Package nom.tam.fits

Class TableHDU<T extends AbstractTableData>

Type Parameters:
T - the generic type of table data contained in this HDU instance.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AsciiTableHDU, BinaryTableHDU

public abstract class TableHDU<T extends AbstractTableData> extends BasicHDU<T>
Base class for binary and ASCII table implementations.
  • Method Details

    • getDefaultColumnName

      public static String getDefaultColumnName(int col)
      Returns the default name for a columns with the specified index, to use if no column name was explicitly defined
      col - The zero-based Java index of the column
      The default column name to use if no other name was defined.
      See Also:
    • addColumn

      public int addColumn(Object newCol) throws FitsException
      Add a column to the table without any associated header information.
      newCol - the new column information. the newCol should be an Object[] where type of all of the constituents is identical. The length of data should match the other columns. Note: It is valid for data to be a 2 or higher dimensionality primitive array. In this case the column index is the first (in Java speak) index of the array. E.g., if called with int[30][20][10], the number of rows in the table should be 30 and this column will have elements which are 2-d integer arrays with TDIM = (10,20).
      the number of columns in the adapted table
      FitsException - if the operation failed
    • addRow

      public int addRow(Object[] newRows) throws FitsException
      Add a row to the end of the table. If this is the first row, then this will add appropriate columns for each of the entries. The rows to add must be supplied as column based array of arrays.
      newRows - rows to add to the table
      the number of rows in the adapted table
      FitsException - if the operation failed
    • deleteColumnsIndexOne

      public void deleteColumnsIndexOne(int column, int len) throws FitsException
      It is not entirely foolproof for keeping the header in sync -- it is better to use TableData.deleteColumns(int, int) to edit tables before wrapping them in an HDU and editing the header as necessary to incorporate custom entries. May be removed from the API in the future.
      Delete a set of columns from a table.
      column - The one-indexed start column.
      len - The number of columns to delete.
      FitsException - if the operation failed
    • deleteColumnsIndexOne

      public void deleteColumnsIndexOne(int column, int len, String[] fields) throws FitsException
      It is not entirely foolproof for keeping the header in sync -- it is better to use TableData.deleteColumns(int, int) to edit tables before wrapping them in an HDU and editing the header as necessary to incorporate custom entries. May be removed from the API in the future.
      Delete a set of columns from a table.
      column - The one-indexed start column.
      len - The number of columns to delete.
      fields - Stems for the header fields to be removed for the table.
      FitsException - if the operation failed
    • deleteColumnsIndexZero

      public void deleteColumnsIndexZero(int column, int len) throws FitsException
      It is not entirely foolproof for keeping the header in sync -- it is better to use TableData.deleteColumns(int, int) to edit tables before wrapping them in an HDU and editing the header as necessary to incorporate custom entries. May be removed from the API in the future.
      Delete a set of columns from a table.
      column - The one-indexed start column.
      len - The number of columns to delete.
      FitsException - if the operation failed
    • deleteColumnsIndexZero

      public void deleteColumnsIndexZero(int column, int len, IFitsHeader[] fields) throws FitsException
      It is not entirely foolproof for keeping the header in sync -- it is better to use TableData.deleteColumns(int, int) to edit tables before wrapping them in an HDU and editing the header as necessary to incorporate custom entries. May be removed from the API in the future.
      Delete a set of columns from a table.
      column - The zero-indexed start column.
      len - The number of columns to delete.
      fields - Stems for the header fields to be removed for the table.
      FitsException - if the operation failed
    • deleteRows

      public void deleteRows(int row) throws FitsException
      It is not entirely foolproof for keeping the header in sync -- it is better to use TableData.deleteRows(int, int) to edit tables before wrapping them in an HDU and editing the header as necessary to incorporate custom entries. May be removed from the API in the future.
      Remove all rows from the table starting at some specific index from the table. Inspired by a routine by R. Mathar but re-implemented using the DataTable and changes to AsciiTable so that it can be done easily for both Binary and ASCII tables.
      row - the (0-based) index of the first row to be deleted.
      FitsException - if an error occurs.
    • deleteRows

      public void deleteRows(int firstRow, int nRow) throws FitsException
      It is not entirely foolproof for keeping the header in sync -- it is better to use TableData.deleteRows(int, int) to edit tables before wrapping them in an HDU and editing the header as necessary to incorporate custom entries. May be removed from the API in the future.
      Remove a number of adjacent rows from the table. This routine was inspired by code by R.Mathar but re-implemented using changes in the ColumnTable class abd AsciiTable so that we can do it for all FITS tables.
      firstRow - the (0-based) index of the first row to be deleted. This is zero-based indexing: 0<=firstrow< number of rows.
      nRow - the total number of rows to be deleted.
      FitsException - If an error occurs in the deletion.
    • findColumn

      public int findColumn(String colName)
      Find the 0-based column index corresponding to a particular column name.
      colName - the name of the column
      index of the column
    • getColumn

      public Object getColumn(int col) throws FitsException

      Returns the data for a particular column in as an array of elements. See TableData.addColumn(Object) for more information about the format of data elements in general.

      col - The 0-based column index.
      an array of primitives (for scalar columns), or else an Object[] array, or possibly null
      FitsException - if the table could not be accessed
      See Also:
    • getColumn

      public Object getColumn(String colName) throws FitsException

      Returns the data for a particular column in as an array of elements. See TableData.addColumn(Object) for more information about the format of data elements in general.

      colName - The name or ID of the column as stored by the TTYPEn FITS header keyword.
      an array of primitives (for scalar columns), or else an Object[] array, or possibly null
      FitsException - if the table could not be accessed
      See Also:
    • getColumnFormat

      public String getColumnFormat(int index) throws FitsException
      Get the FITS type of a column in the table.
      index - The 0-based index of the column.
      The FITS type.
      FitsException - if an invalid index was requested.
    • getColumnMeta

      public String getColumnMeta(int index, String type)
      Convenience method for getting column data. Note that this works only for metadata that returns a string value. This is equivalent to getStringValue(type+index);
      index - index of the colum
      type - the key type to get
      meta data string value
    • getColumnName

      public String getColumnName(int index)
      Gets the name of a column in the table, as it appears in this HDU's header. It may differ from a more currently assigned name of the binary table data column after the HDU creation or reading.
      index - The 0-based column index.
      The column name.
      See Also:
    • getColumns

      public Object[] getColumns() throws FitsException

      Returns the data for all columns in as an array. See TableData.addColumn(Object) for more information about the column format of each element in the returned array.

      An array containing the column data for all columns. Each entry in the returned array is itself an array of primitives (for scalar columns), or else an Object[] array, or possibly null.
      FitsException - if the table could not be accessed
      See Also:
    • getElement

      public Object getElement(int row, int col) throws FitsException
      Returns a specific element from this table
      row - the row index of the element
      col - the column index of the element
      a specific element of the table using 0-based indices.
      FitsException - if the operation failed
      See Also:
    • getNCols

      public int getNCols()
      Get the number of columns for this table
      The number of columns in the table.
    • getNRows

      public int getNRows()
      Get the number of rows for this table
      The number of rows in the table.
    • getRow

      public Object[] getRow(int row) throws FitsException
      Returns a specific row from this table
      row - the index of the row to retreive
      a specific row of the table.
      FitsException - if the operation failed
      See Also:
    • setColumn

      public void setColumn(int col, Object newCol) throws FitsException
      Update a column within a table. The new column should have the same format ast the column being replaced. See TableData.addColumn(Object) for more information about the column data format.
      col - index of the column to replace
      newCol - the replacement column
      FitsException - if the operation failed
      See Also:
    • setColumn

      public void setColumn(String colName, Object newCol) throws FitsException
      Update a column within a table. The new column should have the same format as the column being replaced. See TableData.addColumn(Object) for more information about the column data format.
      colName - name of the column to replace
      newCol - the replacement column
      FitsException - if the operation failed
      See Also:
    • setColumnMeta

      public void setColumnMeta(int index, IFitsHeader key, String value, String comment, boolean after) throws HeaderCardException
      Specify column metadata for a given column in a way that allows all of the column metadata for a given column to be organized together.
      index - The 0-based index of the column
      key - The column key. I.e., the keyword will be key+(index+1)
      value - The value to be placed in the header.
      comment - The comment for the header
      after - Should the header card be after the current column metadata block (true), or immediately before the TFORM card (false).
      HeaderCardException - if the header could not be updated
    • setColumnMeta

      public void setColumnMeta(int index, IFitsHeader key, Number value, String comment, boolean after) throws HeaderCardException
      Specify column metadata for a given column in a way that allows all of the column metadata for a given column to be organized together.
      index - The 0-based index of the column
      key - The column key. I.e., the keyword will be key+(index+1)
      value - The value to be placed in the header.
      comment - The comment for the header
      after - Should the header card be after the current column metadata block (true), or immediately before the TFORM card (false).
      HeaderCardException - if the header could not be updated
    • setColumnMeta

      public void setColumnMeta(int index, String key, Boolean value, String comment, boolean after) throws HeaderCardException
      Specify column metadata for a given column in a way that allows all of the column metadata for a given column to be organized together.
      index - The 0-based index of the column
      key - The column key. I.e., the keyword will be key+(index+1)
      value - The value to be placed in the header.
      comment - The comment for the header
      after - Should the header card be after the current column metadata block (true), or immediately before the TFORM card (false).
      HeaderCardException - if the header could not be updated
    • setColumnMeta

      public void setColumnMeta(int index, String key, Number value, String comment, boolean after) throws HeaderCardException
      Specify column metadata for a given column in a way that allows all of the column metadata for a given column to be organized together.
      index - The 0-based index of the column
      key - The column key. I.e., the keyword will be key+(index+1)
      value - The value to be placed in the header.
      comment - The comment for the header
      after - Should the header card be after the current column metadata block (true), or immediately before the TFORM card (false).
      HeaderCardException - if the header could not be updated
    • setColumnMeta

      public void setColumnMeta(int index, String key, Number value, int precision, String comment, boolean after) throws HeaderCardException
      Specify column metadata for a given column in a way that allows all of the column metadata for a given column to be organized together.
      index - The 0-based index of the column
      key - The column key. I.e., the keyword will be key+(index+1)
      value - The value to be placed in the header.
      precision - The maximum number of decimal places to show after the leading figure. (Trailing zeroes will be ommitted.)
      comment - The comment for the header
      after - Should the header card be after the current column metadata block (true), or immediately before the TFORM card (false).
      HeaderCardException - if the header could not be updated
    • setColumnMeta

      public void setColumnMeta(int index, String key, String value, String comment) throws HeaderCardException
      Specify column metadata for a given column in a way that allows all of the column metadata for a given column to be organized together.
      index - The 0-based index of the column
      key - The column key. I.e., the keyword will be key+(index+1)
      value - The value to be placed in the header.
      comment - The comment for the header
      HeaderCardException - if the header could not be updated
    • setColumnMeta

      @Deprecated public void setColumnMeta(int index, String key, String value, String comment, boolean after) throws HeaderCardException
      Specify column metadata for a given column in a way that allows all of the column metadata for a given column to be organized together.
      index - The 0-based index of the column
      key - The column key. I.e., the keyword will be key+(index+1)
      value - The value to be placed in the header.
      comment - The comment for the header
      after - Should the header card be after the current column metadata block (true), or immediately before the TFORM card (false). @throws FitsException if the operation failed
      HeaderCardException - if the header could not be updated
    • setColumnName

      public void setColumnName(int index, String name, String comment) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, HeaderCardException
      Sets the name / ID of a specific column in this table. Naming columns is generally a good idea so that people can figure out what sort of data actually appears in specific table columns.
      index - the column index
      name - the name or ID we want to assing to the column
      comment - Any additional comment we would like to store alongside in the FITS header. (The comment may be truncated or even ommitted, depending on space constraints in the FITS header.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the table has no column matching the index
      HeaderCardException - if there was a problem wil adding the associated descriptive FITS header keywords to this table's header.
      See Also:
    • setCurrentColumn

      public void setCurrentColumn(int col)
      (for internal use) Will be removed int the future (no longer used).
      Set the cursor in the header to point after the metadata for the specified column
      col - The 0-based index of the column
    • setCurrentColumn

      public void setCurrentColumn(int col, boolean after)
      (for internal use) Will have private access in the future.
      Set the cursor in the header to point either before the TFORMn value or after the column metadata
      col - The 0-based index of the column
      after - True if the cursor should be placed after the existing column metadata or false if the cursor is to be placed before the TFORM value. If no corresponding TFORM is found, the cursor will be placed at the end of current header.
    • setElement

      public void setElement(int row, int col, Object element) throws FitsException
      Update a single element within the table.
      row - the row index
      col - the column index
      element - the replacement element
      FitsException - if the operation failed
      See Also:
    • setRow

      public void setRow(int row, Object[] newRow) throws FitsException
      Update a row within a table.
      row - row index
      newRow - the replacement row
      FitsException - if the operation failed
      See Also: