBFitsExt SNAPSHOT
      Number of images combined to make this image as in Track and Accumulate or Co - Added images.

      public static final SBFitsExt SWCREATE
      This indicates the name and version of the Software that initially created this file ie ‘SBIGs CCDOps Version 5.10’.

      public static final SBFitsExt SWMODIFY
      This indicates the name and version of the Software that modified this file ie ‘SBIGs CCDOps Version 5.10’ and the re can be multiple copies of this keyword. Only add this keyword if you actually modified the image and we suggest placing this above the HISTORY keywords corresponding to the modifications made to the image.

      public static final SBFitsExt TRAKTIME
      If the image was auto-guided this is the exposure time in seconds of the tracker used to acquire this image. If this keyword is not present then the image was unguided or hand guided.

      public static final SBFitsExt XBINNING
      Binning factor in width.

      public static final SBFitsExt XORGSUBF
      Sub frame X position of upper left pixel relative to whole frame in binned pixel units.
    • XPIXSZ

      public static final SBFitsExt XPIXSZ
      Pixel width in microns (after binning).

      public static final SBFitsExt YBINNING
      Binning factor in height.

      public static final SBFitsExt YORGSUBF
      Sub frame Y position of upper left pixel relative to whole frame in binned pixel units.
    • YPIXSZ

      public static final SBFitsExt YPIXSZ
      Pixel height in microns (after binning).
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static SBFitsExt[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static SBFitsExt valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • impl

      public final FitsKey impl()
      Description copied from interface: IFitsHeader
      (primarily for internal use) Returns the concrete implementation of this header entry, which provides implementation of access methods.
      Specified by:
      impl in interface IFitsHeader
      the implementation of this keyword, which provides the actual access methods. Implementations of this interface should simply return themselves.