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AbstractTableData - Class in nom.tam.fits
Serves no purpose really. It can be removed in the future, letting AsciiTable extend Data and implement TableData instead.
AbstractTableData() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.AbstractTableData
ACTFREQ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
ACTHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
ACTMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the active optics sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
ACTMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the active optics sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
ACTPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Active optics system position angle measurements in appropriate units.
ACTPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Active optics system position angle measurements in appropriate units.
ACTPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Active optics system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ACTPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Active optics system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ACTPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Active optics system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ACTPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Active optics system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ACTSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
ACTSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
ACTTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Active optics system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
ACTTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Active optics system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
ACTVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Active optics voltage sensor measurements in volts.
ACTVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Active optics voltage sensor measurements in volts.
ADAMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the adapter sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
ADAMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the adapter sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
ADAPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adapter position angle measurements in appropriate units.
ADAPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adapter position angle measurements in appropriate units.
ADAPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adapter linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ADAPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adapter linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ADAPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adapter pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ADAPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adapter pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ADAPSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
ADAPTER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
ADASTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
ADATEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adapter temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
ADATEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adapter temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
ADAVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adapter voltage sensor measurements in volts.
ADAVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adapter voltage sensor measurements in volts.
ADC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Atmospheric dispersion compensator hardware identification.
ADCMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the ADC sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
ADCMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the ADC sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
ADCPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
ADC position angle measurements in appropriate units.
ADCPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
ADC position angle measurements in appropriate units.
ADCPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
ADC linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ADCPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
ADC linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ADCPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
ADC pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ADCPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
ADC pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ADCSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
ADC status.
ADCSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Atmospheric dispersion compensator software identification.
ADCTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
ADC temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
ADCTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
ADC temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
ADCVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
ADC voltage sensor measurements in volts.
ADCVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
ADC voltage sensor measurements in volts.
add(KEY, VALUE) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.Cursor
Use Cursor.add(Object) instead
add(VALUE) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.Cursor
Add an unkeyed element to the collection.
add(VALUE) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
addAll(Collection<? extends VALUE>) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
addBitsColumn(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Adds a column of bits.
addColumn(Class<?>, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Adds a new column with the specified primitive base class and element count.
addColumn(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
addColumn(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTableHDU
addColumn(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Adds a new column with the specified data array, with some default mappings.
addColumn(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
addColumn(Object) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
Add a column to the table, without updating the header of an encompassing HDU.
addColumn(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Add a column to the table without any associated header information.
addColumn(Object, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Adds an ASCII table column with the specified ASCII text width for storing its elements.
addColumn(Object, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Adds a column in flattened 1D format, specifying the size of array 'elements'.
addColumn(BinaryTable.ColumnDesc) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Adds a new empty column to the table to the specification.
addComplexColumn(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Adds a column of complex values stored as the specified decimal type of components in the FITS.
addFlattenedColumn(Object, int...) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
(for internal use) No longer used, will be removed in the future
addHDU(BasicHDU<?>) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Add an HDU to the Fits object.
addHexValue(String, long, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Not supported by the FITS standard, so do not use. It was included due to a misreading of the standard itself. We will remove this method in the future.
addLine(HeaderCard) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Insert a new header card at the current position, deleting any prior occurence of the same card while maintaining the current position to point to after the newly inserted card.
addPadding(int) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsUtil
use FitsUtil.addPadding(long) instead. Calculates the amount of padding needed to complete the last FITS block at the specified current size.
addPadding(long) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsUtil
Calculates the amount of padding needed to complete the last FITS block at the specified current size.
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Beware that adding rows to ASCII tables may be very inefficient.
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Adds a row to the table.
addRow(Object[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
Add a row at the end of the table without updating the header of an encompassing HDU.
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Add a row to the end of the table.
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Add a row to the table.
addRowEntries(Object...) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
Like TableData.addRow(Object[]), but with a vararg list of row entries.
addStringColumn(String[]) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Adds a column of string values (one per row), optimized for storage size.
addValue(String, boolean, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Add information to the header.
addValue(String, double, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Add information to the header.
addValue(String, int, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Add information to the header.
addValue(String, Boolean, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add or replace a key with the given boolean value and comment.
addValue(String, Number, int, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add or replace a key with the given number value and comment, using up to the specified decimal places after the leading figure.
addValue(String, Number, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add or replace a key with the given number value and comment.
addValue(String, String, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Add information to the header.
addValue(String, String, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add or replace a key with the given string value and comment.
addValue(String, ComplexValue, int, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add or replace a key with the given complex number value and comment, using up to the specified decimal places after the leading figure.
addValue(String, ComplexValue, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add or replace a key with the given complex number value and comment.
addValue(IFitsHeader, boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Add information to the header.
addValue(IFitsHeader, double) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Add information to the header.
addValue(IFitsHeader, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Add information to the header.
addValue(IFitsHeader, Boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add or replace a key with the given boolean value and its standardized comment.
addValue(IFitsHeader, Number) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add or replace a key with the given double value and its standardized comment.
addValue(IFitsHeader, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Add information to the header.
addValue(IFitsHeader, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add or replace a key with the given string value and its standardized comment.
addValue(IFitsHeader, ComplexValue) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add or replace a key with the given complex value and its standardized comment.
addVariableSizeColumn(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Adds a new variable-length data column, populating it with the specified data object.
addWrappedColumn(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Adds a column as an array of scalars or regular 1D primitve array elements.
ADECnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination of the aperture(s).
ADEUnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination unit.
ADODEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Object declination for wavefront sensing.
ADODECU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination unit.
ADOEPOCH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Object coordinate epoch for wavefront sensing.
ADOEQUIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Object coordinate system equinox for wavefront sensing.
ADOFREQ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
ADOHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
ADOMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the adaptive optics sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
ADOMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the adaptive optics sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
ADOPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adaptive optics system position angle measurements in appropriate units.
ADOPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adaptive optics system position angle measurements in appropriate units.
ADOPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adaptive optics system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ADOPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adaptive optics system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ADOPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adaptive optics system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ADOPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adaptive optics system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
ADORA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Object right ascension for wavefront sensing.
ADORADEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Object coordinate system type for wavefront sensing.
ADORAU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension unit.
ADOSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
ADOSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
ADOTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adaptive optics system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
ADOTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adaptive optics system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
ADOTYPE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Type of object used for wavefront sensing.
ADOVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adaptive optics system voltage sensor measurements in volts.
ADOVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Adaptive optics system voltage sensor measurements in volts.
AEPOnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Epoch of the coordinates for the aperture(s).
AEQUnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate system equinox for the aperture(s).
AIRMASS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
ASCOM Observatory Conditions -- relative optical path length through atmosphere
AIRMASS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the air mass during the observation by a ground based telescope.
AIRMASSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The computed airmass(es) at the time(s) given by the AMMJDn keywords.
ALGO_GRA - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Detector sampling algorithm code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
ALGO_GRI - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Detector sampling algorithm code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
ALGO_LOG - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Logarithmically sampled algorithm code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
ALGO_TAB - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Irregular sampling algorithm code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
alt(char) - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Specifying an alternative coordinate system.
AMBTEMP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Ambient air temperature in degrees Celsius
AMBTEMP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Ambient temperature in degrees Celsius
AMMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the airmass calculation given as modified Julian dates.
AMMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the airmass calculation given as modified Julian dates.
AMPINTEG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Amplifier integration or sample time.
AMPMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the amplifier sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
AMPMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the amplifier sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
AMPNAME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Amplifier name.
AMPPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD amplifier position angle measurements in appropriate units.
AMPPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD amplifier position angle measurements in appropriate units.
AMPPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD amplifier linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
AMPPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD amplifier linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
AMPPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD amplifier pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
AMPPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD amplifier pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
AMPREAD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Amplifier unbinned pixel read time.
AMPSAMPL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD amplifier sampling method used.
AMPSEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Mapping of the CCD section to amplifier coordinates.
AMPSIZE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The logical unbinned size of the amplifier readout in section notation.
AMPTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD amplifier temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
AMPTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD amplifier temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
AMPVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD amplifier voltage sensor measurements in volts. }
AMPVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD amplifier voltage sensor measurements in volts. }
ANGLE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Synonym of CommonExt.OBJCTROT.
ANY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.HDU
keyword may be used in any HDU
ANY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.VALUE
The keyword may be used with any value type
AOCAMBT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
ASCOM Observatory Conditions -- ambient temperature in degrees Celsius
AOCBAROM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
ASCOM Observatory Conditions -- barometric pressure in hPa
AOCCLOUD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
ASCOM Observatory Conditions -- cloud coverage in percent
AOCDEW - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
ASCOM Observatory Conditions -- dew point in degrees Celsius
AOCFWHM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
ASCOM Observatory Conditions -- seeing FWHM in arcsec
AOCHUM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
ASCOM Observatory Conditions -- humidity in percent
AOCRAIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
ASCOM Observatory Conditions -- rain rate in mm/hour
AOCSKYBR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
ASCOM Observatory Conditions -- sky brightness in lux
AOCSKYQU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
ASCOM Observatory Conditions -- Sky quality in magnitudes / sq-arcsec
AOCSKYT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
ASCOM Observatory Conditions -- sky temperature in degrees Celsius
AOCWIND - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
ASCOM Observatory Conditions -- wind speed in m/s
AOCWINDD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
ASCOM Observatory Conditions -- wind direction in degrees [0:360]
AOCWINDG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
ASCOM Observatory Conditions -- wind gusts in m/s
APAUnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Aperture position angle unit.
APDEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination of the aperture(s).
APDECU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination unit.
APDInnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Aperture diameter of the aperture(s) for circular apertures and fibers.
APEPOCH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Epoch of the coordinates for the aperture(s).
APEQUIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate system equinox for the aperture(s).
APERDIA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Aperture diameter of the aperture(s) for circular apertures and fibers.
APERLEN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Aperture length of the aperture(s) for slit apertures.
APERnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Aperture identification.
APERPA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Aperture position angle of the aperture(s) on the sky.
APERTURE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.InstrumentDescription
The value field shall contain a character string which gives the name of the instrumental aperture though which the observation was made.
APERWID - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Aperture identification.
APLEnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Aperture length of the aperture(s) for slit apertures.
APPAnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Aperture position angle of the aperture(s) on the sky.
APPAUNIT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Aperture position angle unit.
append(String, FitsLineAppender) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.BlanksDotHierarchKeyFormatter
append(String, FitsLineAppender) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.IHierarchKeyFormatter
Appends the formatted HIERARCH keyword to the Fits line buffer.
append(String, FitsLineAppender) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.StandardIHierarchKeyFormatter
appendBuffer(B, B) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Appends data from one buffer to another.
appendTo(StringBuilder) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsSubString
append the current string representation to the StringBuffer.
appendToByteBuffer(ByteBuffer, B) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Appends data from one buffer to a byte buffer.
APPVEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Type approach vectors.
APRA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension of the aperture(s).
APRADEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Aperture coordinate system type for the aperture(s).
APRAU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension unit.
APTAREA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
APTAREA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Aperture Area of the Telescope used in square millimeters.
APTDIA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
APTDIA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Aperture Diameter of the Telescope used in millimeters.
APTYnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Aperture type.
APTYPE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Aperture type.
APUNIT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Units of aperture dimensions.
APUNnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Units of aperture dimensions.
APWInnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Aperture width of the aperture(s) for slit apertures.
ARAnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension of the aperture(s).
ARAUnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension unit.
ARCFILE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.ESOExt
Provides the name under which the file is stored in the archive
ARCHHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Archive hardware version.
ARCHID - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Archive identification.
ARCHIVE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The archive name in which the observation is archived.
ARCHSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Archive status of data.
ARCHSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Archive software version.
ARCONG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Arcon predicted gain.
ARCONGI - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Arcon gain index value.
ARCONRN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Arcon predicted RMS readout noise.
ARCONWD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Arcon waveform complilation date.
ARCONWM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Arcon waveform options enabled.
ARDSnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Aperture coordinate system type for the aperture(s).
arraycopy(Source, int, Destination, int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.array.MultiArrayCopyFactory
ArrayDataFile - Class in nom.tam.util
Efficient reading and writing of arrays to and from files, with custom encoding.
ArrayDataInput - Interface in nom.tam.util
Interface for reading array data from inputs.
ArrayDataOutput - Interface in nom.tam.util
Interface for writing array data to outputs.
arrayDescription(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
ArrayFuncs - Class in nom.tam.util
(for internal use) Varioys static functions for handling arrays.
ArrayInputStream - Class in nom.tam.util
Efficient reading of binary arrays from streams with custom binary encoding.
ArrayOutputStream - Class in nom.tam.util
Efficient writing of binary arrays to streams with custom binary encoding.
ArrayOutputStream(OutputStream, int, OutputEncoder) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ArrayOutputStream
Instantiates a new output stream for efficient array transactions.
asBinaryTableHDU() - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
Restores the original binary table HDU by decompressing the data contained in this compresed table HDU.
asBinaryTableHDU(int) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
Restores a section of the original binary table HDU by decompressing a single compressed table tile.
asBinaryTableHDU(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
Restores a section of the original binary table HDU by decompressing a selected range of compressed table tiles.
ASCDSVER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
ASC-DS processing system revision (release)
ASCII_TABLE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.HDU
keyword for ASCII tables only
AsciiFuncs - Class in nom.tam.util
(for internal use) Various static functios to handle ASCII sequences
asciiString(byte[]) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.AsciiFuncs
Convert to ASCII or return null if not compatible.
asciiString(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.AsciiFuncs
Convert to ASCII or return null if not compatible.
AsciiTable - Class in nom.tam.fits
ASCII table data.
AsciiTable() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Create an empty ASCII table
AsciiTable(Header) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
(for internal use) Visibility may be reduced to the package level in the future.
AsciiTable(Header, boolean) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Use AsciiTable.setI10PreferInt(boolean) instead prior to reading ASCII tables.
AsciiTableHDU - Class in nom.tam.fits
ASCII table header/data unit.
AsciiTableHDU(Header, AsciiTable) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTableHDU
(for internal use) Its visibility should be reduced to package level in the future.
asImageHDU() - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
Restores the original image HDU by decompressing the data contained in this compresed image HDU.
asTypedBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Returns a typed view of a byte buffer, suitable for transacting elements of this type directly.
ATMn_n - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Transformation matrix between CCD and amplifier coordinates.
ATVn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Transformation origin vector between CCD and amplifier coordinates.
AUTHOR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a character string identifying who compiled the information in the data associated with the key.
AUTO_PRECISION - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.FlexFormat
Constant to specify the precision (number of decimal places shown) should be the natural precision of the number type, or reduced at most to FlexFormat.DOUBLE_DECIMALS as necessary to fit in the alotted space.
autoPrecision() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardBuilder
Use the native precision for the given number type.
autoPrecision() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FlexFormat
Selects flexible precision formatting of floating point values.


BasicHDU<DataClass extends Data> - Class in nom.tam.fits
Abstract base class for all header-data unit (HDU) types.
BAYERPAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
if present the image has a valid Bayer color pattern.
BEPOCH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
[yr] Besselian epoch of observation
BIASnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Section of the recorded image containing overscan or prescan data.
BIASSEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Section of the recorded image containing overscan or prescan data.
BinaryTable - Class in nom.tam.fits
Table data for binary table HDUs.
BinaryTable() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Creates an empty binary table, which can be populated with columns / rows as desired.
BinaryTable(Object[]) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
The constructor is ambiguous, use BinaryTable.fromColumnMajor(Object[]) instead. One could call this method with any row-major Object[][] table by mistake.
BinaryTable(Object[][]) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
The constructor is ambiguous, use BinaryTable.fromRowMajor(Object[][]) instead. You can have a column-major array that has no scalar primitives which would also be an Object[][] and could be passed erroneously.
BinaryTable(Header) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
(for internal use) This constructor should only be called from a Fits object reading an input; visibility may be reduced to the package level in the future.
BinaryTable(ColumnTable<?>) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
DO NOT USE -- it will be removed in the future.
BinaryTable.ColumnDesc - Class in nom.tam.fits
Describes the data type and shape stored in a binary table column.
BinaryTableHDU - Class in nom.tam.fits
Binary table header/data unit.
BinaryTableHDU(Header, BinaryTable) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
(for internal use) Its visibility should be reduced to package level in the future.
BINTABLE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.HDU
keyword for binary tables
BIT_RATE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Telemetry data rate (baud).
bitPix() - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Returns the integer BITPIX value to set in FITS headers for image HDUs of this element type.
Bitpix - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
Standard BITPIX values and associated functions.
BITPIX - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain an integer.
BITPIX_BYTE - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
BITPIX_DOUBLE - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
BITPIX_FLOAT - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
BITPIX_INT - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
BITPIX_LONG - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
BITPIX_SHORT - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
BITS_OF_1_BYTE - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
number of bits in one byte.
BITS_OF_2_BYTES - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
number of bits in two byte.
BITS_OF_3_BYTES - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
number of bits in three byte.
BITS_OF_4_BYTES - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
number of bits in four byte.
BITS_OF_5_BYTES - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
number of bits in five byte.
BITS_OF_6_BYTES - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
number of bits in six byte.
BITS_OF_7_BYTES - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
number of bits in seven byte.
BLANK - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
This keyword shall be used only in primary array headers or IMAGE extension headers with positive values of BITPIX (i.e., in arrays with integer data).
BLANKS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
Columns 1-8 contain ASCII blanks.
BlanksDotHierarchKeyFormatter - Class in nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch
Non-standard HIERARCH keyword formatter that separates hierarchical keyword component by multiple while spaces. Otherwise, it is similar to StandardIHierarchKeyFormatter. Its use over the more standard formatter is discouraged.
BlanksDotHierarchKeyFormatter(int) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.BlanksDotHierarchKeyFormatter
Creates a HIERARCH keyword formatter instance with the desired number of blank spaces spearating components.
BLOCKED - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
no blocksize other that 2880 may be used.
BLOCKSIZE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
The blocksize parameter for the rise algorithm.
BOLTAMBT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Boltwood Cloud Sensor ambient temperature in degrees C.
BOLTCLOU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Boltwood Cloud Sensor cloud condition.
BOLTDAY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Boltwood Cloud Sensor daylight level (arbitrary units).
BOLTDEW - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Boltwood Cloud Sensor dewpoint in degrees C.
BOLTHUM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Boltwood Cloud Sensor humidity in percent.
BOLTRAIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Boltwood Cloud Sensor rain condition.
BOLTSKYT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Boltwood Cloud Sensor sky minus ambient temperature in degrees C.
BOLTWIND - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Boltwood Cloud Sensor wind speed in km/h.
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
The FITS representation of a boolean value in binary tables
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.PrimitiveTypes
booleanFor(int) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.FitsDecoder
Gets the boolean equivalent for a FITS byte value representing a logical value.
booleanObjectFor(int) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.FitsDecoder
Gets the boolean equivalent for a FITS byte value representing a logical value.
BPM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Description of bad pixels.
BSCALE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
This keyword shall be used, along with the BZERO keyword, when the array pixel values are not the true physical values, to transform the primary data array values to the true physical values they represent, using the equation: physical_value = BZERO + BSCALE * array_value.
BTIMCORR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Correction applied to Basic Time rate (s)
BTIMDRFT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Basic Time clock drift (s / VCDUcount2)
BTIMNULL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Basic Time offset (s)
BTIMRATE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Basic Time clock rate (s / VCDUcount)
bufferClass() - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Returns the class of buffer that can be used to serialize or deserialize elements of this type.
BufferDecoder - Class in nom.tam.util
Use FitsDecoder instead which provides a similar function but in a more consistent way and with a less misleading name. This is a rusty rail implementation for of an older abandoned class only, unsafe for general use. For reading non-FITS encoding you may also use InputDecoder as a base for implementing efficient custom decoding of binary inputs in general.
BufferDecoder(BufferPointer) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferDecoder
BufferedDataInputStream - Class in nom.tam.util
Use FitsInputStream instead which provides the same functionality with a less misleading name, or else use ArrayInputStream as a base for a more generic implementation for any (non-FITS) encoding.
BufferedDataInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedDataInputStream
Constructs a new buffered FITS input stream with the default buffer size.
BufferedDataInputStream(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedDataInputStream
Constructs a new buffered FITS input stream
BufferedDataOutputStream - Class in nom.tam.util
Use FitsOutputStream, which provides the exact same functionality but with a less misleading name, or else use ArrayOutputStream as a base for an implementation with any (non-FITS) encoding.
BufferedDataOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedDataOutputStream
Instantiates a new output stream for FITS data, using a default buffer size.
BufferedDataOutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedDataOutputStream
Instantiates a new output stream for FITS data.
BufferedFile - Class in nom.tam.util
Use FitsFile instead, which replaces the old BufferedFile with a less misleading name, or else ArrayDataFile, which provides a base for a more more generic implementation for efficient reading/writing arrays using any (non-FITS) encoding.
BufferedFile(File) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedFile
Constructs a buffered FITS file with the default buffer size and default access mode.
BufferedFile(File, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedFile
Constructs a buffered FITS file with the default buffer size.
BufferedFile(File, String, int) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedFile
Constructs a buffered FITS file
BufferedFile(String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedFile
Constructs a buffered FITS file with the default buffer size and default access mode
BufferedFile(String, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedFile
Constructs a buffered FITS file with the default buffer size
BufferedFile(String, String, int) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedFile
Constructs a buffered FITS file
BufferEncoder - Class in nom.tam.util
Use FitsEncoder instead which provides a similar function but in a more consistent way and with a less misleading name. This is a rusty rail implementation for of an older abandoned class only, unsafe for general use. For writing non-FITS encoding you may also use OutputEncoder as a base for implementing efficient custom encoding of binary outputs in general.
BufferEncoder(BufferPointer) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferEncoder
BufferPointer - Class in nom.tam.util
(for internal use) It is a rusty-rail compatibility implementation only, unsafe for general use. No longer used within the FITS package itself. If you do attempt to use it with the deprecated APIs, beware that no data will be filled into the buffer of this object ever by the library, although its length and position fields may be updated to pretend as if the buffer were always hall full / half available...
BufferPointer() - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferPointer
Rusty rail implementation only.
BufferPointer(byte[]) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferPointer
Rusty rail implementation only.
BUNIT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a character string, describing the physical units in which the quantities in the array, after application of BSCALE and BZERO, are expressed.
BYTE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
For FITS data stored as bytes
BYTE - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
The FITS representation of a single (signed) byte value in images and binary tables
BYTE - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.PrimitiveTypes
Use ElementType.BYTE instead
BYTE_1_OF_LONG_MASK - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
bit mask to get the lowest byte of a long.
BYTE_2_OF_LONG_MASK - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
bit mask to get the second lowest byte of a long.
BYTE_3_OF_LONG_MASK - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
bit mask to get the third lowest byte of a long.
BYTE_4_OF_LONG_MASK - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
bit mask to get the fourth lowest byte of a long.
BYTE_MASK - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
bit mask to get the lowest byte from an integer.
ByteArrayIO - Class in nom.tam.util
Reading from and writing to byte arrays with a stream-like interface (primarily for internal use) .
ByteArrayIO(byte[]) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ByteArrayIO
Instantiates a new byte array with an IO interface, with a fixed-size buffer using the specified array as its backing storage.
ByteArrayIO(int) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ByteArrayIO
Instantiates a new byte array with an IO interface, with a growable buffer initialized to the specific size.
byteArrayToStrings(byte[], int) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsUtil
(for internal use) No longer used internally, will be removed in the future.
ByteBufferInputStream - Class in nom.tam.util
Stream interface for reading from a ByteBuffer (primarily for internal use)
ByteBufferInputStream(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ByteBufferInputStream
Creates an new InpuStream, which reads from a ByteBuffer starting at the current buffer position.
ByteBufferOutputStream - Class in nom.tam.util
Stream interface for writing to a ByteBuffer (primarily for internal use)
ByteBufferOutputStream(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ByteBufferOutputStream
Creates an new OutpuStream, which writes a ByteBuffer starting at the current buffer position.
byteForBoolean(Boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.FitsEncoder
Returns the FITS byte value representing a logical value.
ByteFormatter - Class in nom.tam.util
This class should not be exposed in the public API and is intended for internal use only in ASCII tables. Also, it may have overlapping functionality with other classes, which should probably be eliminated for simplicity's sake (and thus less chance of nasty bugs).
ByteFormatter() - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
ByteParser - Class in nom.tam.util
This class should not be exposed in the public API and is intended for internal use only in ASCII tables. Also, it may have overlapping functionality with other classes, which should probably be eliminated for simplicity's sake (and thus less chance of nasty bugs).
ByteParser(byte[]) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
Construct a parser.
BYTEPIX - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
The number of 8-bit bytes in each original integer pixel value.
BYTES_IN_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
number of bytes occupied by a boolean.
BYTES_IN_BYTE - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
number of bytes occupied by a byte.
BYTES_IN_CHAR - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
number of bytes occupied by a char.
BYTES_IN_DOUBLE - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
number of bytes occupied by a double.
BYTES_IN_FLOAT - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
number of bytes occupied by a float.
BYTES_IN_INTEGER - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
number of bytes occupied by a integer.
BYTES_IN_LONG - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
number of bytes occupied by a long.
BYTES_IN_SHORT - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
number of bytes occupied by a short.
byteSize() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns the size of a data element, in bytes, for this BITPIX instance
BZERO - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
This keyword shall be used, along with the BSCALE keyword, when the array pixel values are not the true physical values, to transform the primary data array values to the true values using the equation: physical_value = BZERO + BSCALE * array_value.


calcChecksum() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Use BasicHDU.verifyIntegrity() instead when appropriate. It's not particularly useful since integrity checking does not use or require knowledge of this sum. May be removed from future releases.
calcChecksum() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Data
Computes and returns the FITS checksum for this data, for example to compare against the stored DATASUM in the FITS header (e.g. via BasicHDU.getStoredDatasum()).
calcChecksum(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Use BasicHDU.verifyIntegrity() instead when appropriate. It's not particularly useful since integrity checking does not use or require knowledge of this sum. May be removed from future releases.
calcDatasum(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Calculates the data checksum for a given HDU in the Fits.
CALSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
indicates calibration state of the image; B indicates bias corrected, D indicates dark corrected, F indicates flat corrected.
CALSTAT_BIAS_CORRECTED - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Value for MaxImDLExt.CALSTAT indicating a bias corrected calibration state.
CALSTAT_DARK_CORRECTED - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Value for MaxImDLExt.CALSTAT indicating a dark corrected calibration state.
CALSTAT_FLAT_CORRECTED - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Value for MaxImDLExt.CALSTAT indicating a flat corrected calibration state.
CAMCONF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera configuration.
CAMERA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera name.
CAMFOCUS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera focus.
CAMHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera hardware version.
CAMMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the instrument sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
CAMMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the instrument sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
CAMPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera position angle measurements in appropriate units.
CAMPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera position angle measurements in appropriate units.
CAMPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
CAMPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
CAMPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
CAMPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
CAMSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera status.
CAMSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera software version.
CAMTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
CAMTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
CAMVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera voltage sensor measurements in volts.
CAMVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Camera voltage sensor measurements in volts.
capacity() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteArrayIO
Returns the current capacity of this buffer, that is the total number of bytes that may be written into the current backing buffer.
card() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardBuilder
get the current build card of the builder.
card(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Returns a header card builder for filling the header cards using the builder pattern.
card(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
get a builder for filling the header cards using the builder pattern.
card(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardBuilder
switch focus to the card with the specified key.
cardRead() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardCountingArrayDataInput
(for internal use) Visibility will be reduced to the package level, or will be removed entirely.
cardSize() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Returns the number of 80-character header lines needed to store the data from this card.
CBLACK - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
CBLACK - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Upon initial display of this image use this ADU level for the Black level.
CCD_TEMP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
CCD_TEMP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Temperature of CCD when exposure taken.
CCDDEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination of the CCD center.
CCDDECU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination unit.
CCDEPOCH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Epoch of the CCD center coordinates.
CCDEQUIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD coordinate system equinox.
CCDHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD hardware version
CCDMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the CCD sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
CCDMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the CCD sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
CCDNAME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD identification.
CCDNAMPS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Number of amplifiers used to readout the CCD.
CCDPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD position angle measurements in appropriate units.
CCDPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD position angle measurements in appropriate units.
CCDPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
CCDPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
CCDPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
CCDPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
CCDPSIZE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The actual format size of the CCD.
CCDRA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension of the CCD center.
CCDRADEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD coordinate system type.
CCDRAU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension unit.
CCDSEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The unbinned section of the logical CCD pixel raster covered by the amplifier readout in section notation.
CCDSIZE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The logical unbinned size of the CCD in section notation.
CCDSUM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD on-chip summing given as two or four integer numbers.
CCDSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD software version
CCDTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
CCDTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
CCDVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD voltage sensor measurements in volts.
CCDVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD voltage sensor measurements in volts.
CCDXBIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
X axis binning factor.
CCDYBIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Y axis binning factor.
CD1_1 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Spectrum coordinate matrix.
CD1_2 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Spectrum coordinate matrix.
CD11nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Spectrum coordinate matrix.
CD12nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Spectrum coordinate matrix.
CD2_1 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Spectrum coordinate matrix.
CD2_2 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Spectrum coordinate matrix.
CD21nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Spectrum coordinate matrix.
CD22nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Spectrum coordinate matrix.
CDELTn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the partial derivative of the coordinate specified by the CTYPEn keywords with respect to the pixel index, evaluated at the reference point CRPIXn, in units of the coordinate specified by the CTYPEn keyword.
CDELTna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the partial derivative of the coordinate specified by the CTYPEn keywords with respect to the pixel index, evaluated at the reference point CRPIXn, in units of the coordinate specified by the CTYPEn keyword.
CENTALT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
CENTALT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Altitude of the center of the image in +DDD MM SS.SSS format.
CENTAZ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
CENTAZ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Azimuth of the center of the image in +DDD MM SS.SSS format.
changeKey(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Updates the keyword for this card.
CHAR - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
The FITS representation of a Java char value in binary tables
CHAR - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.PrimitiveTypes
Use ElementType.CHAR instead
charAt(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsSubString
get the character at the specified position.
checkRegularArray(Object, boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Checks that an array has a regular structure, with a consistent shape and element types, and returns the regular array size or else throws an exeption.
checksum(byte[]) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
checksum(byte[]) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
Computes the checksum for a byte array.
checksum(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
Computes the checksum for a segment of a byte array.
checksum(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
Computes the checksum from a buffer.
checksum(BasicHDU<?>) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
Use BasicHDU.verifyIntegrity() instead to verify checksums.
checksum(Data) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
checksum(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
checksum(RandomAccess, long, long) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
Computes the checksum directly from a region of a random access file, by buffering moderately sized chunks from the file as necessary.
Checksum - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
File checksum keywords.
CHECKSUM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Checksum
The value field of the CHECKSUM keyword shall contain a 16 character string, left justified starting in column 12, containing the ASCII encoded complement of the checksum of the FITS HDU (Header and Data Unit).
CHECKSUM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
Checksum keywords.
checksumEnc(long, boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
CHECKVER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Checksum
The value field of the CHECKVER keyword shall contain a string, unique in the first 8 characters, which distinguishes between any future alternative checksum algorithms which may be defined.
CHPANGLE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate scale matrix for image world coordinates.
CHPDIST - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
CHPFREQ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
CHPHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
CHPMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the chopping system sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
CHPMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the chopping system sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
CHPNCHOP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
CHPPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Chopping system position angle measurements in appropriate units.
CHPPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Chopping system position angle measurements in appropriate units.
CHPPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Chopping system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
CHPPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Chopping system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
CHPPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Chopping system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
CHPPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Chopping system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
CHPSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
CHPSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
CHPTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Chopping system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
CHPTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Chopping system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
CHPVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Chopping system voltage sensor measurements in volts.
CHPVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Chopping system voltage sensor measurements in volts.
CIRCULAR_CROSS_POLARIZATION - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
Bitwise flag for dual-input circular cross polarization Stokes parameters (RR, LL, RL, LR)
clear() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Clears the table, discarding all columns.
clear() - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
CLOCKAPP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
CLOCKAPP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCStclSharedExt
CLOCKAPP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Whether clock correction applied (boolean).
clone() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
close() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
close() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
close() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
close() - Method in class nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileChannel
close(Closeable) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.SafeClose
Attmpts to an IO resources catching any IOException that might result.
CLOUDCVR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Cloud cover as percentage
CLOUDCVR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Cloud cover percentage
CMAX1 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
CMAX2 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Cross-dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
CMIN1 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
CMIN2 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Cross-dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
CMMTnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Observer comments.
CMN1nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
CMN2nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Cross-dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
CMX1nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
CMX2nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Cross-dispersion limit for the region occupied by the spectrum.
CNAMEn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Override Standard.CTYPEn image coordinate axis name
CNAMEna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Coordinate axis name.
COLNAME_FLAGS - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Data quality (binary) flags, with zero indicating no anthologies
COLNAME_FLUX - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Could also be called "FLUX_DENSITY" or something similar, depending upon the quantity stored.
COLNAME_VARIANCE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Variance in the flux(es) at the associated wavelength(s)
COLNAME_WAVELENGTH - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Wavelength(s) for the associated flux(es), in units of the TUNIT keyword for this column.
COLORTYP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
type of color sensor Bayer array or zero for monochrome.
ColumnDesc(Class<?>, int...) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Creates a new column descriptor for the specified boxed Java type, and fixed array shape.
ColumnTable<T> - Class in nom.tam.util
Table data that is stored (internally) in column major format.
ColumnTable() - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Creates an empty column table.
ColumnTable(Object[], int[]) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Create the object after checking consistency.
comment() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.FitsKey
comment() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader
Returns the comment associated to this FITS header entry.
comment() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
comment(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardBuilder
set the comment of the current card.
COMMENT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
This keyword shall have no associated value; columns 9-80 may contain any ASCII text.
CommonExt - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header.extra
A Set of commonly used keywords in the amateur astronomy community.
compact() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Discard the information about the original heap size (if this table was read from an input), and instead use the real size of the actual heap (plus reserved space around it) when writing to an output.
compareTo(FitsDate) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsDate
COMPLEX - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.VALUE
keyword expects a complex value
complexToDecimals(Object, Class<?>) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Converts complex value(s) count to float[2] or double[2] or arrays thereof, which maintain the shape of the original input array (if applicable).
ComplexValue - Class in nom.tam.util
A no-frills complex value, for representing complex numbers in FITS headers.
ComplexValue(double, double) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue
Instantiates a new complex number value with the specified real and imaginary components.
ComplexValue(String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue
Instantiates a new complex number value from the string repressentation of it in a FITS header value.
ComplexValue.Float - Class in nom.tam.util
Single-precision complex values.
compress() - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
Performs the actual compression with the selected algorithm(s) and options.
compress() - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
Performs the actual compression with the selected algorithm(s) and options.
compress(Header) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableData
(for internal use) This should only be called by CompressedTableHDU, and should have reduced visibility accordingly.
COMPRESSED_DATA_COLUMN - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
Each row of this variable-length column contains the byte st ream that is generated as a result of compressing the corresponding image tile.
CompressedImageData - Class in nom.tam.image.compression.hdu
FITS representation of a compressed image.
CompressedImageHDU - Class in nom.tam.image.compression.hdu
A header-data unit (HDU) containing a compressed image.
CompressedImageHDU(Header, CompressedImageData) - Constructor for class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
Creates an new compressed image HDU with the specified header and compressed data.
CompressedImageTiler - Class in nom.tam.image.compression
Class to extract individually compressed tiles from a compressed image.
CompressedImageTiler(CompressedImageHDU) - Constructor for class nom.tam.image.compression.CompressedImageTiler
Only constructor.
CompressedTableData - Class in nom.tam.image.compression.hdu
FITS representation of a compressed binary table.
CompressedTableData() - Constructor for class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableData
Creates a new empty compressed table data to be initialized at a later point
CompressedTableData(Header) - Constructor for class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableData
Creates a new compressed table data based on the prescription of the supplied header.
CompressedTableHDU - Class in nom.tam.image.compression.hdu
A header-data unit (HDU) containing a compressed binary table.
CompressedTableHDU(Header, CompressedTableData) - Constructor for class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
Creates an new compressed table HDU with the specified header and compressed data.
Compression - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
The following keywords are defined by the compression convention for use in the header of the FITS binary table extension to describe the structure of the compressed image.
computeLSize(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
computeSize(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
computeSize(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.FitsEncoder
Returns the size of this object as the number of bytes in a FITS binary representation.
CONFIGUR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
The value field shall contain a character string that uniquely defines the configuration state, or version, of the the software processing system that generated the data contained in the HDU.
CONHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Controller hardware version.
CONSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Controller status.
CONSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Controller software version.
contains(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
containsHeap() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Checks if this table contains a heap for storing variable length arrays (VLAs).
containsKey(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
Checks if the list contains an entry for the given keyword.
containsKey(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Tests if the specified keyword is present in this table.
containsKey(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Tests if the specified keyword is present in this table.
CONTENT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Data product identification
context(Class<?>) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
(for internal use) Using HeaderCard.setComment(String) after creating a header card with this keyword provides a more transparent way of setting context-specific comments. This convoluted approach is no longer supported and will be removed in the future.
CONTINUE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.NonStandard
The CONTINUE key is now part of the FITS 4.0 standard, so use Standard.CONTINUE instead.
CONTINUE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The CONTINUE keyword, when followed by spaces in columns 9 and 10 of the card image and a character string enclosed in single quotes starting in column 11 or higher, indicates that the quoted string should be treated as a continuation of the character string value in the previous key keyword.
CONTROLR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector controller name.
CONVERS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
The format of the CONVERS keyword is 'i.j.k'. if missing, the default value will be '1.0.0'
convertArray(Object, Class<?>) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Converts a numerical array to a specified element type.
convertArray(Object, Class<?>, boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Converts a numerical array to a specified element type, returning the original if type conversion is not needed.
convertArray(Object, Class<?>, Quantizer) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Converts a numerical array to a specified element type, returning the original if type conversion is not needed.
convertTo(Class<?>) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
Converts this image HDU to another image HDU of a different type, possibly using a qunatizer for the integer-decimal conversion of the data elements.
convertToBits(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Converts a column from FITS logical values to bits.
convertToBits(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
Converts a column from FITS logical values to bits.
convertToByteBuffer(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Serializes a 1D Java array containing Java native elements into a buffer using the appropriate FITS representation
copy() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Returns an independent copy of the binary table.
copy() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.api.ICompressOption
Returns an independent copy of this option.
copy() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorOption
copy() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
copy() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceCompressOption
copy() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Returns an independent copy of this card.
copy() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteArrayIO
Returns a copy of this byte array with an IO interface, including a deep copy of the buffered data.
copy() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Returns a deep copy of this column table, such that modification to either the original or the copy will not affect the other.
copy(Object, int, Object, int, int, int) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Perform an array copy with an API similar to System.arraycopy(), specifying the number of values to jump to the next read.
COPY_BLOCK_SIZE - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
(for internal use) It's visibility may be reduced to the package level in the future.
copyArray(Object, Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
(for internal use)
copyInto(Object, Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Copy an array into an array of a different type.
copyInto(Source, Destination) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.array.MultiArrayCopier
Copies the contents of one array into another.
CORRCT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Correctors in the optical path.
CORRCTn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Correctors in the optical path.
CORRCTOR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Correctors in the optical path.
countElements(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
CPERIna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Phase axis period
CPREF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
List of 'preferred cols' for making image from table
CRDERna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Random coordinate error on axis n in the physical coordinate unit (if defined).
create(String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.header.GenericKey
create(String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new FITS header card from a FITS stream representation of it, which is how the key/value and comment are represented inside the FITS file, normally as an 80-character wide entry.
create(String[]) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.header.GenericKey
(for internal use) Creates a array of generic FITS header keys. The resulting keys have no HDU assignment or value type restrictions, not default comments. As such they may be used for accessing existing keys by the specified names, more so than for adding new values.
create(IFitsHeader, Boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new card with a standard or conventional keyword and a boolean value, with the default comment associated with the keyword.
create(IFitsHeader, Number) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new card with a standard or conventional keyword and a number value, with the default comment associated with the keyword.
create(IFitsHeader, String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new card with a standard or conventional keyword and an integer value, with the default comment associated with the keyword.
create(IFitsHeader, ComplexValue) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new card with a standard or conventional keyword and a number value, with the default comment associated with the keyword.
createColumnDataFor(BinaryTable) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
(for internal use) It may become a private method in the future.
createCommentCard(String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new keyed comment card for th FITS header.
createCommentStyleCard(String, String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a comment-style card with no associated value field.
createForDelimitedStringArrays(byte) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Creates a new column descriptor for variable-length arrays of delimited string entries.
createForFixedArrays(Class<?>, int...) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Creates a new column descriptor for fixed-shape non-string arrays.
createForScalars(Class<?>) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Creates a new column descriptor for a non-string based scalar column.
createForStrings(int) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Creates a new column descriptor for single string entries of fixed maximum length.
createForStrings(int, int...) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Creates a new column descriptor for arrays of string entries of fixed maximum length.
createForVariableSize(Class<?>) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Creates a new column descriptor for variable length 1D arrays or strings.
createForVariableStringArrays(int) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Creates a new column descriptor for variable-length arrays of fixed-length string entries.
createFrom(Object[][]) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
Creates a random groups HDU from an Object[nGroups][2] array.
createHexValueCard(String, long) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Not supported by the FITS standard, so do not use. It was included due to a misreading of the standard itself.
createHexValueCard(String, long, String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Not supported by the FITS standard, so do not use. It was included due to a misreading of the standard itself.
createHistoryCard(String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new history record for the FITS header.
createUnkeyedCommentCard(String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new unkeyed comment card for th FITS header.
CREATOR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
The value field shall contain a character string giving the name, and optionally, the version of the program that originally created the current FITS HDU.
CREATOR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Software that created the original FITS file.
CROSUNIT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Default cross dispersion unit.
CROSVAL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Default cross dispersion coordinate value.
CROTAn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
This keyword is used to indicate a rotation from a standard coordinate system described by the CTYPEn to a different coordinate system in which the values in the array are actually expressed.
CRP1nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Reference spectrum pixel coordinate.
CRP2nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Reference spectrum pixel coordinate.
CRPIX1 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Reference spectrum pixel coordinate.
CRPIX2 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Reference spectrum pixel coordinate.
CRPIXn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a floating point number, identifying the location of a reference point along axis n, in units of the axis index.
CRPIXna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The value field shall contain a floating point number, identifying the location of a reference point along axis n, in units of the axis index.
CRV1nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Spectrum reference dispersion coordinate corresponding to the spectrum reference pixel coordinate.
CRV2nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Spectrum reference dispersion coordinate corresponding to the spectrum reference pixel coordinate.
CRVAL1 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Spectrum reference dispersion coordinate corresponding to the spectrum reference pixel coordinate.
CRVAL2 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Reference right ascension coordinate corresponding to the image reference pixel coordinate.
CRVALn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a floating point number, giving the value of the coordinate specified by the CTYPEn keyword at the reference point CRPIXn.
CRVALna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The value field shall contain a floating point number, giving the value of the coordinate specified by the CTYPEn keyword at the reference point CRPIXn.
CSTRETCH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
initial display screen stretch mode
CSYERna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Systematic coordinate error on axis n in the physical coordinate unit (if defined).
CTY1nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Reference declination coordinate corresponding to the image reference pixel coordinate.
CTY2nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate type for image world coordinates.
CTYP2nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate type for image world coordinates.
CTYPE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
The value to use for CTYPE type keywords to indicate Stokes parameter data
CTYPE1 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Spectrum dispersion coordinate type.
CTYPE2 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate type for image world coordinates.
CTYPEn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a character string, giving the name of the coordinate represented by axis n.
CTYPEna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The value field shall contain a character string, giving the name of the coordinate represented by axis n.
CUN1nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate type for image world coordinates.
CUN2nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate reference unit for direct imaging world coordinates.
CUNIT1 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate reference unit for direct imaging world coordinates.
CUNIT2 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate reference unit for direct imaging world coordinates.
curl(Object, int...) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Curl an input array up into a multi-dimensional array.
currentSize() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
cursor() - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
Return the iterator that represents the current position in the header.
Cursor<KEY,VALUE> - Interface in nom.tam.util
An Iterator-based interface for key / value pairs allowing insertions and reverse movement also.
CursorValue<T> - Interface in nom.tam.util
Interface for cursor-based access to keys
CWHITE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
CWHITE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Upon initial display of this image use this ADU level as the White level.
CXC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
CXC keywords.
CXCExt - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header.extra
This is the file content.txt that presents a comprehensive compilation of all classes of data products in the Chandra Data Archive for the "flight" dataset.
CXCStclSharedExt - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header.extra
These are available both in the CXCExt and STScIExt enums. This class may be removed in the future.
CZPHSna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Phase axis zero point


DARKTIME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
DARKTIME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Total dark time of the observation.
DARKTIME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Total dark time of the observation.
DARKTIME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
DARKTIME appears in multiple conventions
Data - Class in nom.tam.fits
The data segment of an HDU.
Data() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Data
DATA_TYPE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.Header.KeywordCheck
Check only that the keyword is appropriate for the type of data contained in the associated HDU
DATACLAS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Data class: 'observed' or 'simulated'
DATACLAS_OBSERVED - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Standard CXCExt.DATACLAS value 'observed'.
DATACLAS_SIMULATED - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Standard CXCExt.DATACLAS value 'simulated'.
DataDescription - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
This data dictionary contains FITS keywords that have been widely used within the astronomical community.
dataFactory(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
DATAMAX - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall always contain a floating point number, regardless of the value of BITPIX.
DATAMIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall always contain a floating point number, regardless of the value of BITPIX.
DATAMODE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.InstrumentDescription
The value field shall contain a character string which identifies the configuration or mode of the pre-processing software that operated on the raw instrumental data to generate the data that is recorded in the FITS file.
DATASEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Mapping of the CCD section to image coordinates.
DATASUM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Checksum
The value field of the DATASUM keyword shall be a character string containing the unsigned integer value of the checksum of the data records of the HDU.
DataTable - Interface in nom.tam.util
A non FITS-specific interface for generic table data access.
DATE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
The date on which the HDU was created, in the format specified in the FITS Standard.
DATE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The date on which the HDU was created, in the format specified in the FITS Standard.
DATE_AVG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
The average date of the observation, in the format specified in the FITS Standard.
DATE_BEG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
The start date of the observation, in the format specified in the FITS Standard.
DATE_BEG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
date of initial data represented (yy/mm/dd)
DATE_END - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
The end date of the observation, in the format specified in the FITS Standard.
DATE_END - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDurationDescription
Part of the FITS standard, use DateTime.DATE_END instead
DATE_LOC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Local time of observation (ISO timestamp), e.g. "2017-01-03T02:41:24" or "2024-02-24T22:23:33.054"
DATE_MAP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Date of original file creation (yy/mm/dd)
DATE_OBS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
The date of the observation, in the format specified in the FITS Standard.
DATE_OBS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The date of the observation, in the format specified in the FITS Standard.
DATEEND - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Date at the end of the exposure.
DATEHDR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Date header creation.
DATEOBS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Default date for the observation.
DATEREF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
The reference date of the observation, in the format specified in the FITS Standard.
DateTime - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
Date-time related keywords defined by the FITS standard.
DAVAMBT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Not part of the current MaxIm DL specification
DAVBAROM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Not part of the current MaxIm DL specification
DAVDEW - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Not part of the current MaxIm DL specification
DAVGn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Avearge date of the observation for the given column index, in the format specified in the FITS Standard.
DAVHUM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Not part of the current MaxIm DL specification
DAVRAD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Not part of the current MaxIm DL specification
DAVRAIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Not part of the current MaxIm DL specification
DAVWIND - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Not part of the current MaxIm DL specification
DAVWINDD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Not part of the current MaxIm DL specification
DEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field gives the declination of the observation.
DEC_NOM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the nominal declination of the pointing direction in units of decimal degrees.
DEC_OBJ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the declination of the observed object in units of decimal degrees.
DEC_PNT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the declination of the pointing direction in units of decimal degrees.
DEC_PNTE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Pointing error in declination (degrees; 1-sigma)
DEC_SCX - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the declination of the space craft (or telescope platform) X axis during the observation in decimal degrees.
DEC_SCZ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the declination of the space craft (or telescope platform) Z axis during the observation in decimal degrees.
DEC_TARG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Declination coordinate of the target or field, in degrees
decimalsToComplex(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Converts real-valued arrays of even element count to a ComplexValue or arrays thereof.
decimalsToComplex(Object, Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Converts separate but matched real valued arrays, containing the real an imaginary parts respectively, to ComplexValue or arrays thereof.
decode(String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
Decodes an encoded (and complemented) checksum.
decode(String, boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
Decodes an encoded checksum, complementing it as required.
DECPANGL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Projected position angle of the positive declination axis on the detector.
DECUNIT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Default declination units.
deepClone(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Returns a deep clone of an array (in one or more dimensions) or a standard clone of a scalar.
deepComponentType() - Method in class nom.tam.util.array.MultiArrayIterator
Returns the element class of the multidimensional array.
DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
default buffer size to use unless specified otherwise.
DEFAULT_COMMENT_ALIGN - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.Header
The default character position to which comments should be aligned if possible (zero-based).
DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHECK_POLICY - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.Header
The keyword checking mode used by the library until the user changes it it.
DEFAULT_RICE_BLOCKSIZE - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceCompressOption
the default block size to use in bytes
DEFAULT_RICE_BYTEPIX - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceCompressOption
the default BYTEPIX value
DEFAULT_VALUE_CHECK_POLICY - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Default value type checking policy for cards with standardized IFitsHeader keywords.
DEFOCUS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Defocus distance of instrument in mm rel to best.
defragment() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Defragments the heap area of this table, compacting the heap area, and returning the number of bytes by which the heap size has been reduced.
defragment() - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableData
deleteAllRows() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Delete all rows from the table, but leaving the column structure intact.
deleteColumn(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Deletes a column from this table.
deleteColumns(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
deleteColumns(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
deleteColumns(int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
Removes a set of consecutive columns from this table, without updating assocu=iated the header information for the columns that were removed.
deleteColumns(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Delete a contiguous set of columns from the table.
deleteColumnsIndexOne(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
It is not entirely foolproof for keeping the header in sync -- it is better to use TableData.deleteColumns(int, int) to edit tables before wrapping them in an HDU and editing the header as necessary to incorporate custom entries. May be removed from the API in the future.
deleteColumnsIndexOne(int, int, String[]) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
It is not entirely foolproof for keeping the header in sync -- it is better to use TableData.deleteColumns(int, int) to edit tables before wrapping them in an HDU and editing the header as necessary to incorporate custom entries. May be removed from the API in the future.
deleteColumnsIndexZero(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
It is not entirely foolproof for keeping the header in sync -- it is better to use TableData.deleteColumns(int, int) to edit tables before wrapping them in an HDU and editing the header as necessary to incorporate custom entries. May be removed from the API in the future.
deleteColumnsIndexZero(int, int, IFitsHeader[]) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
It is not entirely foolproof for keeping the header in sync -- it is better to use TableData.deleteColumns(int, int) to edit tables before wrapping them in an HDU and editing the header as necessary to incorporate custom entries. May be removed from the API in the future.
deleteHDU(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Delete an HDU from the HDU list.
deleteKey(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Delete the card associated with the given key.
deleteKey(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Delete the card associated with the given key.
deleteRow(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Delete a row from the table.
deleteRows(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
It is not entirely foolproof for keeping the header in sync -- it is better to use TableData.deleteRows(int, int) to edit tables before wrapping them in an HDU and editing the header as necessary to incorporate custom entries. May be removed from the API in the future.
deleteRows(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Beware that repeatedly deleting rows from ASCII tables may be very inefficient.
deleteRows(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
deleteRows(int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
Removes a set of consecutive rows from this table without updating any associated header information for an encompassing HDU.
deleteRows(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
It is not entirely foolproof for keeping the header in sync -- it is better to use TableData.deleteRows(int, int) to edit tables before wrapping them in an HDU and editing the header as necessary to incorporate custom entries. May be removed from the API in the future.
deleteRows(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Delete a contiguous set of rows from the table.
detach() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Data
Detaches this data object from the input (if any), such as a file or stream, but not before loading data from the previously assigned input into memory.
DETCONF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector configuration.
DETDEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination of the detector center.
DETDECU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination unit.
DETECTOR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector name.
DETECTOR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
ID of detector used for exposure
DETEPOCH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Epoch of the detector center coordinates.
DETEQUIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector coordinate system equinox.
DETHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector hardware version.
DETMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the detector sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
DETMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the detector sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
DETNAM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.InstrumentDescription
The value field shall contain a character string giving the name of the detector within the instrument that was used to make the observation.
DETPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector position angle measurements in appropriate units.
DETPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector position angle measurements in appropriate units.
DETPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DETPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DETPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DETPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DETRA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension of the detector center.
DETRADEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector coordinate system type.
DETRAU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension unit.
DETSEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Mapping of the CCD section to detector coordinates.
DETSIZE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The logical unbinned size of the detector in section notation.
DETSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector status.
DETSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector software version.
DETTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
DETTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
DETVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector voltage sensor measurements in volts.
DETVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Detector voltage sensor measurements in volts.
DEWAR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dewar identification.
DEWHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dewar hardware version.
DEWMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the dewar sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
DEWMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the dewar sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
DEWPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dewar position angle measurements in appropriate units.
DEWPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dewar position angle measurements in appropriate units.
DEWPOINT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Dew point in degrees Celsius.
DEWPOINT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Dew point in degrees Celsius
DEWPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dewar linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DEWPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dewar linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DEWPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dewar pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DEWPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dewar pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DEWSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dewar status.
DEWSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dewar software version.
DEWTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dewar temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
DEWTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dewar temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
DEWVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dewar voltage sensor measurements in volts.
DEWVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dewar voltage sensor measurements in volts.
differenceOf(long, long) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
Not foolproof, because of the carry over handling in checksums, some additionas are not reversible. E.g. 0xffffffff + 0xffffffff = 0xffffffff, but 0xffffffff - 0xffffffff = 0;
DISMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the disperser sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
DISMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the disperser sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
DISPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Disperser position angle measurements in appropriate units.
DISPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Disperser position angle measurements in appropriate units.
DISPAXIS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The detector axis along which the dispersion is most closely aligned.
DISPDW - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Approximate central dispersion/pixel on the detector.
DISPELEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.ESOExt
If applicable, the string containing the designation of the dispersing element (grating, grism) used during the observation
DISPER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Disperser identification names.
DISPERn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Disperser identification names.
DISPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Disperser linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DISPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Disperser linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DISPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Disperser pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DISPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Disperser pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DISPRnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Name(s) of dispersive element(s) used for exposure if more than one was used, with nn (zero-padded) incrementing from 1.
DISPRSR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Name of dispersive element used, or 'MULTI' if more than one defined the passband.
DISPRSR_MULTI - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Standard STScIExt.DISPRSR value if multiple passbands are used.
DISPUNIT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Default dispersion coordinate unit.
DISPVAL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Default dispersion coordinate value.
DISPWC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Approximate central dispersion coordinate on the detector.
DISTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Disperser temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
DISTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Disperser temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
DISVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Disperser voltage sensor measurements in volts.
DISVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Disperser voltage sensor measurements in volts.
DMEDIR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Average wind direction measurements measured east of north over the sampling period inside the dome.
DMEDIRn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Average wind direction measurements measured east of north over the sampling period inside the dome.
DMEGUS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Maximum wind speed over the sampling period inside the dome.
DMEGUSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Maximum wind speed over the sampling period inside the dome.
DMEMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the dome environment measurements given as modified Julian.
DMEMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the dome environment measurements given as modified Julian.
DMEPER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Wind sampling period for the wind measurements inside the dome.
DMEPERn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Wind sampling period for the wind measurements inside the dome.
DMETEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Temperatures Celsius inside the dome.
DMETEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Temperatures Celsius inside the dome.
DMEWIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Average wind speeds over the sampling period inside the dome.
DMEWINn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Average wind speeds over the sampling period inside the dome.
DOBSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
The date of the observation for the given column index, in the format specified in the FITS Standard.
DOI - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Digital Object Identifier for the HLSP data collection
DOMMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the dome sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
DOMMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the dome sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
DOMPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dome position angle sensor measurements.
DOMPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dome position angle sensor measurements.
DOMPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dome linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DOMPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dome linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DOMPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dome pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DOMPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dome pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
DOMSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dome status.
DOMTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dome temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
DOMTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dome temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
DOMVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dome voltage sensor measurements in volts.
DOMVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dome voltage sensor measurements in volts.
DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
For FITS data stored as 64-bit double-precision floating point values
DOUBLE - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
The FITS representation of a 64-bit double precison floating-point value in images and binary tables
DOUBLE - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.PrimitiveTypes
Use ElementType.DOUBLE instead
DOUBLE_DECIMALS - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.FlexFormat
The maximum number of decimal places to show (after the leading figure) for double-precision (64-bit) values.
DSFORMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Data Subspace data type name (optional) for column n.
DSREFn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Data Subspace table pointer for column n.
DSTYPn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Data Subspace column name for column n.
DSUNITn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Data Subspace unit name (optional) for column n.
DSVALn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Data Subspace filter list for column n.
DTCOR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Dead time correction factor [0.0:1.0].
DTMn_n - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Transformation matrix between CCD and detector coordinates.
DTVn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Transformation origin vector between CCD and detector coordinates.
DTYPEn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Name for composite long-named keyword (f.
dumpHeader(PrintStream) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Print the header to a given stream.
DUNITn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Unit for composite long-named keyword for column n.
DVALn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Value for composite long-named keyword for column n.


editImageHeader(Header) - Method in class nom.tam.util.Quantizer
Adds the quantization parameters to an image header,
editTableHeader(Header, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.Quantizer
Adds the quantization parameters to a binaty table header,
EGAIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
EGAIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Electronic gain in e-/ADU.
EGAIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Electronic gain -- electrons per ADU
ELAPTIME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDurationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the difference between the stop and start times of the observation in units of seconds.
ElementType<B extends Buffer> - Class in nom.tam.util.type
A base data element type in a FITS image or table column, with associated functions.
EMPTY_KEY - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
The default keyword to use instead of null or any number of blanks.
encapsulate(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTableHDU
(for internal use) Use AsciiTable.fromColumnMajor(Object[]) instead. Will reduce visibility in the future
encapsulate(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
(for internal use) Use BinaryTable.fromColumnMajor(Object[]) or BinaryTable.fromRowMajor(Object[][]) instead. Will reduce visibility in the future.
encapsulate(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageHDU
(for internal use) Use ImageData.from(Object) instead. Will reduce visibility in the future
encapsulate(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
encapsulate(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
encode(long) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
Encodes the complemented checksum.
encode(long, boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
Encodes the given checksum as is or by its complement.
end() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.Cursor
Moves to the last element and returns it.
END - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
This keyword has no associated value.
END - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.array.MultiArrayPointer
A dummy object to mark the end.
ensureCardSpace(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Reserves header card space for populating at a later time.
ensureSize(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Makes sure that the table is expanded to hold up to the specified number of rows without having to grow dynamically.
ENVDIR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Average wind direction measurements measured east of north over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
ENVDIRn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Average wind direction measurements measured east of north over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
ENVGUS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Maximum wind speed in km/s over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
ENVGUSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Maximum wind speed in km/s over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
ENVHUM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Relative humidity measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
ENVHUMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Relative humidity measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
ENVMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the site environment measurements given as modified Julian.
ENVMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the site environment measurements given as modified Julian.
ENVPER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Wind sampling period for the wind measurements outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
ENVPERn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Wind sampling period for the wind measurements outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
ENVPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Atmospheric pressure measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
ENVPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Atmospheric pressure measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
ENVTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Temperatures outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
ENVTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Temperatures outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
ENVWAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Precipitable water vapor measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
ENVWATn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Precipitable water vapor measurements at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
ENVWIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Average wind speeds over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
ENVWINn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Average wind speeds over the sampling period outside the dome at times given by ENVMJDn keywords.
EPOCH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
Deprecated by the FITS standard in favor of Standard.EQUINOX.
EPOCH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Deprecated in the current FITS standard, use WCS.EQUINOXa instead.
equals(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsDate
equals(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes.Parameters
equals(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue
EQUIna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[yr] Coordinate epoch for which the celestial coorinate system is defined for the given column index.
EQUINOX - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the equinox in years for the celestial coordinate system in which positions are expressed.
EQUINOX - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
EQUINOX is now preferred over the old EPOCH
EQUINOXa - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the equinox in years for the celestial coordinate system in which positions are expressed.
ERRORnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Error information.
ESO - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
ESO keywords.
ESOExt - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header.extra
Standard ESO FITS keywords, based on ESO's Data Interface Control Document.
EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard.ValueCheck
Throw exception when setting a value of the wrong type for a standardized keyword
EXPOSURE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDurationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the exposure time of the observation in units of seconds.
EXPOSURE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
[s] Non-standard exposure time conventions.
EXPREQ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Requested exposure time of the observation.
EXPTIME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDurationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the exposure time of the observation in units of seconds.
EXTEND - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
If the FITS file may contain extensions, a card image with the keyword EXTEND and the value field containing the logical value T must appear in the primary key immediately after the last NAXISn card image, or, if NAXIS=0, the NAXIS card image.
EXTENSION - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.HDU
keyword must appear in extension HDUs only
EXTLEVEL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain an integer, specifying the level in a hierarchy of extension levels of the extension key containing it.
EXTLEVEL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
EXTLEVEL and HDULEVEL are synonymous, but EXTLEVEL is part of the standard since 1.19
EXTNAME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a character string, to be used to distinguish among different extensions of the same type, i.e., with the same value of XTENSION, in a FITS file.
EXTNAME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
EXTNAME and HDUNAME are synonymous, but EXTNAME is part of the standard since 1.19
extractChar(String, ParsePosition) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.AsciiFuncs
Returns a character from a string, incrementing the position argument.
extractIndices(String) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader
Extracts the indices for this stndardized key from an actual keyword realization.
EXTVER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain an integer, to be used to distinguish among different extensions in a FITS file with the same type and name, i.e., the same values for XTENSION and EXTNAME.
EXTVER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
EXTVER and HDUVER are synonymous, but EXTVER is part of the standard since 1.19


FIBER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Fiber identification for the fiber(s).
FIBnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Fiber identification for the fiber(s).
FILE_ID - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
File name or observatory-unique identifier of the contributing observation.
FILENAME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
The value field shall contain a character string giving the the host file name used to record the original data.
FILETYPE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
The value field shall contain a character string giving the file type suffix of the host file name.
fillHeader(Header) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
(for internal use) Visibility should be reduced to protected.
fillHeader(Header) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageData
fillHeader(Header) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableData
fillImageHeader(Header, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes.Parameters
Adds WCS description for the coordinate axis containing Stokes parameters.
fillTableHeader(Header, int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes.Parameters
Adds WCS description for the coordinate axis containing Stokes parameters to a table column containign images.
FILPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.
FILPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.
FILTER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.InstrumentDescription
The value field shall contain a character string which gives the name of the filter that was used during the observation to select or modify the radiation that was transmitted to the detector.
FILTER_MULTI - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Standard InstrumentDescription.FILTER value if multiple passbands are used.
FILTER_NONE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.InstrumentDescription
Standard InstrumentDescription.FILTER name when no filter was used.
FILTERn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.InstrumentDescription
The value field of this indexed keyword shall contain a character string which gives the name of one of multiple filters that were used during the observation to select or modify the radiation that was transmitted to the detector.
FILTERnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Name(s) of filter(s) used to define the passband, if more than one was used, with nn incrementing from 1 (and zero-pad if nn >9).
FILTYP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Filter type.
FILTYPn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Filter type.
findCard(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Finds the card associated with a given key, and returns it.
findCard(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Find the card associated with a given key.
findCards(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
brief Collect the header cards that match a regular expression.
findColumn(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Find the 0-based column index corresponding to a particular column name.
findKey(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Use Header.findCard(String) or Header.getCard(String) instead. Find the card associated with a given key.
findOffset(Closeable) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsUtil
(for internal use) Visibility may be reduced to the package level in the future.
Fits - Class in nom.tam.fits
Handling of FITS files and streams.
Fits() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Creates an empty Fits object which is not associated with an input stream.
Fits(File) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Creates a new (empty) FITS container associated with a file input.
Fits(File, boolean) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Use Fits(File) instead (compression is auto detected). Will remove in the future.
Fits(InputStream) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Creates a new (empty) FITS container associated with the given input stream.
Fits(InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Use Fits(InputStream) instead (compression is auto detected). Will remove in the future.
Fits(String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Creates a new (empty) FITS container with a file or URL as its input.
Fits(String, boolean) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Use Fits(String) instead (compression is auto detected). Will be a private method in the future.
Fits(URL) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Creates a new (empty) FITS container with a given URL as its input.
Fits(URL, boolean) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Use Fits(URL) instead (compression is auto detected). Will remove in the future.
Fits(FitsFile) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Creates a new (empty) FITS container associated with FitsFile input.
Fits(RandomAccessFileIO) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Creates a new (empty) FITS container associated with an input that supports generalized random access.
FITS_BLOCK_SIZE - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
the size of a FITS block in bytes.
FITS_HEADER_CARD_SIZE - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
The number of characters per header card (line).
FitsCheckSum - Class in nom.tam.fits.utilities
Helper class for dealing with FITS checksums.
FitsDate - Class in nom.tam.fits
ISO timestamp support for FITS headers.
FitsDate(String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.FitsDate
Convert a FITS date string to a Java Date object.
FitsDecoder - Class in nom.tam.util
Decodes FITS-formatted binary data into Java arrays (primarily for internal use)
FitsDecoder(InputReader) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.FitsDecoder
Instantiates a new FITS binary data decoder for converting FITS data representations into Java arrays.
FitsElement - Interface in nom.tam.fits
I/O interface for various FITS file elements.
FitsEncoder - Class in nom.tam.util
Encodes select Java arrays into FITS binary format (primarily for internal use)
FitsEncoder(OutputWriter) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.FitsEncoder
Instantiates a new FITS binary data encoder for converting Java arrays into FITS data representations
FitsException - Exception in nom.tam.fits
When we cannot deal with some FITS data as expected.
FitsException(String) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.FitsException
Instantiates this exception with the designated message string.
FitsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.FitsException
Instantiates this exception with the designated message string, when it was triggered by some other type of exception
FitsFactory - Class in nom.tam.fits
Controls the creation of HDUs to encapsulate a variery of data, based on a few configuration switches.
FitsFile - Class in nom.tam.util
For reading and writing FITS files.
FitsFile(File) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Create a buffered file from a File descriptor
FitsFile(File, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Create a buffered file from a File descriptor
FitsFile(File, String, int) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Create a buffered file from a file descriptor
FitsFile(String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Create a read-only buffered file
FitsFile(String, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Create a buffered file with the given mode.
FitsFile(String, String, int) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Create a buffered file with the given mode and a specified dataBuffer.buffer size.
FitsFile(RandomAccessFileIO, int) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Create a buffered file from a random access data object.
FitsHeaderImpl - Class in nom.tam.fits.header
Use the more intuitively named FitsKey class instead. This class is provided for compatibility with prior releases.
FitsHeaderImpl(String, IFitsHeader.SOURCE, IFitsHeader.HDU, IFitsHeader.VALUE, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.header.FitsHeaderImpl
Creates a new standardized FITS keyword with the specific usage constraints
FitsHeap - Class in nom.tam.fits
Heap for storing variable-length entries in binary tables.
FitsInputStream - Class in nom.tam.util
For reading FITS files through an InputStream.
FitsInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
Create a BufferedInputStream based on an input stream.
FitsInputStream(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
Create a BufferedInputStream based on a input stream with a specified buffer size.
FitsIntegrityException - Exception in nom.tam.fits
Failed checksum verification.
FitsIO - Interface in nom.tam.util
Base interface for reading and writing FITS.
FitsKey - Class in nom.tam.fits.header
A concrete implementation of standardized FITS header keywords.
FitsKey(String, IFitsHeader.HDU, IFitsHeader.VALUE, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.header.FitsKey
Creates a new standardized user-defined FITS keyword.
FitsKey(String, IFitsHeader.SOURCE, IFitsHeader.HDU, IFitsHeader.VALUE, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.header.FitsKey
Creates a new standardized FITS keyword with the specific usage constraints.
FitsKey(String, IFitsHeader.VALUE, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.header.FitsKey
Creates a new standardized user-defined FITS keyword.
FitsOutput - Interface in nom.tam.util
Interface for FITS-specific output.
FitsOutputStream - Class in nom.tam.util
For writing FITS files through an OutputStream.
FitsOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
Use the BufferedOutputStream constructor
FitsOutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
Use the BufferedOutputStream constructor
FitsSubString - Class in nom.tam.fits.utilities
(for internal use) Was used by FitsLineAppender only.
FitsSubString(String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsSubString
constructor for the substring, start by representing the whole string.
FitsUtil - Class in nom.tam.fits
Static utility functions used throughout the FITS classes.
flatten(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Given an array of arbitrary dimensionality .
FlexFormat - Class in nom.tam.util
Formatting number values for use in FITS headers.
FlexFormat() - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.FlexFormat
FLIPPED - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Whether or not the image is flipped
FLIPSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Status of pier flip for German Equatorial mounts.
Float(float, float) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue.Float
Instantiates a new single-precision complex number value with the specified real and imaginary components.
Float(String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue.Float
Instantiates a new single-precision complex number value from the string repressentation of it in a FITS header value.
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
For FITS data stored as 32-bit single-precision floating point values
FLOAT - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
The FITS representation of a 32-bit single precison floating-point value in images and binary tables
FLOAT - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.PrimitiveTypes
Use ElementType.FLOAT instead
FLOAT_DECIMALS - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.FlexFormat
The maximum number of decimal places to show (after the leading figure) for single-precision (32-bit) values.
flush() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Flush the output buffer
flush() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
FOC_LEN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Assumed focal length, mm; Level 1 and up
FOCALLEN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
FOCALLEN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Focal Length of the Telescope used in millimeters.
FOCNAME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Name of focuser.
FOCNEXPO - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Number of focus exposures in a focus sequence.
FOCPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Focuser position in steps.
FOCRATIO - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Focal ratio
FOCSHIFT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Pixel shift on the detector between exposures in a focus sequence.
FOCSTART - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Starting focus value in focus sequence.
FOCSTEP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Focus increment step in focus sequence.
FOCTEMP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Focus temperature in degrees Celsius.
FOCUSER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Name of focuser
FOCUSER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Focuser name
FOCUSPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Focuser position in steps, if focuser is connected.
FOCUSPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Focus position steps
FOCUSSSZ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Focuser step size in microns, if available.
FOCUSTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Focuser temperature readout in degrees C, if available.
FOCUSTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Focus temperature in degrees Celsius.
forArrayID(char) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns the standard BITPIX object for the given Java array ID.
forBitpix(int) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Returns the FITS element type that matches the specified BITPIX value exactly.
forBuffer(B) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Returns the FITS element type that can transact with the specified buffer type directly.
forCard(HeaderCard) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FlexFormat
Sets the number of characters that this formatter can use to print number values to the space available for the value field in the specified header card.
forceNoLoss(int, int, int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
Specify an area within the image that will not undergo a lossy compression.
forClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Returns the FITS element type for a given Java type
forCoordinateValue(int) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
Returns the Stokes parameter for the given pixel coordinate value for an image coordinate with WCS.CTYPEna = 'STOKES'.
forDataID(char) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Returns the Fits element type for a given Java array type letter.
format(boolean, byte[]) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
Format a boolean into an existing array.
format(boolean, byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
Format a boolean into an existing array
format(double, byte[]) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
Format a double into an array.
format(double, byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
Format a double into an existing character array.
format(float, byte[]) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
Format a float into an array.
format(float, byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
Format a float into an existing byteacter array.
format(int, byte[]) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
Format an int into an array.
format(int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
Format an int into an existing array.
format(long, byte[]) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
Format a long into an array.
format(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
Format a long into an existing array.
format(Number) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FlexFormat
Returns a string representation of a decimal number, in the available space, using either fixed decimal format or exponential notitation.
format(String, byte[]) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
Insert a string at the beginning of an array. * @return Offset of next available character in buffer.
format(String, byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
Insert a String into an existing character array.
FormatException - Exception in nom.tam.util
Exception that is thrown if values do not appear in the format they are expected.
forNearestBitpix(int) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Returns the FITS element type that is nearest to the specified BITPIX value.
forNumberType(Class<? extends Number>) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns the standard BITPIX object for a number type.
forPrimitiveType(Class<?>) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns the standard BITPIX object for a primitive type.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns the standard BITPIX enum value for a given integer value, such as 8, 16, 32, 64, -32, or -64.
forValue(int, boolean) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns the standard BITPIX enum value for a given integer value, such as 8, 16, 32, 64, -32, or -64.
FOV_X_MM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Detector X field of view (mm)
FOV_Y_MM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Detector X field of view (mm)
from(InputStream) - Static method in interface nom.tam.util.InputReader
Wraps an input stream with this interface.
from(OutputStream) - Static method in interface nom.tam.util.OutputWriter
Wraps an output stream with this interface.
from(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
Creates a new FITS image using the specified primitive numerical Java array containing data.
fromBinaryTableHDU(BinaryTableHDU, int, String...) - Static method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
Prepare a compressed binary table HDU for the specified binary table.
fromColumnMajor(Object[]) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Creates an ASCII table from existing data in column-major format order.
fromColumnMajor(Object[]) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Creates a binary table from existing data in column-major format order.
fromHeader(Header) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns the standard BITPIX object based on the value assigned to the BITPIX keyword in the header
fromHeader(Header, boolean) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns the standard BITPIX object based on the value assigned to the BITPIX keyword in the header
fromImageHDU(ImageHDU, int...) - Static method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
Prepare a compressed image hdu for the specified image. the tile axis that are specified with -1 default to tiling by rows.
fromImageHeader(Header) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
Returns a mapping of a Java array dimension to a set of Stokes parameters, based on the WCS coordinate description in the image header.
fromImageHeader(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.Quantizer
Returns the quantizer that is described by an image header.
fromRowMajor(Object[][]) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Creates a binary table from existing table data in row-major format.
fromTableHeader(Header, int) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
Returns a mapping of a Java array dimension to a set of Stokes parameters, based on the WCS coordinate description in the image header.
fromTableHeader(Header, int) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.Quantizer
Returns the quantizer that is described by a binary table header.
FULL_CROSS_POLARIZATION - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
Bitwise flag for dual-input full (linear + circular) cross polarization Stokes parameters (RR, LL, RL, LR, XX, YY, XY, YX).
fullLength() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsSubString
FWHEEL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Filter wheel name


GAIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Camera gain / amplification.
GAIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Amplifier gain in electrons per analog unit.
GAINADU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Synonym of MaxImDLExt.EGAIN
GAINFILE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
CALDB file for gain corretion
GAINRAW - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Amplifier gain.
GCOUNT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain an integer that shall be used in any way appropriate to define the data structure, consistent with Eq. 5.2 in the FITS Standard.
genericClone(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Clone an Object if possible.
GenericKey - Class in nom.tam.fits.header
This class duplicates functionality that is available in FitsKey, Standard, ans/or IFitsHeader.
get(int) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.RandomSequence
Returns the ith random value from the sequence
get(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
Returns the element for a given index from the odered list.
get(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Returns a table element using the usual Java boxing for primitive scalar (singleton) entries, or packaging complex values as ComplexValue, or as appropriate primitive or object arrays.
get(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
Returns the element for the given hash key.
getAdjustedLength(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsSubString
check the string and set it to the maximum length specified. if a escaped quote is on the boundary the length is reduced in a way that the string does not separate an escape quote.
getAllowTerminalJunk() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Whether extra bytes are tolerated after the end of an HDU.
getArray(B, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Gets all elements of an array from a buffer
getArray(B, Object, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Gets elements of an array from a buffer, starting at the beginning of the array.
getArray(B, Object, int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Gets elements of an array from a buffer, starting at the specified array index.
getArrayElement(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Returns a table element as an array of the FITS storage type.
getArrayElementAs(int, int, Class<?>) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Returns a numerical table element as an array of a specific underlying other numerical type.
getArrayID() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns the Java letter ID for this BITPIX instance, such as the letter ID used in the Java array representation of that class.
getArrayIndex(Stokes) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes.Parameters
Returns the Java array index corresponding to a given Stokes parameters for this set of parameters.
getAssignStringForSpace(int) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.IHierarchKeyFormatter
Returns the assignment string that separates the hierarchical key and value components, for the given amount of space available.
getAuthor() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Return the name of the person who compiled the information in the data associated with this header.
getAvailableParameters() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes.Parameters
Returns the ordered list of parameters, which can be used to translate array indexes to Stokes values, supported by this parameter set.
getAxes() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
In FITS files the index represented by NAXIS1 is the index that changes most rapidly.
getBase() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Ambiguous, use getLegacyBase() instead. It can be confusing since it is not clear if it refers to array element types used in FITS storage or on the java side when using the older array access, or if it refers to the class of entries in the main table, which may be heap pointers. It is also distinct from getElementClass(), which returns the boxed type used by BinaryTable.get(int, int) or BinaryTable.set(int, int, Object).
getBaseArray(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
This routine returns the base array of a multi-dimensional array.
getBaseClass(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
This routine returns the base class of an object.
getBaseLength(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
This routine returns the size of the base element of an array.
getBases() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
(for internal use) Ambiguous, use getElementClass() instead. Will remove in the future.
getBases() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Use ColumnTable.getElementClass(int) instead. This method may be removed in the future.
getBigDecimalValue(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
The FITS header does not support decimal types beyond those that can be represented by a 64-bit IEEE double-precision floating point value.
getBigDecimalValue(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
The FITS header does not support decimal types beyond those that can be represented by a 64-bit IEEE double-precision floating point value.
getBigDecimalValue(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
The FITS header does not support decimal types beyond those that can be represented by a 64-bit IEEE double-precision floating point value.
getBigDecimalValue(IFitsHeader, BigDecimal) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
The FITS header does not support decimal types beyond those that can be represented by a 64-bit IEEE double-precision floating point value.
getBigIntegerValue(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
The FITS header does not support integer types beyond those that can be represented by a 64-bit integer.
getBigIntegerValue(String, BigInteger) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
The FITS header does not support integer types beyond those that can be represented by a 64-bit integer.
getBigIntegerValue(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
The FITS header does not support integer types beyond those that can be represented by a 64-bit integer.
getBigIntegerValue(IFitsHeader, BigInteger) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
The FITS header does not support integer types beyond those that can be represented by a 64-bit integer.
getBitpix() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Return the Bitpix enum type for this HDU.
getBitpix() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedData
Returns the FITS element type as a Bitpux value.
getBitPix() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility or remove entirely in the future.
getBlankValue() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
This is only applicable to ImageHDU or RandomGroupsHDU with integer type data and not for other HDU or data types.
getBlankValue() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageHDU
Returns the integer value that signifies blank (missing or null) data in an integer image.
getBlankValue() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
Returns the integer value that signifies blank (missing or null) data in an integer image.
getBlockSize() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceCompressOption
Returns the currently set block size.
getBNull() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Returns the integer value that represents missing (null) data in the quantized representation.
getBoolean() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
getBoolean(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the boolean value associated with the given key.
getBooleanValue(String, boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the boolean value associated with the given key.
getBooleanValue(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the boolean value associated with the given key.
getBooleanValue(IFitsHeader, boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the boolean value associated with the given key.
getBScale() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
This is only applicable to ImageHDU or RandomGroupsHDU with integer type data and not for other HDU or data types.
getBScale() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Returns the quantization level.
getBScale() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageHDU
Returns the floating-point increment between adjacent integer values in the image.
getBScale() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
Returns the floating-point increment between adjacent integer values in the image.
getBuffer() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteArrayIO
Returns the underlying byte array, which is the backing array of this buffer.
getBuffer() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
getBUnit() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
This is only applicable to ImageHDU or RandomGroupsHDU and not for other HDU or data types.
getBUnit() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageHDU
Returns the name of the physical unit in which images are represented.
getBUnit() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
Returns the name of the physical unit in which image data are represented.
getBytePix() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceCompressOption
REturns the currently set BYTEPIX value
getBytes(String) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.AsciiFuncs
Convert an ASCII string to bytes.
getBZero() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
This is only applicable to ImageHDU or RandomGroupsHDU with integer type data and not for other HDU or data types.
getBZero() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Returns the quantization offset.
getBZero() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageHDU
Returns the floating-point value that corresponds to an 0 integer value in the image.
getBZero() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
Returns the floating-point value that corresponds to an 0 integer value in the image.
getCard(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
An iterator from Header.iterator(int) or Header.iterator() should be used for sequential access to the header.
getCard(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Returns the card associated with a given key.
getCard(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Returns the card associated with a given key.
getChannel() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Get the channel associated with this file.
getChannel() - Method in class nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileChannel
getChannel() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileIO
Obtain the current FileChannel instance.
getCheckAsciiStrings() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Checks whether we should check and validated ASCII strings that goe into FITS.
getColumn(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Returns the data for a particular column in as a flattened 1D array of elements.
getColumn(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Returns the data for a particular column in as an array of elements.
getColumn(int) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
Returns the data for a particular column in as an array of elements.
getColumn(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Returns the data for a particular column in as an array of elements.
getColumn(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Returns the data for a particular column in as a single 1D array of primitives.
getColumn(int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.DataTable
Returns the data for a particular column in as an array of elements.
getColumn(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Returns the data for a particular column in as an array of elements.
getColumnData(int) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
Returns a particular section of a decompressed data column.
getColumnData(int, int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
Returns a particular section of a decompressed data column.
getColumnDescriptor(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
Returns a copy of the column descriptor of a given column in this table
getColumnFormat(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Get the FITS type of a column in the table.
getColumnMeta(int, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Convenience method for getting column data.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Gets the name of a column in the table, as it appears in this HDU's header.
getColumns() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Returns the data for all columns in as an array.
getColumns() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Returns the data for all columns as an array of flattened 1D primitive arrays.
getColumnType(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Return the data type in the specified column, such as int.class or String.class.
getComment() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Returns the comment component of this card, which may be null.
getCommentAlignPosition() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Returns the current preferred alignment character position of inline header comments.
getCommentByKey(String) - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
()for internal use)
getCompleteHeader(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Returns the 'complete' header of the nth HDU in this FITS file/object.
getCompleteHeader(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Returns the complete header of the first HDU by the specified name in this FITS file/object.
getCompleteHeader(String, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Returns the complete header of the first HDU by the specified name and version in this FITS file/object.
getCompleteImage() - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.CompressedImageTiler
getCompleteImage() - Method in interface nom.tam.image.ImageTiler
Returns the entire image reconstructed from the available tiles.
getCompleteImage() - Method in class nom.tam.image.StandardImageTiler
getComplexValue(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the complex number value associated with the given key.
getComplexValue(String, ComplexValue) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the complex number value associated with the given key, or return a default value.
getCompressionParameters() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.api.ICompressOption
(for internal use) Returns the parameters that represent the settings for this option in the FITS header or compressed data column.
getCompressionParameters() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorOption
getCompressionParameters() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
getCompressionParameters() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceCompressOption
getCompressOption() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Returns the options for the compression algorithm that accompanies quantization.
getCompressOption(Class<T>) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Returns the compression or quantization options, recast for the selected option class.
getCompressOption(Class<T>) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
Returns the compression (or quantization) options for a selected compression option class.
getCoordinateValue() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
Returns the WCS coordinate value corresponding to this Stokes parameter for an image coordinate with WCS.CTYPEna = 'STOKES'.
getCount() - Method in class nom.tam.util.OutputEncoder
Returns the number of encoded bytes that were written to the output.
getCreationDate() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Get the FITS file creation date as a Date object.
getData() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
getData() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Returns the data component of this HDU.
getData() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
getData() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Data
Returns the underlying Java representation of the data contained in this HDU's data segment.
getData() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.NullDataHDU
getData() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsData
getData() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedData
getData() - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
getData() - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
getData(int, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsHeap
Gets data for a Java array from the heap.
getDataDims() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsData
Returns the dimensions of the grouped data
getDataSize() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Return the size of the data including any needed padding.
getDecoder() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayDataFile
Returns the conversion from the binary representation of arrays in file to Java arrays.
getDecoder() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
getDefaultColumnName(int) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Returns the default name for a columns with the specified index, to use if no column name was explicitly defined
getDescription() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns a concise description of the data type represented by this BITPIX instance.
getDescriptor(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Returns the column descriptor of a given column in this table
getDescriptor(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Returns the (first) column descriptor whose name matches the specified value.
getDescriptor(Header, int) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Extracts a column descriptor from the FITS header for a given column index
getDimens() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
(for internal use) Use getEntryShape() instead. Not useful to users since it returns the dimensions of the primitive storage types, which is not always the dimension of table entries on the Java side.
getDimens() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
(for internal use) Use getEntryShape() to access the shape of Java elements individually for columns instead. Not useful to users since it returns the dimensions of the primitive storage types, which is not always the dimension of elements on the Java side (notably for string entries).
getDimensions() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
Returns the dimensions of this image.
getDimensions() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedData
Returns the dimensionality of the data (if any), in Java array index order.
getDimensions(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Find the dimensions of an object.
getDouble() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
Read in the buffer until a double is read.
getDouble(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
getDouble(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Returns the decimal value, if possible, of a scalar table entry.
getDoubleValue(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the double value associated with the given key.
getDoubleValue(String, double) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the double value associated with the given key, or return a default value.
getDoubleValue(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the double value associated with the given key.
getDoubleValue(IFitsHeader, double) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the double value associated with the given key, or return a default value.
getDummyHDU() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Use NullDataHDU instead. Gets a HDU with no data, only header.
getDuplicateKeySet() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Returns the set of keywords that had more than one value assignment in the parsed header.
getDuplicates() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Returns the list of duplicate cards in the order they appeared in the parsed header.
getElement(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
getElement(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Returns a table element as a Java array.
getElement(int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
Returns the data element in this table.
getElement(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Returns a specific element from this table
getElement(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
getElement(int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.DataTable
Returns the data element in this table
getElementClass() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Returns the boxed Java type of elements stored in a column.
getElementClass(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Returns the primitive based class of the elements in a given colum.
getElementCount() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Returns the number of 'boxed' elements as returned by BinaryTable.get(int, int) or expected by BinaryTable.set(int, int, Object).
getElementSize(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Returns the size of 1D array elements stored in a given column
getElementType() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns the FITS element type corresponding to this bitpix value
getElementType() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsData
Returns the Java class of the the parameter and data array elements.
getElementWidth() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Returns the number of primitive elements (sych as bytes) that constitute a Java element (such as a String) in this table.
getEncoder() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayDataFile
Returns the conversion from Java arrays to their binary representation in file.
getEncoder() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
getEntryDimension() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Returns the dimensionality of the 'boxed' elements as returned by BinaryTable.get(int, int) or expected by BinaryTable.set(int, int, Object).
getEntryShape() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Returns the array shape of the 'boxed' elements as returned by BinaryTable.get(int, int) or expected by BinaryTable.set(int, int, Object).
getEpoch() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
getEquinox() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Get the equinox in years for the celestial coordinate system in which positions given in either the header or data are expressed.
getExtraSpaceRequired(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.BlanksDotHierarchKeyFormatter
getExtraSpaceRequired(String) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.IHierarchKeyFormatter
Returns the extra spaces required when printing the key, relative to a space separated components following "HIERARCH " and the "= " prior to the value.
getExtraSpaceRequired(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.StandardIHierarchKeyFormatter
getExtraState() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
(for internal use) No longer used, will be removed in the future.
getFD() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Get the file descriptor associated with this stream.
getFD() - Method in class nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileChannel
getFD() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileIO
Obtain the current FileDescriptor instance.
getFileOffset() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
getFileOffset() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Data
getFileOffset() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.FitsElement
Returns the byte offset at which this element starts ina file.
getFileOffset() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsHeap
getFileOffset() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
getFilePointer() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Gets the current read/write position in the file.
getFilePointer() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.RandomAccess
getFitsDateString() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsDate
Returns the FITS date string for the current date and time.
getFitsDateString(Date) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsDate
Returns the FITS date string for a specific date and time
getFitsDateString(Date, boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsDate
Returns the FITS date string, with or without the time component, for a specific date and time.
getFlatColumns() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
(for internal use) It may be private in the future.
getFlattenedColumn(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
(for internal use) It may be reduced to private visibility in the future.
getFloat() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
getFloat(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
getFloatValue(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the float value associated with the given key.
getFloatValue(String, float) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the float value associated with the given key, or return a default value.
getFloatValue(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the float value associated with the given key.
getFloatValue(IFitsHeader, float) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the float value associated with the given key, or return a default value.
getGroupCount() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Should not be exposed outside of RandomGroupsHDU -- will reduce visibility in the future/
getGroupCount() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
Returns the number of data objects (of identical shape and size) that are group together in this HDUs data segment.
getGroupCount() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedData
Returns the number of repeated (data + parameter) groups in this data object
getHCompressorOption() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorQuantizeOption
Returns the options that are specific to the HCompress algorithm (without quantization).
getHDU(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Returns the n'th HDU.
getHDU(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Returns the HDU by the given extension name (defined by EXTNAME header keyword).
getHDU(String, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Returns the HDU by the given extension name and version (defined by EXTNAME and EXTVER keywords).
getHeader() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Returns the FITS header component of this HDU
getHeaderCard() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns the standard FITS header card for this BITPIX instance.
getHeaderValue() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns the FITS standard BITPIX header value for this instance.
getHexValue() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Not supported by the FITS standard, so do not use. It was included due to a misreading of the standard itself.
getHexValue(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Not supported by the FITS standard, so do not use. It was included due to a misreading of the standard itself.
getHexValue(String, long) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Not supported by the FITS standard, so do not use. It was included due to a misreading of the standard itself.
getHierarchFormater() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Returns the formatter instance for HIERARCH style keywords.
getImage(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsData
Returns the image component stored in the specified group.
getImageAxes() - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
Given this compressed HDU, get the original (decompressed) axes.
getImageHeader() - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
Obtain a header representative of a decompressed ImageHDU.
getInstrument() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Get the name of the instrument which was used to acquire the data in this FITS file.
getInt() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
getInt(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
getIntMaxValue() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Returns the maximum integer level in the quantized representation.
getIntMinValue() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Returns the maximum integer level in the quantized representation.
getIntValue(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the int value associated with the given key.
getIntValue(String, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the int value associated with the given key, or return a default value.
getIntValue(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the int value associated with the given key.
getIntValue(IFitsHeader, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the int value associated with the given key, or return a default value.
getKernel() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Returns the underlying Java object (usually an array of some type) that stores the data internally.
getKernel() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Data
getKey() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Returns the keyword component of this card, which may be empty but never null, but it may be an empty string.
getKey() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.CursorValue
Returns the key at the current cursor position
getKey(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
An iterator from Header.iterator(int) or Header.iterator() should be used for sequential access to the header.
getKeywordChecking() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Returns the current keyword checking mode.
getLegacyBase() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Returns the Java array element type that is used in Java to represent data in this column for the legacy table access methods.
getLogger(Class<?>) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.LoggerHelper
getLogical(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Returns the boolean value, if possible, for scalar elements.
getLong(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
getLong(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Returns a 64-bit integer value, if possible, of a scalar table entry.
getLongValue(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the long value associated with the given key.
getLongValue(String, long) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the long value associated with the given key, or return a default value.
getLongValue(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the long value associated with the given key.
getLongValue(IFitsHeader, long) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the long value associated with the given key, or return a default value.
getMaximumValue() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Return the minimum valid value in the array.
getMaxValue() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Returns the maximum floating-point value in the data
getMinAssignLength() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.IHierarchKeyFormatter
Returns the minimum length of the sequence that separates keywords from values.
getMinimumSize() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Returns the minimum number of bytes that will be written by this header, either as the original byte size of a header that was read, or else the minimum preallocated capacity after setting Header.ensureCardSpace(int).
getMinimumValue() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Return the minimum valid value in the array.
getMinValue() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Returns the minimum floating-point value in the data
getModelRow() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
(for internal use) Use BinaryTable.getElement(int, int) instead for low-level reading of tables in deferred mode. Not recommended for uses because it requires a deep understanding of how data (especially varialbe length columns) are represented in the FITS. Will reduce visibility to private in the future.
getN(String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.header.GenericKey
getNCols() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
getNCols() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
getNCols() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
Returns the number of columns contained in this table.
getNCols() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Get the number of columns for this table
getNCols() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
getNCols() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.DataTable
Returns the number of columns contained in this table.
getNRows() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
getNRows() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
getNRows() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
Returns the number of columns contained in this table.
getNRows() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Get the number of rows for this table
getNRows() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
getNRows() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.DataTable
Returns the number of rows contained in this table.
getNullValue() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Returns the floating-point value that indicates a null datum in the image before quantization is applied.
getNullValueIndicator() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
use QuantizeOption.getBNull() instead (duplicate method). Returns the integer value that represents missing data (null) in the quantized representation.
getNumber(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Returns the numerical value, if possible, for scalar elements.
getNumberLength() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
getNumberOfCards() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Returns the nominal number of currently defined cards in this header.
getNumberOfHDUs() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Get the number of HDUs currently available in memory.
getNumberOfPhysicalCards() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Returns the number of 80-character header records in this header, including an END marker (whether or not it is currently contained).
getNumberType() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns the sublass of Number corresponding for this BITPIX value.
getObject() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Get the name of the observed object in this FITS file.
getObservationDate() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Get the FITS file observation date as a Date object.
getObserver() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Get the name of the person who acquired the data in this FITS file.
getOffset() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
Get the current offset.
getOffset(int[], int[]) - Static method in class nom.tam.image.StandardImageTiler
getOrigin() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Get the name of the organization which created this FITS file.
getOriginalSize() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
for internal use) It should be a private method in the future. Returns the original size of the header in the stream from which it was read.
getParameter(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes.Parameters
Returns the Stokes parameter for a given Java array index for a dimension that corresponds to the Stokes parameters described by this instance.
getParameter(String, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
Returns the value for a given group parameter.
getParameterCount() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Should not be exposed outside of RandomGroupsHDU -- will reduce visibility in the future.
getParameterCount() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsData
Returns the dimensions of the grouped parameters
getParameterCount() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
Returns the number of parameter bytes (per data group) accompanying each data object in the group.
getParameterCount() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedData
Returns the size of the optional parameter space as stored by the PCOUNT keyword in the FITS header.
getParameterNames() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
Returns a list of parameter names bundled along the images in each group, as extracted from the PTYPE_n_ header entries.
getPrecision() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FlexFormat
Returns the maximum number of decimal places that will be shown when formatting floating point values in exponential form, or FlexFormat.AUTO_PRECISION if either fixed or exponential form may be used with up to the native precision of the value, or whatever precision can be shown in the space available.
getPrimaryHeader() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Returns the primary header of this FITS file, that is the header of the primary HDU in this Fits object.
getPrimitiveType() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns the primitive built-in Java number type corresponding for this BITPIX value.
getQLevel() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Returns the quantization resolution level used for automatic qunatization.
getQuantizer() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Returns the conversion between decimal and integer data representations for the column data.
getQuantizer() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
Returns the conversion between decimal and integer data representations.
getRawElement(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future.
getReference() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Return the citation of a reference where the data associated with this header are published.
getRemaining() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteArrayIO
Returns the number of bytes available for reading from the current position.
getReversed(int...) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Retuens a copy of the input array with the order of elements reversed.
getRiceCompressOption() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceQuantizeCompressOption
Returns the options that are specific to the Rice compression algorithm (without quantization).
getRow(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
getRow(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
getRow(int) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
Returns an array of elements in a particualr table row.
getRow(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Returns a specific row from this table
getRow(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
getRow(int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.DataTable
Indexed access to data by row
getRowLen() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Get the number of bytes in a row
getScale() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorOption
Returns the scale parameter value
getSeed() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Gets the random seed value used for dithering
getSize() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
getSize() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Data
getSize() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.FitsElement
Returns the size of this elements in the FITS representation.
getSize() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsHeap
getSize() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
getSizes() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
(for internal use) Use getElementCount() instead. This one returns the number of elements in the FITS representation, not in the java representation. For example, for String entries, this returns the number of bytes stored, not the number of strings. Similarly, for complex values it returns the number of components not the number of values.
getSizes() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Use ColumnTable.getElementSize(int) instead. This method may be removed in the future.
getSteps() - Method in class nom.tam.image.StreamingTileImageData
Returns the striding step sizes along the various image dimensions.
getStoredChecksum() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Not very useful, since it has no meaning other than ensuring that the checksum of the HDU yields (int) -1 (that is 0xffffffff) after including this value for the CHECKSUM keyword in the header. It will be removed in the future. Use BasicHDU.verifyIntegrity() instead when appropriate.
getStoredChecksum(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
Not very useful, since it has no meaning other than ensuring that the checksum of the HDU yields (int) -1 (that is 0xffffffff) after including this value for the CHECKSUM keyword in the header. It will be removed in the future.
getStoredDatasum() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Returns the FITS checksum for the HDU's data that is stored in the header of this HDU under the DATASUM keyword.
getStoredDatasum(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
Returns the DATASUM value stored in a FITS header.
getStream() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Returns the input from which this Fits is associated to (if any)..
getString(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
getString(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Returns the string value, if possible, for scalar elements.
getStringDelimiter() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Returns the string delimiter that separates packed substrings in variable-length string arrays.
getStringLength() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Returns the maximum length of string elements contained in this colum, or -1 if this is not a string based column, or if there is no limit set to string size (e.g. in a variable-length column)
getStringValue(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the String value associated with the given key.
getStringValue(String, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the String value associated with the given key, or return a default value.
getStringValue(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the String value associated with the given standard key.
getStringValue(IFitsHeader, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Get the String value associated with the given standard key, or return a default value.
getSynonyms() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Returns the list of equivalent FITS header keywords as an array
getTableBaseCount() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Returns the number of regular primitive table elements in this column.
getTableHeader() - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
Obtain a header representative of a decompressed TableHDU.
getTelescope() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Get the name of the telescope which was used to acquire the data in this FITS file.
getTile(int[], int[]) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.CompressedImageTiler
getTile(int[], int[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.image.ImageTiler
Returns a tile from the image of the specified size at the specified location.
getTile(int[], int[]) - Method in class nom.tam.image.StandardImageTiler
getTile(int[], int[], int[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.image.ImageTiler
Returns a sparsely sampled tile from the image of the specified size at the specified location.
getTile(int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class nom.tam.image.StandardImageTiler
getTile(Object, int[], int[]) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.CompressedImageTiler
getTile(Object, int[], int[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.image.ImageTiler
Fills the supplied array or output stream with the data from an image tile of the specified size at the specified location.
getTile(Object, int[], int[]) - Method in class nom.tam.image.StandardImageTiler
getTile(Object, int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.CompressedImageTiler
getTile(Object, int[], int[], int[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.image.ImageTiler
Fills the supplied array our output stream with the sparsely sampled data from an image tile of the specified size at the specified location.
getTile(Object, int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class nom.tam.image.StandardImageTiler
getTileCount() - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
Returns the number of compressed tiles contained in this HDU.
getTileHDU(int[], int[]) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
Returns an ImageHDU, with the specified decompressed image area.
getTileHeight() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.api.ICompressOption
Returns the tile height (if supported), or else 0 (also the default implementation).
getTileHeight() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorOption
getTileHeight() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Returns the tile height
getTileIndex() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Returns the sequential tile index that this option is currently configured for.
getTiler() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
Returns the class that can be used to divide this image into tiles that may be processed separately (and in parallel).
getTiler() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageHDU
Returns the class that can be used to divide this image into tiles that may be processed separately (and in parallel).
getTileRows() - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
Returns the number of table rows that are compressed in each table tile.
getTileWidth() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.api.ICompressOption
Returns the tile width (if supported), or else 0 (also the default implementation).
getTileWidth() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorOption
getTileWidth() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Returns the tile width
getTrimmedString(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
(for internal use) Will reduced visibility in the future. Use Header.getStringValue(IFitsHeader) or similar instead followed by String.trim() if necessary.
getTrimmedString(IFitsHeader) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
(for internal use) Will reduced visibility in the future. Use Header.getStringValue(String) or similar instead followed by String.trim() if necessary.
getType() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
Returns the element type of this image in its current representation.
getTypeChar(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Returns the Java array type character for the elements stored in a given column.
getTypes() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
(for internal use) Use getElementClass() instead. Not very useful to users since this returns the FITS primitive storage type for the data column.
getTypes() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Use ColumnTable.getTypeChar(int) instead. This method may be removed in the future.
getUncompressedData() - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
(for internal use) There is no reason why this should be exposed to users. Use CompressedImageHDU.asImageHDU() instead. Future release may restrict the visibility to private.
getUncompressedKey() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
Returns the equivalent of this comression keyword in the uncompressed HDU.
getURLStream(URL, int) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsUtil
Gets and input stream for a given URL resource.
getUseAsciiTables() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
whether ASCII tables should be used where feasible.
getUseHierarch() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Whether we can use HIERARCH style keywords.
getValue() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Returns the serialized value component of this card, which may be null.
getValue(Class<T>, T) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Returns the value cast to the specified type, if possible, or the specified default value if the value is null or if the value is incompatible with the requested type.
getValueCheckingPolicy() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Returns the current policy for checking if set values are of the allowed type for cards with standardized IFitsHeader keywords.
getWidth() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FlexFormat
Returns the number of characters that this formatter can use to print number values
getWrappedColumn(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Returns the wrapped column data, in which each entry correspond to data for a given row.
getXtension() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedData
Returns the FITS extension type as stored by the XTENSION keyword in the FITS header.
GRATING - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.InstrumentDescription
The value field shall contain a character string which gives the name of the defraction grating that was used during the observation.
GRATING_NONE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.InstrumentDescription
Standard InstrumentDescription.GRATING name when no filter was used.
GRATINGn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.InstrumentDescription
The value field of this indexed keyword shall contain a character string which gives the name of one of multiple defraction gratings that were used during the observation.
GRD_FILE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
CALDB file for grade correction
GROUPS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.HDU
keyword for random groups only
GROUPS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain the logical constant T.
GRPIDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.HierarchicalGrouping
TODO: find description?
GRPLCn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.HierarchicalGrouping
TODO: find description?
GRPNAME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.HierarchicalGrouping
the grouping table name.
GTV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider TV name.
GTVFIL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider TV filter names.
GTVFILn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider TV filter names.
GTVFPO - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider TV filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.
GTVFPOn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider TV filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.
GTVFTY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider TV filter type.
GTVFTYn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider TV filter type.
GTVHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider TV identification and hardware version.
GTVMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the guider television sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
GTVMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the guider television sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
GTVPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider television position angle measurements in appropriate units.
GTVPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider television position angle measurements in appropriate units.
GTVPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider television linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
GTVPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider television linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
GTVPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider television pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
GTVPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider television pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
GTVSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider TV status.
GTVSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider TV software version.
GTVTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider television temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
GTVTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider television temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
GTVVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider television voltage sensor measurements in volts.
GTVVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider television voltage sensor measurements in volts.
GUIDEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guide object declination.
GUIDECU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination unit.
GUIDEHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider identification and hardware version.
GUIDER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider name.
GUIDESWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider software version.
GUIEPOCH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Epoch of the guide object coordinates.
GUIEQUIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guide object coordinate system equinox.
GUIMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the guider sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
GUIMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the guider sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
GUIPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider position angle measurements in appropriate units.
GUIPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider position angle measurements in appropriate units.
GUIPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
GUIPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
GUIPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
GUIPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
GUIRA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guide object right ascension.
GUIRADEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guide object coordinate system type.
GUIRATE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider correction rate.
GUIRAU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension unit.
GUISTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider status.
GUITEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
GUITEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
GUIVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider voltage sensor measurements in volts.
GUIVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Guider voltage sensor measurements in volts.
GZIP_COMPRESSED_DATA_COLUMN - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
When using the quantization method to compress floating-poi nt images that is described in Section 4, it sometimes may not be possible to quantize some o f the tiles (e.g., if the range of pixels values is too large or if most of the pixels have the sam e value and hence the calculated RMS noise level in the tile is close to zero).


HA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Hour angle at TELMJD.
hadDuplicates() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Checks if the header had duplicate assignments in the FITS.
hasAvailable(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Checks if there are the required number of bytes available to read from this file.
hasCircularPolarization() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes.Parameters
Checks if the parameters include circular polarization term(s).
hashCode() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsDate
hashCode() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes.Parameters
hashCode() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue
HashedList<VALUE extends CursorValue<String>> - Class in nom.tam.util
An ordered hash map implementation.
HashedList() - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.HashedList
hasHierarchKey() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Checks if this card cas a hierarch style long keyword.
hasLinearPolarization() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes.Parameters
Checks if the parameters include linear polarization terms.
hasLongPointers() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Checks if this column used 64-bit heap pointers.
hasOldStandardVLAIndexing() - Static method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
Checks if we should use reversed compressed/uncompressed heap indices for when decompressing variable-length arrays (VLAs).
hasPrev() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.Cursor
Checks if there is an element prior to the current one.
HCompressorOption - Class in nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress
Options to the HCompress compression algorithm.
HCompressorOption() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorOption
Creates a new set of options for HCompress.
HCompressorQuantizeOption - Class in nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress
(for internal use) This class should not be exposed to users.

Options to the HCompress compression algorithm when the compression includes quantization. When compressing tables and images using the HCompress algorithm, including quantization, users can control how exactly the compression and quantization are perfomed. When reading compressed FITS files, these options will be set automatically based on the header values recorded in the compressed HDU.

HCompressorQuantizeOption() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorQuantizeOption
Creates a new set of options for HCompress with quantization, initialized to default values.
HCompressorQuantizeOption(HCompressorOption) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorQuantizeOption
Creates a new set of options for HCompress with quantization, using the specified option to HCompress, and initializing the qunatization options with default values.
HDRVER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.ESOExt
Modification timestamp.
hdu() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.FitsKey
hdu() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader
Returns the type of HDU(s) in which this header entry may be used.
HDU_CHECKSUM - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
The expected checksum for a HDU that already contains a valid CHECKSUM keyword
HDUCLASn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
The value fields of this hierarchical set of indexed keywords shall contain character strings that classify the type of data contained in the HDU.
HDUCLASS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
The value field shall contain a character string that identifies the domain to which the associated HDUCLASn keywords apply.
HDUDOC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
The value field shall contain a character string that gives a reference to a document that describes the allowed values that may be assigned to the HDUCLASn data classification keywords.
hduFactory(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Use Fits.makeHDU(Object) instead (this method may either be migrated to Fits entirely or else have visibility reduced to the package level).
hduFactory(Header, DataClass) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
(for internal use)/ Will reduce visibility in the future
HDUFactory(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Use Fits.makeHDU(Object) instead (will removed in the future. Duplicate of FitsFactory.hduFactory(Object)
HDUFactory(Header, DataClass) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
(duplicate method for internal use) Same as FitsFactory.hduFactory(Header, Data), and will be removed in the future.
HDULEVEL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
This keyword is synonymous to the standard EXTLEVEL.
HDUNAME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
This keyword is synonymous to the standard EXTNAME keyword except.
HDUNAME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Gives a name to an HDU.
HDUSPEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
ICD reference.
HDUVER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
This keyword is synonymous to the standard EXTVER keyword.
HDUVERS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
The value field shall contain a character string that gives the specific version of the document referenced by HDUDOC.
header() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardBuilder
Returns the FITS header object that this builder is used with
Header - Class in nom.tam.fits
Access and manipulate the header of a HDU.
Header() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Header
Create a new header with the required default keywords for a standalone header.
Header(String[]) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Header
Create a header and initialize it with a vector of strings.
Header(Data) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Header
Create a header which points to the given data object.
Header(ArrayDataInput) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.Header
Create a header and populate it from the input stream
Header.KeywordCheck - Enum in nom.tam.fits
Keyword checking mode when adding standardized keywords via the IFitsHeader interface.
HeaderCard - Class in nom.tam.fits
An individual entry in the FITS header, such as a key/value pair with an optional comment field, or a comment-style entry without a value field.
HeaderCard(String, Boolean) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new card with a boolean value (and no comment).
HeaderCard(String, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new card with a boolean value, and a comment.
HeaderCard(String, Number) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new card with a number value.
HeaderCard(String, Number, int, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new card with a number value, using scientific notation, with up to the specified decimal places showing between the decimal place and the exponent.
HeaderCard(String, Number, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new card with a number value and a comment.
HeaderCard(String, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new card with a string value (and no comment).
HeaderCard(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
HeaderCard(String, String, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new card with a string value, and a comment
HeaderCard(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
HeaderCard(String, ComplexValue) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new card with a complex value.
HeaderCard(String, ComplexValue, int, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new card with a complex number value, using scientific (exponential) notation, with up to the specified number of decimal places showing between the decimal point and the exponent.
HeaderCard(String, ComplexValue, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new card with a complex value and a comment.
HeaderCard(HeaderCardCountingArrayDataInput) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
(for internal use) Its visibility may be reduced or may be removed entirely in the future. Card counting should be internal to HeaderCard.
HeaderCard(ArrayDataInput) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Creates a new header card, but reading from the specified data input stream.
HeaderCard.ValueCheck - Enum in nom.tam.fits
Value type checking policies for when setting values for standardized keywords.
HeaderCardBuilder - Class in nom.tam.fits
Builder pattern implementation for easy readable header card creation.
HeaderCardCountingArrayDataInput - Class in nom.tam.fits
(for internal use) This class should not have public visibility. And really, the counting should be completely internalized by HeaderCard. Perhaps remove in a future major release.
HeaderCardException - Exception in nom.tam.fits
Exception that is generated when a header record is in violation of the standard, or encounters some other header card specific issue.
HeaderCardException(String) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardException
Instantiates this exception with the designated message string.
HeaderCardException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardException
Instantiates this exception with the designated message string, when it was triggered by some other type of exception
HEASARC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
HEASARC keywords.
Hierarch - Class in nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch
Helper class for creating HIERARCH-style (or long) FITS keywords for use within this library.
HIERARCH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.NonStandard
The HIERARCH keyword, when followed by spaces in columns 9 and 10 of the FITS card image, indicates that the ESO HIERARCH keyword convention should be used to interpret the name and value of the keyword.
HierarchicalGrouping - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
This data dictionary contains FITS keywords that have been widely used within the astronomical community.
HierarchNotEnabledException - Exception in nom.tam.fits
The keyword is a HIERARCH-style long FITS keyword but the library does not have the hierarch support enabled at present.
HierarchNotEnabledException(String) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.HierarchNotEnabledException
Instantiates a new exception for a HIERARCH-style header keyword, when support for the hierarch convention is not enabled.
HIGH_INTEGER_MASK - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
bit mask to get the highest integer from an long.
HISTORY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
This keyword shall have no associated value; columns 9-80 may contain any ASCII text.
HLSPID - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
The identifier (acronym) for this HLSP collection.
HLSPLEAD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Full name of HLSP project lead
HLSPNAME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Title for HLSP project, long form
HLSPTARG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Designation of the target(s) or field(s) for this HLSP
HLSPVER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Version identifier for this HLSP product
HUMIDITY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Relative humidity as percentage
HUMIDITY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Relative humidity in percent


I - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
Stokes I: total (polarized + unpolarized) power
I - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue
The unity along the imaginary axis i, or (0.0, 1.0)
ICompressOption - Interface in nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.api
Option for the compression algorithm, implementors are used to control the compression algorithm.
IFitsHeader - Interface in nom.tam.fits.header
Interface for standardized header keyword implementations.
IFitsHeader.HDU - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
An enumeration of HDU types in which a header keyword may be used.
IFitsHeader.SOURCE - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
Documentation sources for the various known conventions.
IFitsHeader.VALUE - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
Values types to which implementing keywords can be restricted to.
IHierarchKeyFormatter - Interface in nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch
Interface for formatting HIERARCH-style header keywords.
im() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue
Returns the imaginary part of this complex value.
IMAGE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.HDU
image and/or random groups keywords
ImageData - Class in nom.tam.fits
Image data.
ImageData() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
Create the equivalent of a null data element.
ImageData(Object) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
Create an ImageData object using the specified object to initialize the data array.
ImageData(Header) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
(for internal use) Create an array from a header description.
ImageHDU - Class in nom.tam.fits
Header/data unit for images.
ImageHDU(Header, ImageData) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.ImageHDU
(for internal use) Its visibility should be reduced to package level in the future.
IMAGEHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Image creation system hardware version.
IMAGEID - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The image identification when there are multiple images within an observation.
IMAGESWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Image creation system software version.
ImageTiler - Interface in nom.tam.image
Image tiling interface.
IMAGETYP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
IMAGETYP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
This indicates the type of image and should be one of the following: 'Light Frame', 'Dark Frame', 'Bias Frame', 'Flat Field', or 'Tricolor Image'.
IMAGETYP_BIAS_FRAME - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
IMAGETYP_BIAS_FRAME - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Standard SBFitsExt.IMAGETYP value for a bias frame.
IMAGETYP_DARK_FRAME - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
IMAGETYP_DARK_FRAME - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Standard SBFitsExt.IMAGETYP value for a dark frame.
IMAGETYP_FLAT_FRAME - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
IMAGETYP_FLAT_FRAME - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Standard SBFitsExt.IMAGETYP value for a flat frame.
IMAGETYP_LIGHT_FRAME - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
IMAGETYP_LIGHT_FRAME - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Standard SBFitsExt.IMAGETYP value for a light frame.
IMAGETYP_TRICOLOR_IMAGE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Standard MaxImDLExt.IMAGETYP value for a tricolor image.
IMAGETYP_TRICOLOR_IMAGE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Standard SBFitsExt.IMAGETYP value for a tricolor image.
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Checksum
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCStclSharedExt
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.ESOExt
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
impl() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.FitsKey
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.HierarchicalGrouping
impl() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader
(primarily for internal use) Returns the concrete implementation of this header entry, which provides implementation of access methods.
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.InstrumentDescription
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.NonStandard
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDurationDescription
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
impl() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
indexOf(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Returns the Java index of the first column by the specified name.
individualSize() - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
INFINITY - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
String representation of (positive) infinity values
info(PrintStream) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTableHDU
info(PrintStream) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Print out some information about this HDU.
info(PrintStream) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
info(PrintStream) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageHDU
info(PrintStream) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.NullDataHDU
info(PrintStream) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
info(PrintStream) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedHDU
INHERIT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.NonStandard
Part of the FITS standard, use Standard.INHERIT instead.
INHERIT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
If set to true, it indicates that the HDU should inherit all non-confliucting keywords from the primary HDU.
InputDecoder - Class in nom.tam.util
Efficient base class for decoding of binary input into Java arrays (primarily for internal use)
InputDecoder(InputReader) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.InputDecoder
Instantiates a new decoder for converting data representations into Java arrays.
INPUTFMT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
format of file from which image was read.
InputReader - Interface in nom.tam.util
Interface for asic binary input reading functionality.
insertBlankCard() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Adds a blank card into the header.
insertComment(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Adds one or more consecutive COMMENT records, wrapping the comment text as necessary.
insertCommentStyle(String, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Adds a line to the header using the COMMENT style, i.e., no '=' in column 9.
insertCommentStyleMultiline(String, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Adds a line to the header using the COMMENT style, i.e., no '=' in column 9.
insertHDU(BasicHDU<?>, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Insert a FITS object into the list of HDUs.
insertHistory(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Adds one or more consecutive a HISTORY records, wrapping the comment text as necessary.
insertUnkeyedComment(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Adds one or more consecutive comment records with no keyword (bytes 1-9 left blank), wrapping the comment text as necessary.
INSFOCUS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Instrument focus.
INSMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the instrument sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
INSMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the instrument sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
INSPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Instrument position angle measurements in appropriate units.
INSPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Instrument position angle measurements in appropriate units.
INSPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Instrument linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
INSPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Instrument linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
INSPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Instrument pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
INSPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Instrument pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
INSSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Instrument status.
INSTCONF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Instrument configuration.
INSTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Instrument temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
INSTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Instrument temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
INSTHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Instrument hardware version.
INSTRUME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a character string identifying the instrument used to acquire the data associated with the key.
InstrumentDescription - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
This data dictionary contains FITS keywords that have been widely used within the astronomical community.
INSTSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Instrument software version. ------------------------------------------------------------------
INSVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Instrument voltage sensor measurements in volts.
INSVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Instrument voltage sensor measurements in volts.
INT - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
The FITS representation of a 32-bit sined integer value in images and binary tables
INT - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.PrimitiveTypes
Use ElementType.INT instead
INTEGER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
For FITS data stored as 32-bit integers
INTEGER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.VALUE
keyword expects an integer type value
INTEGER_MASK - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
bit mask to get the lowest integer from an long.
INTEGRAL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
The keyword is integral to the workings of the library.
IPPS_B_P - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
In truth this is an illegal FITS keyword, as the character '/' is not allowed in standard FITS keywords. If possible, avoid using it since it may result in FITS that is not readable by some software.
IPPS_ID - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
IPPS identification, such as target name, possibly including IPPS configuration
IPPS_MAX - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Maximum value in raster
IPPS_MIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Minimum value in raster
IPPS_RF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Raster LFN / raster ordinal
is(ElementType<? extends Buffer>) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Checks if this element type is the same as another.
isAllowHeaderRepairs() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Whether we allow 3rd party FITS headers to be in violation of the standard, attempting to make sense of corrupted header data as much as possible.
isAtStart() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
isAtStart() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.FitsOutput
Checks whether we are currently at the start of this output file or stream.
isAtStart() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
isBits() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Checks if this column contains only true boolean values (bits).
isBlank() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Checks if the card is blank, that is if it contains only empty spaces.
isCaseSensitive() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.BlanksDotHierarchKeyFormatter
isCaseSensitive() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.IHierarchKeyFormatter
Checks if this formatter allows support for case-sensitive (mixed-case) hierarchical keywords.
isCaseSensitive() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.StandardIHierarchKeyFormatter
isCenterOnZero() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Checks whether we force the integer quantized level 0 to correspond to a floating-point level 0.0, when using automatic quantization.
isCheckNull() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Whether the floating-point data may contain null values (normally NaNs).
isCheckZero() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Whether automatic quantization treats 0.0 as a special value.
isCommentStyleCard() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Checks if this card is a comment-style card with no associated value field.
isCommentStyleKey(String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.header.FitsKey
(for internal use) Checks if a keywords is known to be a comment-style keyword.
isComplex() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Checks if this column contains complex values.
isComplexValued() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
Checks if the image data is explicitly designated as a complex-valued image.
isCrossPolarization() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes.Parameters
Checks if the parameters are for measuring cross-polarization between two inputs.
isData(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTableHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
isData(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
(for internal use) Will be removed as it serves no purpose.
isData(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
isData(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
isData(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
isData(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
isDecimalType() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Checks if this card has a decimal (floating-point) type value (which may be null).
isDefault() - Method in class nom.tam.util.Quantizer
Checks if the quantization is the same as the default quantization.
isDeferred() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Data
Checks if the data should be assumed to be in deferred read mode.
isDither() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Whether dithering is enabled
isDither2() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Whether dither method 2 is used.
isEmpty() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Data
Checks if the data content is currently empty, i.e. no actual data is currently stored in memory.
isEmpty() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Checks if the header is empty, that is if it contains no cards at all.
isEmpty() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsData
isEmpty() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Checks if the table is empty (contains no data and no column definitions)
isEmpty() - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
isEmpty(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Convenience method to check a generic Array object.
isFinite() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue
Checks if the complex value is finite.
isHeader() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
isHeader() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
Check that this HDU has a valid header.
isHeader() - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
isHeader(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTableHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
isHeader(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
(for internal use) Will be removed as it serves no purpose.
isHeader(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
isHeader(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
isHeader(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
isHeader(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
isHeader(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
isHeader(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
isI10PreferInt() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Checks if I10 columns should be treated as containing 32-bit int values, rather than 64-bit long values, when possible.
isIntegerType() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Checks if this card has an integer type value (which may be null).
isKeyValuePair() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Checks if this card has both a valid keyword and a (non-null) value.
isLogical() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Checks if this column contains logical values.
isLongStringsEnabled() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Whether we allow storing long string in the header, which do not fit into a single 80-byte header record.
isLossyCompression() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.api.ICompressOption
Checks if this type of compression is inherently lossy
isLossyCompression() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorOption
isLossyCompression() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
isLossyCompression() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceCompressOption
isNull(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Checks if an element is null.
isNull(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTableHDU
Checks if a table entry is null
isNumeric() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Checks if this column contains numerical values, such as any primitive number type (e.g.
ISOSPEED - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
ISO camera setting, if camera uses ISO speeds.
ISOSPEED - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Camera gain / ISO speed
isParserWarningsEnabled() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Checks whether warnings about FITS standard violations are logged when a header is being read (parsed).
isSingleton() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Checks if this column contains single (scalar / non-array) elements only, including single strings or single complex values.
isSkipBlankAfterAssign() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
The FITS standard is very explicit that assignment must be "= " (equals followed by a blank space). If we allow skipping the space, it will result in a non-standard FITS, that is likely to break compatibility with other tools.
isSmooth() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorOption
Checks if smoothing is enabled
isString() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Checks if this column stores ASCII strings.
isStringValue() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Checks if this card has a string value (which may be null).
isSubArray(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.array.MultiArrayPointer
()for internal use) Visibility may be reduced to private.
isUseExponentD() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Whether the letter 'D' may replace 'E' in the exponential notation of doubl-precision values.
isUseUnicodeChars() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Whether char[] arrays are written as 16-bit integers (short[]) int binary tables as opposed as FITS character arrays (byte[] with column type 'A').
isValidChar(char) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Checks if a character is valid for inclusion in a FITS header record.
isVariableSize() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Checks if this column contains entries of different size.
isVariableSize() - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Checks if this type of element has a variable size, rather than a fixed size
isWhitespace(char) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.AsciiFuncs
isZero() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue
Checks if the complex value is zero.
iterator() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Returns a cursor-based iterator for this header's entries starting at the first entry.
iterator() - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
Returns an iterator that will go over all elements of the list in the defined order.
iterator(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
We should never use indexed access to the header. This function will be removed in 2.0.
iterator(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
Returns an iterator, which starts from the specified entry index, and goes over the remaining elements in the list.
iterator(String) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
Returns an iterator, which starts from the specified keyed entry, and goes over the remaining elements in the list.


JD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
records the geocentric Julian Day of the start of exposure.
JD_GEO - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
records the geocentric Julian Day of the start of exposure.
JD_HELIO - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
records the Heliocentric Julian Date at the exposure midpoint.
JD_HELIO2 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
records the Heliocentric Julian Date at the exposure midpoint.
JDREF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
[day] Reference Julian Date
JEPOCH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
[yr] Julian epoch of observation
JOBNAME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt


key() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.FitsKey
key() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader
Returns the FITS header keyword (or keyword template) for this header entry.
key(String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.Hierarch
Creates a hierarch-style (or long) keyword to use within this library, by prepending "HIERARCH." to the user-specified long or hierarchical keyword.
key(String...) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.Hierarch
Creates a hierarch-style keyword from its hierarchical components to use within this library, For example, for the arguments "group" and "property", this will return "", which is how we refer to this keyword internally within this library.
KWDICT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The keyword dictionary defining the keywords.


LAMP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Calibration lamp name
LAMPTYPE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Calibration lamp type.
LATITUDE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the geographic latitude from which the observation was made in units of degrees.
LATPna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[deg] The latitude of the celestial pole for the entries in the given column index (for spherical coordinates).
LATPOLEa - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[deg] The latitude of the celestial pole (for spherical coordinates).
length() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.RandomSequence
Returns the number of random values in the sequence.
length() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsSubString
length() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Returns the current length of the file.
length() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteArrayIO
length() - Method in class nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileChannel
length() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ReadWriteAccess
Returns the current total length of this instance, that is the total number of bytes that may be read from it.
LICENSE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
License for use of these data, with the value 'CC BY 4.0'
LICENURL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Data license URL, with the value ''
limit() - Method in class nom.tam.util.BufferPointer
Returns the current sizeof the buffer
LINEAR_CROSS_POLARIZATION - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
Bitwise flag for dual-input linear cross polarization Stokes parameters (XX, YY, XY, YX)
LIVETIME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDurationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the total integrated exposure time in units of seconds corrected for detector 'dead time' effects which reduce the net efficiency of the detector.
LL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
circular cross-polarization between two left-handed wave components
LMPMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the lamp sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
LMPMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the lamp sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
LMPPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Calibration lamp position angle measurements in appropriate units.
LMPPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Calibration lamp position angle measurements in appropriate units.
LMPPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Calibration lamp linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
LMPPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Calibration lamp linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
LMPPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Calibration lamp pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
LMPPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Calibration lamp pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
LMPTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Calibration lamp temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
LMPTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Calibration lamp temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
LMPVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Calibration lamp voltage sensor measurements in volts.
LMPVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Calibration lamp voltage sensor measurements in volts.
LoggerHelper - Class in nom.tam.util
Access to Logger instances by class.
LOGGING - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard.ValueCheck
Attempting to set values of the wrong type for standardized keywords will log warnings
LOGICAL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.VALUE
keyword expects a logical 'T' or 'F' value
LONG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
For FITS data stored as 64-bit integers
LONG - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
The FITS representation of a 64-bit sined integer value in images and binary tables
LONG - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.PrimitiveTypes
Use ElementType.LONG instead
LongStringsNotEnabledException - Exception in nom.tam.fits
The string value does not fit into a signle 80-character wide FITS header record, and the library does not have long string support enabled at present.
LongStringsNotEnabledException(String) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.LongStringsNotEnabledException
Instantiates a new exception for when a string value does not fit in a single 80-character header record, and support for the standard long string convention has not been enabled.
LONGSTRN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
The OGIP long string convention may be used.
LongValueException - Exception in nom.tam.fits
The value cannot fit into the available header space, as requested.
LongValueException(int) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.LongValueException
Instantiates a new exception about a long value that cannot be fitted into the space available for it in the FITS header.
LongValueException(int, String) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.LongValueException
Instantiates a new exception about a long value that cannot be fitted into the space available for it in the FITS header.
LongValueException(int, String, String) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.LongValueException
Instantiates a new exception about a long value that cannot be fitted into the space available for it in the FITS header.
LongValueException(String, int) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.LongValueException
Instantiates a new exception about a long value that cannot be fitted into the space available for it in the FITS header.
LONPna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[deg] The longitude of the celestial pole for the entries in the given column index (for spherical coordinates).
LONPOLEa - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[deg] The longitude of the celestial pole (for spherical coordinates).
lookup(String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.header.GenericKey
LR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
circular cross-polarization between a left-handled (input 1) and a right-handed (input 2) wave component
LST - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.ESOExt
UTC seconds since midnight.
LST_OBS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Local siderial time at the start of the exposure.
LSTEND - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Local siderial time at the end of the exposure.
LSTHDR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Local siderial time of the header creation.
LSTOBS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Default local siderial time for the observation.
LTMn_n - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Transformation matrix between CCD and image coordinates.
LTVn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Transformation origin vector between CCD and image coordinates.


makeData() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
(for internal use) Normally we either want to write a Java object to FITS (in which case we have the dataand want to make a header for it), or we read some data from a FITS input. In either case, there is no benefit of exposing such a function as this to the user.
makeHDU(DataClass) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Creates a new empty HDU for the given data type.
makeHDU(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Creates an HDU that wraps around the specified data object.
makeHDU(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Creates a new empty HDU based on the header description of the data
MANDATORY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
Mandatory keywords defined by the FITS standard.
manufactureData(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTableHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
manufactureData(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
manufactureData(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
manufactureData(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
manufactureData(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
manufactureData(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
manufactureData(Header) - Static method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
manufactureHeader(Data) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTableHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
manufactureHeader(Data) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
manufactureHeader(Data) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
manufactureHeader(Data) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedHDU
(for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
mark() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardCountingArrayDataInput
(for internal use) Visibility will be reduced to the package level, or will be removed entirely.
mark(int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
See the general contract of the mark method of InputStream.
mark(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
markSupported() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardCountingArrayDataInput
(for internal use) Visibility will be reduced to the package level, or will be removed entirely.
markSupported() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
See the general contract of the markSupported method of InputStream.
markSupported() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
match(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
Returns the standard FITS keyword that matches the specified actual key.
MAX_COMMENT_ALIGN - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.Header
We will disable changing alignment in the future because it may violate the standard for 'fixed-format' header entries, and result in files that are unreadable by some other software. This constant will be obsoleted and removed.
MAX_COMMENT_CARD_COMMENT_LENGTH - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Maximum length of a comment-style card comment field.
MAX_HIERARCH_KEYWORD_LENGTH - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Maximum HIERARCH keyword length (80 chars must fit [<keyword>=T] at minimum...
MAX_INDEX - Static variable in interface nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader
Max numeric index we may use to replace n in the Java name of indexed variables.
MAX_KEYWORD_LENGTH - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Maximum length of a FITS keyword field
MAX_LONG_STRING_CONTINUE_OVERHEAD - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
The start and end quotes of the string and the ampasant to continue the string.
MAX_LONG_STRING_VALUE_LENGTH - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Maximum length of a FITS long string value field. the & for the continuation needs one char.
MAX_LONG_STRING_VALUE_WITH_COMMENT_LENGTH - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
if a commend needs the be specified 2 extra chars are needed to start the comment
MAX_NAXIS_ALLOWED - Static variable in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
The maximum number of table columns FITS supports
MAX_STRING_VALUE_LENGTH - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Maximum length of a FITS string value field.
MAX_VALID_CHAR - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
The last ASCII character that may be used in header records
MAX_VALUE_LENGTH - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Maximum length of a FITS value field.
MaxImDL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
MaxImDL keywords.
MaxImDLExt - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header.extra
The Fits extension keywords that may be added or read by MaxIm DL, depending on the current equipment and software configuration.
maxLength(String[]) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsUtil
(for internal use) No longer used internally, may be removed in the future.
MAXNSCAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The maximum number of scanned (unbinned) lines used to form an output line.
mergeDistinct(Header) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Merges copies of all cards from another header, provided they are not readily present in this header.
METYPn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Type of composite column (not yet supported)
MFORMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Comma-separated list of column names making up composite col (with CXCExt.MTYPEn).
MIDPOINT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
UT of midpoint of exposure (ISO timestamp).
mimicArray(Object, Class<?>) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Create an array of a type given by new type with the dimensionality given in array.
MIN_BIGINT_EFORM_DECIMALS - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.FlexFormat
The minimum number of decimal places to show (after the leading figure) for big-decimal values. 64-bit longs are in the +-1E19 range, so they provide 18 decimals after the leading figure.
MIN_COMMENT_ALIGN - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.Header
We will disable changing alignment in the future because it may violate the standard for 'fixed-format' header entries, and result in files that are unreadable by some other software. This constant will be obsoleted and removed.
MIN_VALID_CHAR - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
The first ASCII character that may be used in header records
MINNSCAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The minimum number of scanned (unbinned) lines used to form an output line.
MISSION - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Mission specifier, e.g.
MJD_AVG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
[day] Average Modified Julian Date of observation
MJD_BEG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
[day] Modified Julian Date of the start of observation
MJD_END - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
[day] Average Modified Julian Date of the end of observation
MJD_OBS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
[day] Modified Julian Date of observation
MJD_OBS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Modified Julian date at the start of the exposure.
MJD_OBS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Use the standard DateTime.MJD_OBS instead.
MJDAn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
[day] Average Modified Julian Date of observation for the given column index
MJDHDR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Modified Julian date when the image header was created by the software.
MJDOBn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
[day] Modified Julian Date of observation for the given column index
MJDOBS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Default modified Julian date for the observation.
MJDREF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
[day] Reference Modified Julian Date
MJDREF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCStclSharedExt
MJDREF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Use the standard DateTime.MJDREF instead.
MJDREFF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Fractional portion of ephemeris MJD
MJDREFI - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Integer portion of ephemeris MJD
MODAL_ID - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Modal Configuration ID
MOONANGL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the angle between the direction of the observation (e.g., the optical axis of the telescope or the position of the target) and the moon, measured in degrees.
MTYPEn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Composite column name (paired with CXCExt.MFORMn).
MultiArrayCopier<Source,Destination> - Class in nom.tam.util.array
Make deep copies of multi-dimensional arrays.
MultiArrayCopyFactory<Source,Destination> - Class in nom.tam.util.array
(for internal use) use MultiArrayCopier instead. Make copies of multi-dimensional arrays.
MultiArrayIterator<BaseArray> - Class in nom.tam.util.array
Multi-dimensional array iterator (primarily for internal use)
MultiArrayIterator(BaseArray) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.array.MultiArrayIterator
Creates a new iterator for a multidimensional array.
MultiArrayPointer - Class in nom.tam.util.array
()for internal use) Visibility may be reduced to the package level in the future. A multi-dimensional array index. Used only by MultiArrayCopier and MultiArrayIterator.
MultiArrayPointer() - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.array.MultiArrayPointer
()for internal use) Visibility may be reduced to private.
MultiArrayPointer(Object) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.array.MultiArrayPointer
Constructs a new pointer for the specified multidimensional array object.


n(int...) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader
Constructs an indexed FITS header keyword entry from this stem, replacing index place-holders (indicated by lower-case 'n' in the name) with actual numerical values.
name() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Returns the name of this column, as it was stored or would be stored by a TTYPEn value in the FITS header.
name(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Sets a user-specified name for this column.
NAMPS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The number of amplifiers in the detector.
NAXIS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a non-negative integer no greater than 999, representing the number of axes in the associated data array.
NAXIS1 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
A shorthand for Standard.NAXISn.n(1), that is the regular dimension along the first, fastest FITS array index (this is the same as the last dimension of Java arrays).
NAXIS2 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
A shorthand for Standard.NAXISn.n(2), that is the regular dimension along the second fastest FITS array index (this is the same as the one before the last dimension of Java arrays).
NAXISn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field of this indexed keyword shall contain a non-negative integer, representing the number of elements along axis n of a data array.
NCCDS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The number of CCDs in the detector.
nCDEna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate axis spacing in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in this column (trailing index).
nCDLTn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate axis spacing in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in this column (trailing index).
nCNAna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate axis name for array entries in this column (trailing index).
nCPRna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Phase axis period on axis (leading index) for array entries in this column (trailing index)
nCRDna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate axis random error in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in this column (trailing index).
nCROTn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The FITS standard deprecated this keyword. Use WCS.nnPCna and WCS.nnCDnainstead. [deg] The coordinate axis rotation in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in this column (trailing index). The number of coordinate axes (leading index) defined this way should match the dimensionality of the array elements in the column.
nCRPna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The 1-based coordinate reference pixel index in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in this column (trailing index).
nCRPXn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The 1-based coordinate reference pixel index in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in this column (trailing index).
nCRVLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate reference value in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in this column (trailing index).
nCRVna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate reference value in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in this column (trailing index).
nCSYna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate axis systematic error in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in this column (trailing index).
nCTYna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate axis type for array entries in this column (trailing index).
nCTYPn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate axis type for array entries in this column (trailing index).
nCUNIn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The physical coordinate unit for array entries in this column (trailing index).
nCUNna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The physical coordinate unit for array entries in this column (trailing index).
nCZPna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Phase axis zero point on axis (leading index) for array entries in this column (trailing index)
nDSREFn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Data Subspace table pointer for component i (leading index) and column n (trailing index).
nDSVALn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Data Subspace filter list for component i (leading index) and column n (trailing index).
nearestValueOf(int) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.type.PrimitiveTypeHandler
NEGATIVE_INFINITY - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
String representation of (negative) infinity values
nElements(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
May silently underestimate size if number is > 2 G.
newArray(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Creates a new 1D Java array for storing elements of this type.
newBuffer(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Creates a new new buffer of the specified size for this type of elements
newBuffer(long) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Currently the same as ElementType.newBuffer(int), but in the future it may be used to implement large memory mapped buffers....
newInstance(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
(for internal use) This method should be private in the future.
newInstance(Class<?>, int...) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Allocate an array dynamically.
next() - Method in class nom.tam.util.array.MultiArrayIterator
Returns the next array element in the top-level array.
next() - Method in class nom.tam.util.array.MultiArrayPointer
Returns the next base element in the array
next(int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.Cursor
Returns the count next element in the iteration.
nextCard() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Returns the header card at the currently set mark position and increments the mark position by one.
nextChecksum() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
(for internal use) Returns the aggregated checksum for this stream since the last call to this method, or else since instantiation.
NEXTEND - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
The value field shall contain an integer giving the number of standard extensions contained in the FITS file.
nLElements(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Use the more aptly named ArrayFuncs.countElements(Object) instead.
nnCDna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Coordinate transformation matrix in the CD convention. from rectilinear coordinate index i (leading index) to coordinate index j (second index) for the for array entries in this column (trailing index).
nnPCna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Coordinate transformation matrix in the PC convention. from rectilinear coordinate index i (leading index) to coordinate index j (second index) for the for array entries in this column (trailing index).
NOAO - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
NOAO keywords.
NOAOExt - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header.extra
This keyword dictionary defines keywords which may be used in image data recorded by the data acquisition system.
NODANGLE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
NODDIST - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
NODFREQ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
NODHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
NODMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the nodding system sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
NODMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the nodding system sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
NODNCHOP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
NODPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Nodding position angle measurements in appropriate units.
NODPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Nodding position angle measurements in appropriate units.
NODPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Nodding system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
NODPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Nodding system linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
NODPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Nodding system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
NODPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Nodding system pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
NODSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
NODSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
default value = none
NODTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Nodding system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
NODTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Nodding system temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
NODVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Nodding system voltage sensor measurements in volts.
NODVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Nodding system voltage sensor measurements in volts.
nom.tam.fits - package nom.tam.fits
The core classes of nom-tam-fits.
nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.api - package nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.api
Common interface definitions for the various compression algorithms (primarily for internal use) .
nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress - package nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress
The HCompress algorithm and its options.
nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant - package nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant
Quantization support for representing floating-point values with integers corresponding to discrete levels.
nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice - package nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice
The Rice comppression algorithm and its options.
nom.tam.fits.header - package nom.tam.fits.header
Standardized FITS header keywords.
nom.tam.fits.header.extra - package nom.tam.fits.header.extra
Various commonly used conventions for FITS header keywords, listed by organization.
nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch - package nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch
Support for the registered hierarchical keyword convention.
nom.tam.fits.utilities - package nom.tam.fits.utilities
A collection of useful classes.
nom.tam.image - package nom.tam.image
Image tiling support.
nom.tam.image.compression - package nom.tam.image.compression
Access compressed image tiles individually.
nom.tam.image.compression.hdu - package nom.tam.image.compression.hdu
Compressing and decompressing HDUs, for both images and binary tables.
nom.tam.util - package nom.tam.util
Various commonly used classes for nom-tam-fits.
nom.tam.util.array - package nom.tam.util.array
A few classes for copying and iterating over multi-dimensional arrays of all/any types, primarily for internal use.
nom.tam.util.type - package nom.tam.util.type
(for internal use) FITS 'primitive' element types.
NONE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.VALUE
The keyword takes no value (i.e.
NONE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.Header.KeywordCheck
No keyword checking will be performed.
NONE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard.ValueCheck
No value type checking will be performed
NonStandard - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
This data dictionary contains FITS keywords that have been widely used within the astronomical community.
noScale() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardBuilder
NOT_A_NUMBER - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
String representation of NaN values
NOTES - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
user-entered information; free-form notes.
nPSn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate string parameter m (trailing index) for axis i (leading index) for array entries in this column (middle index).
nPVn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate parameter value m (trailing index) for axis i (leading index) for array entries in this column (middle index).
nSn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Equivalent keywords for array column axis string parameters.
nSn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate string parameter m (trailing index) for axis i (leading index) for array entries in this column (middle index).
NSUBEXPS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Number of coadded subexposures.
NULL_PIXEL_MASK_COLUMN - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
The null pixels in integer images are flagged by a reserved BLANK value and will be preserved if a lossless compression algorithm is used.
NullData - Class in nom.tam.fits
A subclass of Data containing no actual data.
NullData() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.NullData
NullDataHDU - Class in nom.tam.fits
A class of HDU that contains only a header only with no associated data.
NullDataHDU() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.NullDataHDU
Instantiates a new HDU with a default header and no associated data.
NullDataHDU(Header) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.NullDataHDU
Instantiates a new HDU with only the supplied header and no associated data.
nVn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Equivalent keywords for array column axis parameter values.
nVn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate parameter value m (trailing index) for axis i (leading index) for array entries in this column (middle index).
nVn_Xa - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate parameter array for axis i (leading index) in this column (middle index).


OBJCTALT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
nominal altitude of center of image
OBJCTAZ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
nominal azimuth of center of image
OBJCTDEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
OBJCTDEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
This is the Declination of the center of the image in +DDD MM SS.SSS format.
OBJCTHA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
nominal hour angle of center of image
OBJCTRA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
OBJCTRA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
This is the Right Ascension of the center of the image in HH MM SS.SSS format.
OBJCTROT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Image rotation angle in degrees.
OBJCTROT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Image rotation angle in degrees
OBJDEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination of the target astronomical object(s).
OBJDECU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination unit.
OBJECT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a character string giving a name for the object observed.
objectToArray(Object, boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Converts objects to arrays.
OBJEPOCH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Epoch of the target astronomical object coordinate(s).
OBJEQUIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate system equinox for the target astronomical object(s).
OBJNAME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a character string giving a name for the observed object that conforms to the IAU astronomical object naming conventions.
OBJnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Standard reference or catalog name for the target astronomical object(s).
OBJRA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension of the target astronomical object(s).
OBJRADEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate system type for the target astronomical object(s).
OBJRAU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension unit.
OBJTnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Type of target astronomical object(s).
OBJTYPE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Type of target astronomical object(s).
OBS_ID - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a character string which uniquely identifies the dataset contained in the FITS file.
OBS_MODE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.InstrumentDescription
The value field shall contain a character string which gives the observing mode of the observation.
OBS_MODE_GROUND_CAL - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Standard InstrumentDescription.OBS_MODE value for ground cal observations.
OBS_MODE_POINTING - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Standard InstrumentDescription.OBS_MODE value for pointing observations.
OBS_MODE_SLEWING - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Standard InstrumentDescription.OBS_MODE value while slewing.
OBSDEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination of the observation.
OBSDECU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination unit.
OBSEPOCH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Epoch of the coordinates used in observation coordinates.
OBSEQUIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Equinox of coordinates used in observation coordinates.
OBSERVAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Observatory identification for the site of the observation.
ObservationDescription - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
This data dictionary contains FITS keywords that have been widely used within the astronomical community.
ObservationDurationDescription - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
This data dictionary contains FITS keywords that have been widely used within the astronomical community.
OBSERVER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a character string identifying who acquired the data associated with the key.
OBSGEO_X - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[m] Geodetic location of observer (x coordinate).
OBSGEO_Y - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[m] Geodetic location of observer (y coordinate).
OBSGEO_Z - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[m] Geodetic location of observer (z coordinate).
OBSGXn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[m] Geodetic location (x coordinate) of observer for he given column index.
OBSGYn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[m] Geodetic location (y coordinate) of observer for he given column index.
OBSGZn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[m] Geodetic location (z coordinate) of observer for he given column index.
OBSID - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The unique observatory observation identification.
OBSRA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension of the observation.
OBSRADEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate system used in observation coordinates.
OBSRAU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension unit.
OBSRVRnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Name(s) of the observers.
OBSSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Status of the observation. -----------------------------------------------------------------
OBSTYPE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The type of observation such as an astronomical exposure or a particular type of calibration exposure.
ODECnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination of the target astronomical object(s).
ODEUnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination unit.
OEPOnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Epoch of the target astronomical object coordinate(s).
OEQUnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate system equinox for the target astronomical object(s).
OFFSET - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Camera offset setting.
ONE - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue
The complex unity along the real axis, or (1.0, 0.0)
ONTIME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDurationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the total integrated exposure time of the observation in units of seconds.
OPTICn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Optical axis position in both linearized detector coordinates and sky coordinates.
ORAnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension of the target astronomical object(s).
ORAUnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension unit.
ORBITBEG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
beginning orbit number
ORBITEND - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
ending orbit number
ORDSnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate system type for the target astronomical object(s).
ORIENTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the position angle of the y axis of the detector projected on the sky, in degrees east of north.
ORIGFILE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.ESOExt
Records the original file name, as assigned at the instrument workstation.
ORIGIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a character string identifying the organization or institution responsible for creating the FITS file.
OutputEncoder - Class in nom.tam.util
Efficient base class for encoding Java arrays into binary output (primarily for internal use)
OutputEncoder(OutputWriter) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.OutputEncoder
Instantiates a new Java-to-binary encoder for arrays, writing encoded data to the specified output.
OutputWriter - Interface in nom.tam.util
Interface for basic binary output writing functionality.
overrideHeaderAxes(Header, int...) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
(for expert users) Overrides the image size description in the header to the specified Java array dimensions.


PA_PNT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the position angle of the relevant aspect of telescope pointing axis and/or instrument on the sky in units of degrees east of north.
PA_PNTE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Pointing error in position angle (degrees; 1-sigma)
pad(ArrayDataOutput, long) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsUtil
(for internal use) Visibility may be reduced to package level in the future
pad(ArrayDataOutput, long, byte) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsUtil
(for internal use) Visibility may be reduced to private in the future
padding(int) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsUtil
see Use FitsUtil.padding(long) instead.
padding(long) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsUtil
Calculated the amount of padding we need to add given the current size of a FITS file (under construction)
PaddingException - Exception in nom.tam.fits
This exception is thrown if padding is missing between the end of a FITS data segment and the end-of-file.
parameters() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
Returns a new set of standard single-input Stokes parameters (I, Q, U, V).
parameters(int) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
Returns the set of Stokes parameters for the given bitwise flags, which may specify linear or cicular cross polarization, or both, and/or if the parameters are stored in reversed index order in the FITS.
parseInteger(String, ParsePosition) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.AsciiFuncs
Returns an integer value contained in a string the specified position.
parseTDims(String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
(for internal use) It may be reduced to private visibility in the future. Parse the TDIMS value. If the TDIMS value cannot be deciphered a one-d array with the size given in arrsiz is returned.
PCOUNT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain an integer that shall be used in any way appropriate to define the data structure, consistent with Eq. 5.2 in the FITS Standard.
PEDESTAL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
PEDESTAL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Add this ADU count to each pixel value to get to a zero-based ADU.
PHOTCAL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Status of calibration to data proportional to photons.
PHOTOMET - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Photometric conditions during the observation.
PI_COI - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.ESOExt
The PI or Co-I’s initials followed by their surname.
PIERSIDE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Indicates side-of-pier status when connected to a German Equatorial mount.
PIERSIDE_EAST - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Standard MaxImDLExt.PIERSIDE value for East side of mount.
PIERSIDE_WEST - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Standard MaxImDLExt.PIERSIDE value for West side of mount.
PIPEHW - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Processing hardware used.
PIPEHWn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Processing hardware used.
PIPELINE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Name of processing pipeline applied.
PIPESW - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Processing software version.
PIPESWn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Processing software version.
PIXRESOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Quad tree pixel resolution
PIXSCALE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Image scale in arcsec/pixel.
PIXSCALE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Image scale (arcsec/pixel)
PIXSCALn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Projected pixel scale along axis n.
PIXSIZEn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Unbinned pixel size along each dimension given in appropriate units.
PLEPHEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Solar system ephemeris used, e.g.
PLEPHEM_DE200 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Solar System ephemeris value for DateTime.PLEPHEM for Standish (1990).
PLEPHEM_DE405 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Solar System ephemeris value for DateTime.PLEPHEM for Standish (1998).
PLEPHEM_DE421 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Solar System ephemeris value for DateTime.PLEPHEM for Folkner, et al. (2009).
PLEPHEM_DE430 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Solar System ephemeris value for DateTime.PLEPHEM for Folkner, et al. (2014).
PLEPHEM_DE431 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Solar System ephemeris value for DateTime.PLEPHEM for Folkner, et al. (2014).
PLEPHEM_DE432 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Solar System ephemeris value for DateTime.PLEPHEM for Folkner, et al. (2014).
PLEPHEM_DE440 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Solar System ephemeris value for DateTime.PLEPHEM for Park, et al. (2021).
PLEPHEM_DE441 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Solar System ephemeris value for DateTime.PLEPHEM for Park, et al. (2021).
PMAX1 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
PMAX2 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
PMIN1 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
PMIN2 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
PMN1nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
PMN2n - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
PMX1n - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
PMX2n - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Pixel limit for region occupied by the spectrum.
pointToData(Data) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Use the appropriate Header constructor instead. Will remove in a future releae.
position() - Method in class nom.tam.util.BufferPointer
Returns the current buffer position
position() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteArrayIO
position() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.RandomAccess
position() - Method in class nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileChannel
position() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ReadWriteAccess
Returns the current read/write position in this instance.
position(long) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteArrayIO
position(long) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.RandomAccess
position(long) - Method in class nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileChannel
position(long) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ReadWriteAccess
Sets a new position for the next read or write in this instance.
precision(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardBuilder
Sets the number of decimals to show for the following decimal values.
PREFLASH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD preflash time.
prepareUncompressedData(ColumnTable<?>) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableData
(for internal use) This should only be called by CompressedTableHDU, and its visibility will be reduced accordingly in the future, not to mention that it should take a BinaryTable as its argument.
preserveNulls(String) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
Sets the compression algorithm used for preserving the blank values in the original image even if the compression is lossy.
PRESSURE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Air pressure in hPa.
PRESSURE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Atmospheric pressure in hPA
prev() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.Cursor
Returns the previous element in the ordered collection.
prevCard() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Returns the header card prior to the currently set mark position and decrements the mark position by one.
PRIMARY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.HDU
keyword must appear in the primary HDU only
PRIMARY_EXTENSION - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.HDU
Use IFitsHeader.HDU.ANY instead.
primaryKeyword() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Returns the primary or preferred FITS header keyword to use to provide this information in a FITS header.
primaryKeyword(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Returns the primary or preferred FITS header keyword to prefer for the given header entry to provide this information in a FITS header.
primaryKeyword(IFitsHeader) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Returns the primary or preferred FITS header keyword to prefer for the given header entry to provide this information in a FITS header.
primitiveClass() - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Returns the Java primitive type corresponding to this element, if any
PrimitiveType<B extends Buffer> - Class in nom.tam.util.type
Use ElementType instead.
PrimitiveTypeBase<B extends Buffer> - Class in nom.tam.util.type
Use ElementType instead.
PrimitiveTypeHandler - Class in nom.tam.util.type
Use equivalent static methods of ElementType instead.
PrimitiveTypes - Class in nom.tam.util.type
Use identical static fields of ElementType instead.
PROCnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Processing log information formatted as FITS comments.
PROCSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Processing status.
PROCVER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Processing script version
PRODUCT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Data product description?
PROGRAM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
The value field shall contain a character string giving the name, and optionally, the version of the program that originally created the current FITS HDU.
PROPID - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The unique observatory proposal identification.
PROPOSAL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
The name or title of the proposal.
PROPOSER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Name(s) of the proposers.
PROPOSID - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Observatory program/proposal identifier, if applicable
PROPSRnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Name(s) of the proposers.
PSCALn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
This keyword is reserved for use within the FITS Random Groups structure.
PSFSIZE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Typical spatial extent of the point-spread function, in pix
PTYPEn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
This keyword is reserved for use within the FITS Random Groups structure.
putArray(B, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Puts all elements from an array into the given buffer
putArray(B, Object, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Puts elements from an array into the given buffer, starting at the beginning of the array
putArray(B, Object, int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Puts elements from an array into the given buffer, starting at the specified array index.
PZEROn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
This keyword is reserved for use within the FITS Random Groups structure.


Q - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
Stokes Q: linear polarization Q component
QuantizeOption - Class in nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant
Quantization options when they are part of the compression scheme.
QuantizeOption(ICompressOption) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Creates a new set of quantization options, to be used together with the specified compression options.
Quantizer - Class in nom.tam.util
Quantizes floating point values as integers.
Quantizer(double, double, int) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.Quantizer
Constructs a new decimal/integer conversion rule.
Quantizer(double, double, Long) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.Quantizer
Constructs a new decimal/integer conversion rule.


RA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field gives the Right Ascension of the observation.
RA_NOM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the nominal Right Ascension of the pointing direction in units of decimal degrees.
RA_OBJ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the Right Ascension of the observed object in units of decimal degrees.
RA_PNT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the Right Ascension of the pointing direction in units of decimal degrees.
RA_PNTE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Pointing error in right ascension (degrees, 1-sigma)
RA_SCX - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the Right Ascension of the space craft (or telescope platform) X axis during the observation in decimal degrees.
RA_SCY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the Right Ascension of the space craft (or telescope platform) Y axis during the observation in decimal degrees.
RA_SCZ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the Right Ascension of the space craft (or telescope platform) Z axis during the observation in decimal degrees.
RA_TARG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Right Ascension coordinate of the target or field, in degrees
RADECEQ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Default coordinate system equinox.
RADECSYS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
Deprecated in the current FITS satndard, use Standard.RADESYS instead.
RADECSYS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Deprecated in the current FITS standard, use WCS.RADESYSa instead.
RADEna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The equatorial coordinate frame used for the given column index, e.g.
RADESYS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
Coordinate reference frame of major/minor axes.If absent the default value is 'FK5'.
RADESYS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
RADESYS is now preferred over the old RADECSYS
RADESYS_FK4 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Bessel-Newcomb FK4 coordinate reference frame
RADESYS_FK4_NO_E - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Bessel-Newcomb FK4 coordinate reference frame, without eccentricity terms
RADESYS_FK5 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
IAU 1984 FK5 coordinate reference frame
RADESYS_GAPPT - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Geocentric apparent place (IAU 1984)
RADESYS_ICRS - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
ICRS coordinate reference frame
RADESYSa - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Coordinate reference frame of major/minor axes.If absent the default value is 'FK5'.
RandomAccess - Interface in nom.tam.util
Interface that combines file-based random acesss with high-throughput array IO
RandomAccessFileChannel - Class in nom.tam.util
A random accessible FileChannel implementation for FITS I/O purposes.
RandomAccessFileChannel(Path) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileChannel
Constructor for a readable/writable random accessible FileChannel, which can be used for accessing FITS files.
RandomAccessFileChannel(Path, boolean) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileChannel
Constructor for a random accessible FileChannel, for reading or for reading and writing.
RandomAccessFileIO - Interface in nom.tam.util
Interface for IO objects that support file-like random access.
RandomGroupsData - Class in nom.tam.fits
Random Groups data.
RandomGroupsData() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsData
Create the equivalent of a null data element.
RandomGroupsData(Object[][]) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsData
Create a RandomGroupsData object using the specified object to initialize the data array.
RandomGroupsHDU - Class in nom.tam.fits
Random groups header/data unit.
RandomGroupsHDU(Header, RandomGroupsData) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
(for internal use) Its visibility should be reduced to package level in the future.
RandomSequence - Class in nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant
A standard fixed random sequence to use for portable and reversible dither implementations.
RAPANGL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Projected position angle of the positive right ascension axis on the detector.
RAUNIT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Default right ascension units.
RDNOISE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
CCD readout noise in rms electrons.
re() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue
Returns the real part of this complex value.
read() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Return all HDUs for the Fits object.
read() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
read() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteArrayIO
read() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteBufferInputStream
read() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
read() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.InputReader
Reads a byte.
read() - Method in class nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileChannel
read(boolean[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read an array of boolean's.
read(boolean[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read a segment of an array of boolean's.
read(boolean[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
read(boolean[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read an array of byte's.
read(byte[]) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Read as many bytes into a byte array as possible.
read(byte[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileIO
Reads data, fully populating the supplied array.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteArrayIO
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteBufferInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.InputReader
Reads up to the specified number of bytes into a buffer.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileChannel
Read bytes from the underlying file channel.
read(char[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read an array of char's.
read(char[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read a segment of an array of char's.
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
read(double[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read an array of double's.
read(double[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read a segment of an array of double's.
read(double[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
read(double[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
read(float[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read an array of float's.
read(float[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read a segment of an array of float's.
read(float[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
read(float[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
read(int[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read an array of int's.
read(int[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read a segment of an array of int's.
read(int[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
read(int[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
read(long[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read a segment of an array of long's.
read(long[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read a segment of an array of long's.
read(long[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
read(long[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
read(short[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read an array of short's.
read(short[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read a segment of an array of short's.
read(short[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
read(short[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
read(InputStream) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Use Fits(InputStream) constructor instead. We will remove this method in the future.
read(Boolean[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Read an array of booleans, possibly including legal null values.
read(Boolean[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Reads into an array of booleans, possibly including legal null values.
read(Boolean[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
read(Boolean[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
read(ArrayDataInput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
read(ArrayDataInput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
read(ArrayDataInput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
read(ArrayDataInput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Data
Reads the data or skips over it for reading later, depending on whether reading from a stream or a random acessible input, respectively.
read(ArrayDataInput) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.FitsElement
Read a FITS element from the input, starting at the current position.
read(ArrayDataInput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsHeap
read(ArrayDataInput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Reads new header data from an input, discarding any prior content.
read(ArrayDataInput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
read(ArrayDataInput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.NullData
read(ArrayDataInput) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Reads the table's data from the input, in row-major format
read(ArrayDataInput, int, int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Reads a column of a table from a
readArray(Object) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
readArray(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsDecoder
readArray(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
readArray(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.InputDecoder
readArrayFully(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayDataFile
See ArrayDataInput.readArrayFully(Object) for a contract of this method.
readArrayFully(Object) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Reads a Java array from the input, populating all elements, or else throwing and EOFException.
readArrayFully(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayInputStream
See ArrayDataInput.readArrayFully(Object) for a contract of this method.
readArrayFully(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.InputDecoder
Based on InputDecoder.readArray(Object), but guaranteeing a complete read of the supplied object or else an EOFException is thrown.
readBoolean() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
readBoolean() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
readByte() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
readByte() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
readChar() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
readChar() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
readDouble() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
readDouble() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
readFloat() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
readFloat() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
readFully(byte[]) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Reads bytes to completely fill the supplied buffer.
readFully(byte[]) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Reads bytes to fill the supplied buffer with the requested number of bytes from the given starting buffer index.
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
readHDU() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Read the next HDU on the default input stream.
readHeader(ArrayDataInput) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Create a header by reading the information from the input stream.
readImage(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayDataFile
Like ArrayDataFile.readArrayFully(Object) but strictly for numerical types only.
readImage(Object) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Like ArrayDataInput.readArrayFully(Object) but strictly for numerical types only.
readImage(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayInputStream
Like ArrayInputStream.readArrayFully(Object) but strictly for numerical types only.
readImage(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.InputDecoder
Like InputDecoder.readArrayFully(Object) but strictly for numerical types only.
readInt() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
readInt() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
readLArray(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayDataFile
See ArrayDataInput.readLArray(Object) for a contract of this method.
readLArray(Object) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Reads a Java array from the input, translating it from its binary representation to Java data format.
readLArray(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayInputStream
See ArrayDataInput.readLArray(Object) for a contract of this method.
readLine() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
readLine() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
readLong() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
readLong() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
READMODE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Configuration of instrument
READOUTM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Records the selected Readout Mode (if any) for the camera.
READOUTM_LONG_EXPOSURE_MODE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Standard MaxImDLExt.READOUTM value for long exposure mode.
READOUTM_RAW - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Standard MaxImDLExt.READOUTM value for raw readout mode.
readPrimitiveArray(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
readShort() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
readShort() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
READTIME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Amplifier unbinned pixel read time.
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
readUTF() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
readUTF() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
readUTF() - Method in class nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileChannel
readUTF() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileIO
See RandomAccessFile.readUTF() for a contract of this method.
ReadWriteAccess - Interface in nom.tam.util
Interface for basic random access read and write operations.
REAL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.VALUE
keyword expects a floating-point value (integers allowed).
RECNO - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Archive identification.
REFERENC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a character string citing a reference where the data associated with the key are published.
remove(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
Remove an object from the list giving the object index..
remove(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
removeCard(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
(duplicate method) Use Header.deleteKey(String) instead.
removeKey(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
Remove a keyed object from the list.
replaceKey(String, String) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
Replace the key of a given element.
reposition(FitsIO, long) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsUtil
This method wraps an IOException into a FitsException for no good reason really. A revision of the API could reduce the visibility of this method, and/or procees the underlying exception instead.
RESERVED - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
Reserved keywords specified by the FITS standard.
reserveHeapSpace(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Reserves space in the file at the end of the heap for future heap growth (e.g. different/longer or new VLA entries).
reserveRowSpace(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Reserves space for future addition of rows at the end of the regular table.
reset() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
reset() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Data
reset() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.FitsElement
Reset the input stream to point to the beginning of this element
reset() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsHeap
reset() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
reset() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardCountingArrayDataInput
(for internal use) Visibility will be reduced to the package level, or will be removed entirely.
reset() - Method in class nom.tam.util.array.MultiArrayIterator
Resets the iterator so it can be re-used again.
reset() - Method in class nom.tam.util.array.MultiArrayPointer
Resets the pointer such that will return the first element again.
reset() - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
See the general contract of the reset method of InputStream.
reset() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
resetOriginalSize() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Use Header.ensureCardSpace(int) with 1 as the argument instead.

Resets any prior preallocated header space, such as was explicitly set by Header.ensureCardSpace(int), or when the header was read from a stream to ensure it remains rewritable, if possible.

For headers read from a stream, this will affect Header.rewriteable(), so users should not call this method unless they do not intend to Header.rewrite() this header into the original FITS.

rest() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsSubString
shift the sting to the rest of the string, the part of the original string that is after the part of the string this instance currently represents.
RESTFREQ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
Deprecated in the current FITS standard, use Standard.RESTFRQ instead.
RESTFREQ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Deprecated in the current FITS standard, use WCS.RESTFRQa instead.
RESTFRQ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
[Hz] Rest frequency of observed spectral line.
RESTFRQ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
RESTFRQ is now preferred over the old RESTFREQ
RESTFRQa - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[Hz] Rest frequency of observed spectral line.
RESTWAVa - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[m] Rest wavelength of observed spectral line in image.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
reverseIndices(int...) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Reverse an integer array.
REVISION - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Processing version of data
rewrite() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
rewrite() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Data
rewrite() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Re-writes all HDUs that have been loaded (and possibly modified) to the disk, if possible -- or else does nothing.
rewrite() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.FitsElement
Rewrite the contents of the element in place.
rewrite() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsHeap
rewrite() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
rewriteable() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
rewriteable() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Data
rewriteable() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.FitsElement
Checks if we can write this element back to its source.
rewriteable() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsHeap
rewriteable() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
RFRQna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[Hz] The rest frequency of the line in the given column index.
RiceCompressOption - Class in nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice
Options to the Rice compression algorithm.
RiceCompressOption() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceCompressOption
Creates a new set of options for Rice compression.
RiceQuantizeCompressOption - Class in nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice
(for internal use) This class should not be exposed to users.

Options to the Rice compression algorithm when the compression includes quantization. When compressing tables and images using the Rice algorithm, including quantization, users can control how exactly the compression and quantization are perfomed. When reading compressed FITS files, these options will be set automatically based on the header values recorded in the compressed HDU.

RiceQuantizeCompressOption() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceQuantizeCompressOption
Creates a new set of options for Rice compression with quantization, initialized to default values.
RiceQuantizeCompressOption(RiceCompressOption) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceQuantizeCompressOption
Creates a new set of options for Rice compression with quantization, using the specified option to the Rice (de)compression, and initializing the qunatization options with default values.
RL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
circular cross-polarization between a right-handled (input 1) and a left-handed (input 2) wave component
ROLL_NOM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Nominal roll angle, deg
ROOTNAME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
The value field shall contain a character string giving the root of the host file name.
ROSAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
ROSAT keywords.
ROTATANG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Rotator angle in degrees, if focal plane rotator is connected.
rowLen() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
(for internal use) It may be reduced to private visibility in the future. Returns the number of bytes that each element occupies in its FITS serialized form in the stored row data.
ROWORDER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Images taken by MaxIm DL are always TOP-DOWN.
ROWORDER_BOTTOM_UP - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Value for MaxImDLExt.ROWORDER indicating bottom-up ordering.
ROWORDER_TOP_DOWN - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Value for MaxImDLExt.ROWORDER indicating top-down ordering.
RR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
circular cross-polarization between two right-handed wave components
RWAVna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[Hz] The rest wavelength of the line in the given column index.


SafeClose - Class in nom.tam.util
Use try-with-resources constructs of Java 8+ instead.
sample(Object, int) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Obtains a sparse sampling of from an array of one or more dimensions.
sample(Object, int[]) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Obtains a sparse sampling of from an array of one or more dimensions.
sample(Object, int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Obtains a sparse sampling from an array of one or more dimensions.
sanitize(String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Replaces illegal characters in the string ith '?'
SATURATE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.InstrumentDescription
The value field shall contain an integer giving the data value at which the detector becomes saturated.
saveClose(InputStream) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Use try-with-resources constructs in Java 8+ instead.
saveNewHeaderCard(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
This was to be used internally only, without public visibility. It will become unexposed to users in a future release...
SBFitsExt - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header.extra
A Set of FITS Standard Extensions for Amateur Astronomical Processing Software Packages published by SBIG.
SBIG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
SBIG keywords.
SBSTDVER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
SBSTDVER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
This string indicates the version of this standard that the image was created to ie ‘SBFITSEXT Version 1.0’.
scale(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardBuilder
SCALE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Image scale in arcsec / pixel.
SCALE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
The integer scale parameter determines the amount of compression.
SEEING - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Seeing estimates specified as the stellar full-width at half-maximum in arc seconds.
SEEINGn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Seeing estimates specified as the stellar full-width at half-maximum in arc seconds.
seek(long) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Sets a new position in the file for subsequent reading or writing.
seek(long) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.RandomAccess
Move to a specified location in the stream.
seekHead() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Move the cursor to the end of the header.
seekTail() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Move the cursor to the end of the header.
SEEMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the seeing estimates given as modified Julian dates.
SEEMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the seeing estimates given as modified Julian dates.
select(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.array.MultiArrayCopyFactory
for internal use only. This ought to be private.
SEQ_NUM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Sequence number
SEQNUM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Sequential number from ODB
SEQPNUM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Number of times sequence processed
set(int, int, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
The Swiss-army knife of setting table entries, including Java boxing, and with some support for automatic type conversions.
SET_TEMP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
SET_TEMP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
This is the setpoint of the cooling in degrees Celsius.
setAllowHeaderRepairs(boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Do we allow automatic header repairs, like missing end quotes?
setAllowTerminalJunk(boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Do we allow junk after a valid FITS file?
setBitpix(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Use the safer Header.setBitpix(Bitpix) instead.
setBitpix(Bitpix) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
(for internall use) Visibility will be reduced to the package level in the future.
setBlockSize(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceCompressOption
Sets a new block size to use
setBNull(Integer) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Sets the integer value that represents missing data (null) in the quantized representation.
setBScale(double) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Sets the quantization level.
setBuffer(byte[]) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
Set the buffer for the parser.
setBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
Sets the buffer that may hold a serialized version of the data for this image.
setBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.NullData
setBytePix(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceCompressOption
Sets a new BYTEPIX value to use.
setBZero(double) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Sets the quantization offset.
setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.BlanksDotHierarchKeyFormatter
setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.IHierarchKeyFormatter
Sets whether case-sensitive (mixed-case) HIERARCH keywords are supported.
setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.StandardIHierarchKeyFormatter
setCenterOnZero(boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Enabled or disables keeping `BZERO` at 0 when using automatic quantization.
setCheckAsciiStrings(boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Enable/Disable checking of strings values used in tables to ensure that they are within the range specified by the FITS standard.
setCheckNull(boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
QuantizeOption.setBNull(Integer) controls this feature automatically as needed. Sets whether we should expect the floating-point data to contain null values (normally NaNs).
setChecksum() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Computes the checksums for this HDU and stores the CHECKSUM and DATASUM values in the header.
setChecksum() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Add or modify the CHECKSUM keyword in all headers.
setChecksum(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Computes the CHECKSUM and DATASUM values for the specified HDU index and stores them in the HUS's header.
setChecksum(BasicHDU<?>) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
setChecksum(BasicHDU<?>) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
Computes and sets the DATASUM and CHECKSUM keywords for a given HDU.
setCheckZero(boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
It is strongly discouraged to treat 0.0 values as special. FITS only recognises NaN as a special floating-point value marking missing data. All other floating point values are considered valid measurements.
setColumn(int, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
setColumn(int, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
setColumn(int, Object) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
Sets new data for a table column.
setColumn(int, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Update a column within a table.
setColumn(int, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
setColumn(int, Object) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.DataTable
Sets new data for a table column.
setColumn(String, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Update a column within a table.
setColumnMeta(int, String, Boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Specify column metadata for a given column in a way that allows all of the column metadata for a given column to be organized together.
setColumnMeta(int, String, Number, int, String, boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Specify column metadata for a given column in a way that allows all of the column metadata for a given column to be organized together.
setColumnMeta(int, String, Number, String, boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Specify column metadata for a given column in a way that allows all of the column metadata for a given column to be organized together.
setColumnMeta(int, String, String, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Specify column metadata for a given column in a way that allows all of the column metadata for a given column to be organized together.
setColumnMeta(int, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
setColumnMeta(int, IFitsHeader, Number, String, boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Specify column metadata for a given column in a way that allows all of the column metadata for a given column to be organized together.
setColumnMeta(int, IFitsHeader, String, String, boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Specify column metadata for a given column in a way that allows all of the column metadata for a given column to be organized together.
setColumnName(int, String, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTableHDU
setColumnName(int, String, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
setColumnName(int, String, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Sets the name / ID of a specific column in this table.
setComment(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Sets a new comment component for this card.
setCommentAlignPosition(int) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Not recommended as it may violate the FITS standart for 'fixed-format' header entries, and make our FITS files unreadable by software that expects strict adherence to the standard. We will remove this feature in the future.
setCommentByKey(String, String) - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
()for internal use)
setComplexColumn(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Convert a column from float/double to float complex/double complex.
setComplexColumn(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
Convert a column in the table to complex.
setCompressAlgorithm(String) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
Sets the compression algorithm to use, by its standard FITS name.
setCurrentColumn(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
(for internal use) Will be removed int the future (no longer used).
setCurrentColumn(int, boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
(for internal use) Will have private access in the future.
setDatasum(Header, long) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
Sets the DATASUM and CHECKSUM keywords in a FITS header, based on the provided checksum of the data (calculated elsewhere) and the checksum calculated afresh for the header.
setDefaultKeywordChecking(Header.KeywordCheck) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Sets the default mode of built-in standard keyword checking mode for new headers.
setDefaults() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Restores all settings to their default values.
setDither(boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Enables or disables dithering.
setDither2(boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Sets whether dithering is to use method 2.
setElement(int, int, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
setElement(int, int, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Consider using the more Java-friendly BinaryTable.set(int, int, Object) with implicit scalar type conversions.
setElement(int, int, Object) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
Sets new data element in this table.
setElement(int, int, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Update a single element within the table.
setElement(int, int, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
setElement(int, int, Object) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.DataTable
Sets new data element in this table
setExtraState(T) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
(for internal use) No longer used, will be removed in the future. We used the extra state to carry properties of an enclosing class in this enclosed object, so we could inherit those to new enclosing class instances. This is bad practie. If one needs data from the enclosing object, it should be handled by passing the enclsing object, and not this enclosed table.
setFlattenedColumn(int, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
(for internal use) It may be reduced to private visibility in the future. Sets a column with the data already flattened.
setHeaderSorter(Comparator<String>) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Overwite the default header card sorter.
setHexValue(long) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Not supported by the FITS standard, so do not use. It was included due to a misreading of the standard itself.
setHierarchFormater(IHierarchKeyFormatter) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
There is not a real standard how to write hierarch keys, default we use the one where every key is separated by a blank.
setI10PreferInt(boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Controls how columns with format "I10" are handled; this is tricky because some, but not all, integers that can be represented in 10 characters form 32-bit integers.
setIntMaxValue(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Sets the maximum integer level in the quantized representation.
setIntMinValue(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Sets the minimum integer level in the quantized representation.
setKey(KEY) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.Cursor
Point the iterator to a particular keyed entry.
setKeywordChecking(Header.KeywordCheck) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Sets the built-in standard keyword checking mode.
setLength(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteArrayIO
Changes the length of this buffer.
setLength(long) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Sets the length of the file.
setLength(long) - Method in class nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileChannel
setLength(long) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileIO
See RandomAccessFile.setLength(long) for a contract of this method.
setLongStringsEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Enable/Disable longstring support.
setLongStringsEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
setMaxValue(double) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Sets the maximum floating-point value in the data
setMinValue(double) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Sets the minimum floating-point value in the data
setNaxes(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
(for internal use) Visibility will be reduced to the package level in the future.
setNaxis(int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
(for internal use) Visibility will be reduced to the package level in the future.
setNull(int, int, boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Mark (or unmark) an element as null.
setNull(int, int, boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTableHDU
Mark an entry as null.
setNullString(int, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTableHDU
Set the null string for a column.
setNullValue(double) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
The use of null values other than NaN for floating-point data types is not standard in FITS. You should therefore avoid using this method to change it. Returns the floating-point value that indicates a null datum in the image before quantization is applied. Normally, the FITS standard is that NaN values indicate null values in floating-point images. While this class allows using other values also, they are not recommended since they are not supported by FITS in a standard way.
setOffset(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
Set the offset into the array.
setParameters(ICompressParameters) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.api.ICompressOption
(for internal use) Sets the parameters that link the options to how they are recorded in the FITS headers or compressed table columns.
setParameters(ICompressParameters) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorOption
setParameters(ICompressParameters) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
setParameters(ICompressParameters) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceCompressOption
setParserWarningsEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Sets whether warnings about FITS standard violations are logged when a header is being read (parsed).
setPrecision(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FlexFormat
Sets the maximum number of decimal places to show after the leading figure (i.e. fractional digits in exponential format).
setQlevel(double) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Sets the quantization resolution level to use for automatic quantization.
setQuantAlgorithm(String) - Method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU
Sets the quantization algorithm to use, by its standard FITS name.
setQuantizer(Quantizer) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable.ColumnDesc
Sets the conversion between decimal and integer data representations for the column data.
setQuantizer(Quantizer) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
Sets the conversion between decimal and integer data representations.
setRow(int, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
setRow(int, Object) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.DataTable
Sets new data for a table row
setRow(int, Object[]) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
setRow(int, Object[]) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
setRow(int, Object[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
Sets new data for a table row.
setRow(int, Object[]) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
Update a row within a table.
setRowEntries(int, Object...) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
Like TableData.setRow(int, Object[]) but with vararg list of entries.
setScale(double) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorOption
Sets the scale parameter
setSeed(long) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Sets the seed value for the dither random generator
setSimple(boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
(for internall use) Visibility will be reduced to the package level in the future.
setSkipBlankAfterAssign(boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
The FITS standard is very explicit that assignment must be "= " (equals followed by a blank space). It is also very specific that string values must have their opening quote in byte 11 (counted from 1). If we allow skipping the space, we will violate both standards in a way that is likely to break compatibility with other tools.
setSmooth(boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorOption
Enabled or disables smoothing.
setStream(ArrayDataInput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
This method is poorly conceived as we cannot really read FITS from just any ArrayDataInput but only those, which utilize FitsDecoder to convert Java types to FITS binary format, such as FitsInputStream or FitsFile (or else a wrapped DataInputStream). As such, this method is inherently unsafe as it can be used to parse FITS content iscorrectly. It will be removed from the public API in a future major release. Set the data stream to be used for future input.
setTileHeight(int) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.api.ICompressOption
Set the tile height (if the option supports it).
setTileHeight(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorOption
setTileHeight(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
setTileHeight(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceCompressOption
setTileIndex(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
Sets the tile index for which to initialize the random number generator with the given seed (i.e.
setTileWidth(int) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.api.ICompressOption
Set the tile width (if the option supports it).
setTileWidth(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorOption
setTileWidth(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
setTileWidth(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceCompressOption
setUseAsciiTables(boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Indicate whether ASCII tables should be used where feasible.
setUseExponentD(boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Sets whether 'D' may be used instead of 'E' to mark the exponent for a floating point value with precision beyond that of a 32-bit float.
setUseHierarch(boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Enable/Disable hierarchical keyword processing.
setUseUnicodeChars(boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Enable/Disable writing char[] arrays as short[] in FITS binary tables (with column type 'I'), instead of as standard FITS 1-byte ASCII characters (with column type 'A').
setValue(Boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Sets a new boolean value for this cardvalueType
setValue(Number) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Sets a new number value for this card.
setValue(Number, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Sets a new number value for this card, using scientific (exponential) notation, with up to the specified decimal places showing between the decimal point and the exponent.
setValue(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Sets a new string value for this card.
setValue(ComplexValue) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Sets a new complex number value for this card.
setValue(ComplexValue, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Sets a new complex number value for this card, using scientific (exponential) notation, with up to the specified number of decimal places showing between the decimal point and the exponent.
setValueCheckingPolicy(HeaderCard.ValueCheck) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Sets the policy to used for checking if set values conform to the expected types for cards that use standardized FITS keywords via the IFitsHeader interface.
setWidth(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FlexFormat
Sets the number of characters that this formatter can use to print number values.
setWrappedColumn(int, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Sets new data for a column, in wrapped format.
setXtension(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
(for internall use) Visibility will be reduced to the package level in the future.
SEXP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Exposure time of the nth subexposure.
SEXPnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Exposure time of the nth subexposure.
SHORT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
For FITS data stored as 16-bit integers
SHORT - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
The FITS representation of a 16-bit sined integer value in images and binary tables
SHORT - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.PrimitiveTypes
Use ElementType.SHORT instead
SHORT_MASK - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
bit mask to get the lowest short of a integer.
SHORT_OF_LONG_MASK - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.FitsIO
bit mask to get the lowest short of a long.
SHUTCLOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Time for the shutter to close fully.
SHUTHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Shutter identification and hardware version.
SHUTOPEN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Time for the shutter to open fully.
SHUTSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Shutter status.
SHUTSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Shutter software version.
SIM_X - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
SIM focus pos (mm)
SIM_Y - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
SIM orthogonal axis pos (mm)
SIM_Z - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
SIM translation stage pos (mm)
SIMPLE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The SIMPLE keyword is required to be the first keyword in the primary key of all FITS files.
SITEELEV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Elevation of observing site above sea level in meters
SITELAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
SITELAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Latitude of the imaging location in +DDD MM SS.SSS format.
SITELONG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
SITELONG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Longitude of the imaging location in +DDD MM SS.SSS format.
SITENAME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Observatory site, e.g.
size() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
The meaning of size of ambiguous. Use Fits.getNumberOfHDUs() instead. Note size() will read the input file/stream to the EOF before returning the number of HDUs which Fits.getNumberOfHDUs() does not. If you wish to duplicate this behavior and ensure that the input has been exhausted before getting the number of HDUs then use the sequence: read(); getNumberOfHDUs();
size() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsHeap
Returns the current heap size.
size() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
use Header.getNumberOfCards(). The units of the size of the header may be unclear.
size() - Method in class nom.tam.util.array.MultiArrayIterator
Counts the number of base elements contained.
size() - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
size() - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Returns the number of bytes per elements
size(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Returns the size of an element, provided it matches our element type.
skip(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsSubString
skip over the specified number of characters.
skip(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
Skip bytes in the buffer.
skip(long) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Skip the number of bytes.
skip(long) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Moves the file pointer by a number of bytes from its current position.
skip(long) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
skipAllBytes(int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
This call is handled by ArrayDataInput.skipAllBytes(long), without the need for a separate implementation. Skips a number of bytes from the input. See ArrayDataInput.skipAllBytes(long).
skipAllBytes(long) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataInput
Skips a number of bytes from the input.
skipAllBytes(long) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
skipAllBytes(long) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
skipBytes(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
skipBytes(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
skipHDU() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Skip the next HDU on the default input stream.
skipHDU(int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Skip HDUs on the associate input stream.
skipWhite(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
Skip white space.
slice(Object, int[]) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Obtains a slice (subarray) from an array of one or more dimensions.
slice(Object, int[], int[]) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Obtains a slice (subarray) from an array of one or more dimensions.
sliceBuffer(B) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Returns a new typed buffer that starts at the the current position of the supplied typed buffer.
SLIT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Slit or mask hole identification for the aperture(s).
SLITnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Slit or mask hole identification for the aperture(s).
SMOOTH - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
At high compressions factors the decompressed image begins to appear blocky because of the way information is discarded.
SNAPSHOT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
SNAPSHOT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Number of images combined to make this image as in track and accumulate or coadded images.
SOBSna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral reference system of observer for the given column index.
SOLELONG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
solar elongations included.
sort(Comparator<String>) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
Sort the keys into some desired order.
spaceForValue() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Returns the space available for value and/or comment in a single record the keyword.
SPECFWHM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
FWHM of the object spectrum profile on the detector.
SPECna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral reference frame for the given column index.
SPECSYSa - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Image spectral reference system name.
SPECTRAL_ALGO_A2F - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral air wavelength expressed as frequency transformation code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_ALGO_A2V - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral air wavelength expressed as apparent radial velocity transformation code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_ALGO_A2W - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral air wavelength expressed as vacuum wavelength transformation code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_ALGO_F2A - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral frequency expressed as air wavelength transformation code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_ALGO_F2V - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral frequency expressed as apparent radial velocity transformation code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_ALGO_F2W - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral frequency expressed as wavelength transformation code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_ALGO_V2A - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral radial velocity expressed as air wavelength transformation code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_ALGO_V2F - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral radial velocity expressed as frequency transformation code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_ALGO_V2W - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral radial velocity expressed as wavelength transformation code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_ALGO_W2A - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral wavelength expressed as air wavelength transformation code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_ALGO_W2F - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral wavelength expressed as frequency transformation code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_ALGO_W2V - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral wavelength expressed as apparent radial velocity transformation code for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_TYPE_AWAV - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral wavelength in air coordinate value for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_TYPE_BETA - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral beta factor (v/c) coordinate value for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_TYPE_ENER - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral energy coordinate value for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_TYPE_FREQ - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral frequency coordinate value for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_TYPE_VELO - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral apparent radial velocity coordinate value for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_TYPE_VOPT - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral optical velocity coordinate value for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_TYPE_VRAD - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral radial velocity coordinate value for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_TYPE_WAVE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral vacuum wavenlength coordinate value for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_TYPE_WAVN - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral wavenumber coordinate value for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SPECTRAL_TYPE_ZOPT - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral redshift coordinate value for WCS.CTYPEna keywords
SSRCna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral reference system of source for the given column index.
SSYSOBSa - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Image spectral reference system name of observer.
SSYSSRCa - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Spectral reference system name of source.
Standard - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
This data dictionary lists the 53 keywords currently defined in the FITS Standard.
StandardIHierarchKeyFormatter - Class in nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch
HIERARCH keyword formatter based on the ESO convention.
StandardIHierarchKeyFormatter() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.StandardIHierarchKeyFormatter
StandardImageTiler - Class in nom.tam.image
Standard image tiling implementation.
StandardImageTiler(RandomAccess, long, int[], Class<?>) - Constructor for class nom.tam.image.StandardImageTiler
Create a tiler.
STARTMJF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Major frame count at start
STARTMNF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Minor frame count at start
STARTOBT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
On-Board MET close to STARTMJF and STARTMNF
startsWith(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsSubString
status() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.FitsKey
status() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader
Returns the standard convention, which defines this FITS header entry
Stokes - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
A mapping of image coordinate values for a coordinate axis with WCS.CTYPEna = 'STOKES' (or equivalent), specifying polarization (or cross-polarization) data products along the image direction.
Stokes.Parameters - Class in nom.tam.fits.header
Helper class for setting or interpreting a set of measured Stokes parameters stored along an array dimension.
STOPMJF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Major frame count at stop
STOPMNF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Minor frame count at stop
StreamingTileImageData - Class in nom.tam.image
Simple streaming image tile implementation.
StreamingTileImageData(Header, ImageTiler, int[], int[], int[]) - Constructor for class nom.tam.image.StreamingTileImageData
Constructor for a tile image data object.
STRICT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.Header.KeywordCheck
Strict checking, will refuse to set mandatory FITS keywords -- which should normally be set by the library alone.
STRING - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.VALUE
keyword expects a String value
STRING - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
The FITS representation of an ASCII string in binary tables
STRING - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.PrimitiveTypes
Use ElementType.STRING instead
STRING_QUOTES_LENGTH - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
The length of two single quotes that must surround string values.
stringsToByteArray(String[], int) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsUtil
(for internal use) Visibility may be reduced to package level in the future.
STScI - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
STScI keywords.
STScIExt - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header.extra
This keyword dictionary gathered form STScI.
sumOf(long...) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.utilities.FitsCheckSum
Calculates the total checksum from partial sums.
SUNANGLE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the angle between the direction of the observation (e.g., the optical axis of the telescope or the position of the target) and the sun, measured in degrees.
SUT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
UTC of the start of each subexposure.
SUTn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
UTC of the start of each subexposure.
SWCREATE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
SWCREATE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
This indicates the name and version of the Software that initially created this file ie ‘SBIGs CCDOps Version 5.10’.
SWIDnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
FWHM of the object spectrum profile on the detector.
SWMODIFY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
SWMODIFY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
This indicates the name and version of the Software that modified this file ie ‘SBIGs CCDOps Version 5.10’ and the re can be multiple copies of this keyword.
Synonyms - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
This enum wil try to list synonyms inside or over different dictionaries.


TABLE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.HDU
Generic table keyword, can be used both in ASCII and binary tables
TableData - Interface in nom.tam.fits
Interface for accessing binary and ASCII table data.
TableException - Exception in nom.tam.util
For when attempting to do something illegal or invalid with FITS tables.
TableException(String) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.util.TableException
Instantiates this exception with the designated message string.
TableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.util.TableException
Instantiates this exception with the designated message string.
TableHDU<T extends AbstractTableData> - Class in nom.tam.fits
Base class for binary and ASCII table implementations.
TASSIGN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
TASSIGN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCStclSharedExt
TASSIGN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Specifies where the time assignment of the data is done. for example, for EXOSAT time assignment was made at the Madrid tracking station, so TASSIGN ='Madrid'.
TBCOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field of this indexed keyword shall contain an integer specifying the column in which field n starts in an ASCII TABLE extension.
TCDEna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate axis spacing in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D_) pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
TCDLTn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Use the standard WCS.TCDLTn instead.
TCDLTn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate axis spacing in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D_) pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
TCDn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Coordinate transformation matrix in the CD convention. from column index n (leading index) to column index k (second index) for the for the (1D) pixel lists in this column.
TCn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Equivalent keywords for column coordinate transformation matrix (CD convention).
TCn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Coordinate transformation matrix in the CD convention. from column index n (leading index) to column index k (second index) for the for the (1D) pixel lists in this column.
TCNAMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Override WCS.TCTYPn table oordinate axis name.
TCNAna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate axis name for (1D) pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
TCPRna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Phase axis period on axis (leading index) for array entries in this column (trailing index)
TCRDna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate axis random error in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D_) pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
TCROTn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The FITS standard deprecated this keyword. Use WCS.TPCn_na and WCS.TCDn_nainstead. [deg] The coordinate axis rotation in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D) pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
TCRPna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The 1-based coordinate reference pixel index in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D) pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
TCRPXn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Use the standard WCS.TCRPXn instead.
TCRPXn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The 1-based coordinate reference pixel index in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D) pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
TCRVLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Use the standard WCS.TCRVLn instead.
TCRVLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate reference value in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D) pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
TCRVna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate reference value in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D) pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
TCSYna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate axis systematics error in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D_) pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
TCTYna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate axis type for (1D) pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
TCTYPn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Use the standard WCS.TCTYPn instead
TCTYPn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate axis type for (1D) pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
TCUNIn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The physical coordinate unit for (1D) pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
TCUNna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The physical coordinate unit for (1D) pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
TCZPna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Phase axis zero point on axis (leading index) for array entries in this column (trailing index)
TDBINn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
The value field of this indexed keyword shall contain a floating point number specifying the suggested bin size when producing a histogram of the values in column n.
TDBINn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Default binning factor for table column
TDIMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field of this indexed keyword shall contain a character string describing how to interpret the contents of field n as a multidimensional array, providing the number of dimensions and the length along each axis.
TDISPn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field of this indexed keyword shall contain a character string describing the format recommended for the display of the contents of field n.
TDMAXn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
Use Standard.TDMAXn instead.
TDMAXn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field of this indexed keyword shall contain a floating point number specifying the maximum valid physical value represented in column n of the table, exclusive of any special values.
TDMINn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
Use Standard.TDMINn instead.
TDMINn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field of this indexed keyword shall contain a floating point number specifying the minimum valid physical value represented in column n of the table, exclusive of any special values.
TDNULLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Floating point null value other than NaN
TELAAMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Modified Julian date at the time of the altitude/azimuth keywords.
TELALT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope pointing altitude at the time given by TELAAMJD.
TELAPSE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Wall clock exposure duration (in specified time units, or else seconds)
TELAPSE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDurationDescription
Part of the FITS standard, use DateTime.TELAPSE instead.
TELAPSE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Clock time duration of observation.
TELAZ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope pointing azimuth at the time given by TELAAMJD.
TELCONF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope configuration.
TELDEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope pointing declination.
TELDECU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination unit.
TELEPOCH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope pointing coordinate epoch.
TELEQUIN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope pointing coordinate system equinox.
TELESCOP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a character string identifying the telescope used to acquire the data associated with the key.
TELFOCUS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope focus value in available units.
TELMJD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Time of zenith distance and hour angle
TELMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the telescope sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
TELPAN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope position angle measurements in appropriate units.
TELPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope position angle measurements in appropriate units.
TELPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
TELPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
TELPRE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
TELPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
TELRA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope pointing right ascension.
TELRADEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope pointing coordinate system type.
TELRAU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension unit.
TELSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope status.
TELTCS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope control system software version.
TELTEM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
TELTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
TELTKDEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Declination telescope tracking rate in arc seconds per second.
TELTKRA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension telescope tracking rate from siderial in arc seconds per second.
TELVER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope hardware version.
TELVOL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope voltage sensor measurements in volts.
TELVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Telescope voltage sensor measurements in volts.
TFIELDS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a non-negative integer representing the number of fields in each row of a 'TABLE' or 'BINTABLE' extension.
TFORMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field of this indexed keyword shall contain a character string describing the format in which field n is encoded in a 'TABLE' or 'BINTABLE' extension.
THEAP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field of this keyword shall contain an integer providing the separation, in bytes, between the start of the main data table and the start of a supplemental data area called the heap.
threadPool() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Returns the common thread pool that we use for processing FITS files.
TIERABSO - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Absolute timing error.
TIERRELA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Clock rate error
TILEXY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
indicates tile position within a mosaic.
TIME_END - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDurationDescription
The value field shall contain a character string that gives the time at which the observation ended.
TIME_OBS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDurationDescription
The value field shall contain a character string that gives the time at which the observation started.
TIMEDEL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time resolution (in specified time units, or else seconds)
TIMEDEL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
TIMEDEL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCStclSharedExt
TIMEEND - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Time of exposure end in the TSYSEND system.
TIMEHDR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Time of header creation.
TIMEOFFS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Precision time offset (in specified time units, or else seconds)
TIMEPIXR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time location within pixel, between 0.0 and 1.0 (default 0.5).
TIMEPIXR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Time stamp reference as bin fraction
TIMERDER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Random time error (in specified time units, or else seconds)
TIMEREF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
TIMEREF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCStclSharedExt
TIMEREF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Time reference frame.
TIMEREF_GEOCENTRIC - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
TIMEREF_GEOCENTRIC - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Time is reported when detected wavefront passed the center of Earth, a standard value for STScIExt.TIMEREF.
TIMEREF_HELIOCENTRIC - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
TIMEREF_HELIOCENTRIC - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Time is reported when detected wavefront passed the center of the Sun, a standard value for STScIExt.TIMEREF.
TIMEREF_LOCAL - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
TIMEREF_LOCAL - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Time reported is actual time of detection, a standard value for STScIExt.TIMEREF.
TIMEREF_SOLARSYSTEM - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
TIMEREF_SOLARSYSTEM - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Time is reported when detected wavefront passed the Solar System barycenter, a standard value for STScIExt.TIMEREF.
TIMESYER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Systematic time error (in specified time units, or else seconds)
TIMESYS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time reference system name
TIMESYS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Default time system.
TIMESYS_ET - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Ephemeris Time (ET) timescale value.
TIMESYS_GMT - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Greenwich Mean time (GMT) timescale value; deprecated by the FITS standard, use DateTime.TIMESYS_UTC instead.
TIMESYS_GPS - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Global Positioning System (GPS) time timescale value.
TIMESYS_IAT - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Deprecated by the FITS standard, use DateTime.TIMESYS_TAI instead.
TIMESYS_LOCAL - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Local time timescale value for free-running clocks.
TIMESYS_TAI - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
International Atomic Time (TAI) timescale value.
TIMESYS_TCB - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Barycentric Coordinated Time (TCB) timescale value.
TIMESYS_TCG - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Geocentric Coordinated Time (TCG) timescale value.
TIMESYS_TDB - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) timescale value.
TIMESYS_TDT - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT) timescale value.
TIMESYS_TT - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Terrestrial Time (TT) timescale value.
TIMESYS_UT1 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Earth rotation time (UT1) timescale value.
TIMESYS_UTC - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) timescale value.
TIMEUNIT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time unit name
TIMEUNIT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
TIMEUNIT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCStclSharedExt
TIMEUNIT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Units of time, for example 's' for seconds.
TIMEUNIT_BESSELIAN_YEAR - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time unit value for time measured in Besselian years (essentially the same as DateTime.TIMEUNIT_TROPICAL_YEAR)
TIMEUNIT_DAY - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time unit value for time measured in days
TIMEUNIT_HOUR - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time unit value for time measured in hours
TIMEUNIT_JULIAN_CENTURY - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time unit value for time measured in seconds (1 cy = 36525 d)
TIMEUNIT_JULIAN_YEAR - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time unit value for time measured in Julian years (1 a = 365.25 d)
TIMEUNIT_MINUTE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time unit value for time measured in minutes
TIMEUNIT_SECOND - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time unit value for time measured in seconds
TIMEUNIT_TROPICAL_YEAR - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time unit value for time measured in tropical years (1 ta ~ 365.2421988 d)
TIMEUNIT_YEAR - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time unit value for time measured in Julian years (same as DateTime.TIMEUNIT_JULIAN_YEAR)
TIMEZERO - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
TIMEZERO - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCStclSharedExt
TIMEZERO - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Clock correction (if not zero), in STScIExt.TIMEUNIT.
TIMVERSN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
TIMVERSN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCStclSharedExt
TIMVERSN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Version of time specification convention.
TITLE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
The value field shall contain a character string giving a title that is suitable for display purposes, e.g., for annotation on images or plots of the data contained in the HDU.
TLMAXn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
Use Standard.TLMAXn instead.
TLMAXn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field of this indexed keyword shall contain a floating point number specifying the upper bound of the legal range of physical values that may be represented in column n of the table.
TLMINn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
Use Standard.TLMINn instead.
TLMINn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field of this indexed keyword shall contain a floating point number specifying the lower bound of the legal range of physical values that may be represented in column n of the table.
TLMVER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Telemetry revision number (IP&CL)
TNULLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
In ASCII 'TABLE' extensions, the value field for this indexed keyword shall contain the character string that represents an undefined value for field n.
toArray() - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
toBoundedString(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue
Converts this comlex value to its string representation using up to the specified number of characters only.
toDate() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsDate
Get a Java Date object corresponding to this FITS date.
toDouble(long) - Method in class nom.tam.util.Quantizer
Converts an integer value to the floating-point value it represents under the qunatization.
toHDU() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
toHDU() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
toHDU() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Data
Returns an approprotae HDU object that encapsulates this FITS data, and contains the minimal mandatory header description for that data.
toHDU() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
toHDU() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsData
toHDU() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedData
toHeaderString(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.BlanksDotHierarchKeyFormatter
toHeaderString(String) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.IHierarchKeyFormatter
Returns the string reppresentation of the specified HIERARCH keyword in the FITS header
toHeaderString(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.hierarch.StandardIHierarchKeyFormatter
toLong(double) - Method in class nom.tam.util.Quantizer
Converts a floating point value to its integer representation using the quantization.
toString() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsDate
toString() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Returns the modulo 80 character card image, the toString tries to preserve as much as possible of the comment value by reducing the alignment of the Strings if the comment is longer and if longString is enabled the string can be split into one more card to have more space for the comment.
toString() - Method in class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue
toString() - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsInputStream
toString() - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
toString(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue
Converts this complex value to its string representation with up to the specified number of decimal places showing after the leading figure, for both the real and imaginary parts.
TPCn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Coordinate transformation matrix in the PC convention. from column index n (leading index) to column index k (second index) for the for the (1D) pixel lists in this column.
TPn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Equivalent keywords for column coordinate transformation matrix (PC convention).
TPn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Coordinate transformation matrix in the PC convention. from column index n (leading index) to column index k (second index) for the for the (1D) pixel lists in this column.
TPSn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate string parameter m (trailing index) for the (1D) pixel list entries in this column (leading index).
TPVn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate parameter value m (trailing index) for the (1D) pixel list entries in this column (leading index).
TRAKTIME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
TRAKTIME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
If the image was auto-guided this is the exposure time in seconds of the tracker used to acquire this image.
TRDIRn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time reference direction for given column index, e.g.
TREFDIR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Pointer to time reference direction
TREFPOS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time reference location
TREFPOS_BARYCENTER - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Barycentric (Solar-system) time reference position
TREFPOS_CUSTOM - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Topocentric time reference position that is not the observatory location
TREFPOS_EMBARYCENTER - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Earth-Moon barycenter time reference position
TREFPOS_GALACTIC - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Galactocentric time reference position
TREFPOS_GEOCENTER - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Geocentric time reference position
TREFPOS_HELIOCENTER - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Helioentric time reference position
TREFPOS_JUPITER - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time reference position at the center of Jupiter
TREFPOS_MARS - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time reference position at the center of Mars
TREFPOS_MERCURY - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time reference position at the center of Mercury
TREFPOS_NEPTUNE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time reference position at the center of Neptune
TREFPOS_RELOCATABLE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Relocatable time reference position (for simulations only)
TREFPOS_SATURN - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time reference position at the center of Saturn
TREFPOS_TOPOCENTER - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Topocentric time reference position
TREFPOS_URANUS - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time reference position at the center of Uranus
TREFPOS_VENUS - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time reference position at the center of Venus
TRIMSEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Section of the recorded image to be kept after calibration processing.
TRPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Time reference location for given column index.
TruncatedFileException - Exception in nom.tam.fits
When an EOF is encountered in the middle of an HDU.
TruncatedFileException(String) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.TruncatedFileException
Instantiates this exception with the designated message string.
TruncatedFileException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.TruncatedFileException
Instantiates this exception with the designated message string, when it was triggered by some other type of exception
TSCALn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
This indexed keyword shall be used, along with the TZEROn keyword, when the quantity in field n does not represent a true physical quantity.
TSn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Equivalent keywords for column parameter names.
TSn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate string parameter m (trailing index) for the (1D) pixel list entries in this column (leading index).
TSORTKEY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
The value field shall contain a character string that defines the order in which the rows in the current FITS ASCII or binary table extension have been sorted.
TSTART - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
The start time of the observation, in the format specified in the FITS Standard, as decimal or in the format HH:MM:SS[.s...]'.
TSTART - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
TSTART - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCStclSharedExt
TSTART - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
The value field of this keyword shall contain the value of the start time of data acquisition in units of TIMEUNIT, relative to MJDREF, JDREF, or DATEREF and TIMEOFFS, in the time system specified by the TIMESYS keyword.
TSTART - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Variants for recording the start time of observation in HH:MM:SS[.s...] format
TSTOP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
The end time of the observation, in the format specified in the FITS Standard, as decimal or in the format HH:MM:SS[.s...]'.
TSTOP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
TSTOP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCStclSharedExt
TSTOP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
The value field of this keyword shall contain the value of the stop time of data acquisition in units of TIMEUNIT, relative to MJDREF, JDREF, or DATEREF and TIMEOFFS, in the time system specified by the TIMESYS keyword.
TSTOP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Variants for recording the ending time of observation in HH:MM:SS[.s...] format
TSYSEND - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Time system for the TIMEEND keyword.
TSYSHDR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Time system for the header creation keywords.
TSYSOBS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Time system for the TIME-OBS keyword.
TTYPEn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field for this indexed keyword shall contain a character string, giving the name of field n.
TUNITn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a character string describing the physical units in which the quantity in field n, after any application of TSCALn and TZEROn, is expressed.
TV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
TV name.
TVFILTn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
TV filter names.
TVFOCn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Television focus value in available units.
TVFPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
TV filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.
TVFTYPn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
TV filter type.
TVHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
TV identification and hardware version.
TVMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the guider television sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
TVn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
TV name.
TVn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Equivalent keywords for column parameter values.
TVn_na - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
The coordinate parameter value m (trailing index) for the (1D) pixel list entries in this column (leading index).
TVnFILTn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
TV filter names.
TVnFOCn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Television focus value in available units.
TVnFPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
TV filter position given as filter wheel number or other filter system position measurement.
TVnFTYPn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
TV filter type.
TVnHWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
TV identification and hardware version.
TVnMJDn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Times for the guider television sensor measurements given as modified Julian dates.
TVnPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Television position angle measurements in appropriate units.
TVnPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Television linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
TVnPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Television pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
TVnSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
TV status.
TVnSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
TV software version.
TVnTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Television temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
TVnVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Television voltage sensor measurements in volts.
TVPANn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Television position angle measurements in appropriate units.
TVPOSn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Television linear position sensor measurements in appropriate units.
TVPREn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Television pressure sensor measurements in appropriate units.
TVSTAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
TV status.
TVSWV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
TV software version.
TVTEMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Television temperature sensor measurements in degrees Celsius.
TVVOLn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Television voltage sensor measurements in volts.
TWCSna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
WCS name for the pixe list entries in the given column index.
type() - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Returns the Java letter-code for this FITS element type.
TZEROn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
This indexed keyword shall be used, along with the TSCALn keyword, when the quantity in field n does not represent a true physical quantity.


U - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
Stokes U: linear polarization U component
UCOLICK - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
UCOLICK keywords.
UnclosedQuoteException - Exception in nom.tam.fits
A header value with an unclosed single quote.
UnclosedQuoteException(String) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.UnclosedQuoteException
Instantiates a new exception indicated an unclosed string quote in a parsed header value.
UNCOMPRESSED_DATA_COLUMN - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
Use of this column is no longer recommended, but it may exist i n older compressed image files that were created before support for the GZIP COMPRESSED DATA column (describe above) was added to this convention in May 2011.
UndefinedData - Class in nom.tam.fits
A container for unknown binary data types.
UndefinedData(Object) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedData
(for internal use). Users should always construct known data types. Reduce visibility to the package level.
UndefinedData(Header) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedData
(for internal use). Visibility will be reduced to the package level in the future.
UndefinedHDU - Class in nom.tam.fits
A HDU that holds a type of data we don't recognise.
UndefinedHDU(Header, UndefinedData) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedHDU
(for internal use) Its visibility should be reduced to package level in the future.
UNITALT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Altitude unit.
UNITANG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Plane angle unit.
UNITAP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Focal plane aperture size unit.
UNITAREA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Area unit.
UNITAZ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Azimuth unit.
UNITCAP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Capacitance unit.
UNITCHAR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Charge unit.
UNITCOND - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Conductance unit.
UNITCUR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Current unit.
UNITDEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Delination unit.
UNITENER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Energy unit.
UNITEVNT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Event unit.
UNITFLUX - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Flux unit.
UNITFORC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Force unit.
UNITFREQ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Frequency unit.
UNITHOUR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Time of day unit.
UNITILLU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Illuminance unit.
UNITINDU - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Inductance unit.
UNITLAT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Latitude unit.
UNITLEN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Length unit.
UNITLFLX - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Luminous flux unit.
UNITLINT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Luminous intensity unit.
UNITLONG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Longitude unit.
UNITMASS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Mass unit.
UNITMDEN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Magnetic density unit.
UNITMFLD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Magnetic field unit.
UNITMFLX - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Magnetic flux unit.
UNITPA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Position angle unit.
UNITPOW - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Power unit.
UNITPRES - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Pressure unit.
UNITRA - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Right ascension unit.
UNITRATE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Celestial rate of motion.
UNITRES - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Resistance unit.
UNITSANG - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Solid angle unit.
UNITSEP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Celestial separation unit.
UNITTEMP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Temperature unit.
UNITTIME - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Time unit.
UNITVEL - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Velocity unit.
UNITVOLT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Voltage unit.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
developed over time, source long forgotten.
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Anything else for which we do not have a supported FITS representation
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.type.PrimitiveTypes
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.api.ICompressOption
(for internal use) Recasts these options for the specific implementation class
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.hcompress.HCompressorOption
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.quant.QuantizeOption
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.compression.algorithm.rice.RiceCompressOption
update(String, VALUE) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
Similar to add(VALUE), except this replaces an existing card that matches the specified key in-situ.
updateAfterDelete(int, Header) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
It is not entirely foolproof for keeping the header in sync -- it is better to (re)wrap tables in a new HDU and editing the header as necessary to incorporate custom entries. May be removed from the API in the future.
updateAfterDelete(int, Header) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
It is not entirely foolproof for keeping the header in sync -- it is better to (re)wrap tables in a new HDU after column deletions, and then edit the new header as necessary to incorporate custom entries. May be removed from the API in the future.
updateAfterDelete(int, Header) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
It is not entirely foolproof for keeping the header in sync -- it is better to (re)wrap tables in a new HDU after column deletions, and then edit the new header as necessary to incorporate custom entries. May be removed from the API in the future.
updateLine(String, HeaderCard) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Update an existing card in situ, without affecting the current position, or else add a new card at the current position.
updateLine(IFitsHeader, HeaderCard) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Update a valued entry in the header, or adds a new header entry.
updateLines(Header) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Overwrite the lines in the header.
url() - Method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
Returns the URL that defines this particular header value, which may be null.
useOldStandardVLAIndexing(boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU
Enables or disables using reversed compressed/uncompressed heap indices for when decompressing variable-length arrays (VLAs), as was prescribed by the original FITS 4.0 standard and the Pence et al. 2013 convention.
useThreadLocalSettings(boolean) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory
Use thread local settings for the current thread instead of the global ones if the parameter is set to true, else use the shared global settings.
UTC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.ESOExt
UTC seconds since midnight.
UTC_OBS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
UTC time at the start of the exposure.
UTCEND - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
UTC at the end of the exposure.
UTCHDR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
UTC of header creation.
UTCOBS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Default UTC time for the observation.


V - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
Stokes V: circularly polarization
validate(boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Validates this header by making it a proper primary or extension header.
validateChars(String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Checks the specified string for characters that are not allowed in FITS headers, and throws an exception if any are found.
validateKey(String) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Checks if the specified string may be used as a FITS header keyword according to the FITS standard and currently settings for supporting extensions to the standard, such as HIERARCH-style keywords.
value(boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardBuilder
set the value of the current card.If the card did not exist yet the card will be created.
value(Number) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardBuilder
Sets a new number value for the current card.
value(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardBuilder
set the value of the current card.If the card did not exist yet the card will be created.
value(Date) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardBuilder
set the value of the current card.
VALUE_FOR_BYTE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
BITPIX value for byte type data
VALUE_FOR_DOUBLE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
BITPIX value for double type data
VALUE_FOR_FLOAT - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
BITPIX value for float type data
VALUE_FOR_INT - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
BITPIX value for int type data
VALUE_FOR_LONG - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
BITPIX value for long type data
VALUE_FOR_SHORT - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
BITPIX value for short type data
valueOf(char) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.type.PrimitiveTypeHandler
valueOf(int) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.type.PrimitiveTypeHandler
valueOf(Class<?>) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.type.PrimitiveTypeHandler
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Checksum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCStclSharedExt
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.ESOExt
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.HierarchicalGrouping
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.HDU
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.VALUE
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.InstrumentDescription
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.Header.KeywordCheck
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.NonStandard
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDurationDescription
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard.ValueCheck
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Checksum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCExt
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CXCStclSharedExt
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.ESOExt
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.HierarchicalGrouping
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.HDU
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.SOURCE
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader.VALUE
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.InstrumentDescription
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.Header.KeywordCheck
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.NonStandard
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDescription
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.ObservationDurationDescription
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard.ValueCheck
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valueType() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.header.FitsKey
valueType() - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader
The type(s) of value(s) this FITS header entry might take.
valueType() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard
Returns the class of the associated value, or null if it's a comment-style card.
ValueTypeException - Exception in nom.tam.fits
Invalid value type used for a standard header keyword.
ValueTypeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.ValueTypeException
Creates a new exception
VANGna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[deg] Angle of true velocity for the given column index.
VELANGLa - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[deg] True velocity angle of source
VELOSYSa - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[m/s] Radial velocity of source in the spectral reference frame.
verifyDataIntegrity() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Checks that the HDUs data checksum is correct.
verifyIntegrity() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Checks the HDU's integrity, using the recorded CHECKSUM and/or DATASUM keywords if present.
verifyIntegrity() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Checks the integrity of all HDUs.
version() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Returns the version sting of this FITS library
VERSION - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Version of Data Reduction Software
VSYSna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
[m/s] Source radial velocity for the given column index.


WAT_nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
IRAF WCS attribute strings for all axes.
WATn_nnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
IRAF WCS attribute strings.
WAVEn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
nominal wavelength of band n, value + unit.
WCAXna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
WCS dimensions for given column index.
WCS - Enum in nom.tam.fits.header
Standard FITS keywords for defining world coordinate systems (WCS).
WCSAnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Descriptive string identifying the source of the astrometry used to derive the WCS.
WCSASTRM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Descriptive string identifying the source of the astrometry used to derive the WCS.
WCSAXES_MAX_VALUE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
ICRS coordinate reference frame
WCSAXESa - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Dimensionality of image coordinate system
WCSDIM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Dimensionality of the WCS physical system.
WCSEnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Epoch of the coordinates used in the world coordinate system.
WCSEPOCH - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Equinox when equatorial coordinates are used in the world coordinate system.
WCSna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Equivalent keywords for column coordinate transformation matrix (PC convention).
WCSna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
WCS name for the pixe list entries in the given column index.
WCSNAMEa - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
World coordinate system name
WCSNna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
WCS name for the array entries in the given column index.
WCSRADEC - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate system type when equatorial coordinates are used in the world coordinate system.
WCSRnnn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Coordinate system type when equatorial coordinates are used in the world coordinate system.
WEATHER - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Weather condition description.
WINDDIR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Wind direction clockwise from North [0:360]
WINDDIR - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Wind direction in degrees, clockwise from North
WINDSPD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.CommonExt
Average wind speed in km/h
WINDSPD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Wind speed in km/h
wrap(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Returns a buffer for this element type by wrapping a suitable 1D array as its backing store.
wrap(BinaryTable) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
Wraps the specified table in an HDU, creating a header for it with the essential table description.
wrapperClass() - Method in class nom.tam.util.type.ElementType
Returns the boxed Java type for this type of element.
write(boolean[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write an array of boolean's.
write(boolean[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write a segment of an array of boolean's.
write(boolean[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
write(boolean[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
Writes the contents of a byte array into the file.
write(byte[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileIO
Write all data from the the supplied array.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteArrayIO
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteBufferOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.OutputWriter
Writes up to the specified number of bytes from a buffer to the stream.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileChannel
Write bytes to the underlying file channel.
write(char[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write an array of char's.
write(char[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write a segment of an array of char's.
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
write(double[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write an array of double's.
write(double[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write a segment of an array of double's.
write(double[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
write(double[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
write(float[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write an array of float's.
write(float[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write a segment of an array of float's.
write(float[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
write(float[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
write(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteArrayIO
write(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteBufferOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
write(int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.OutputWriter
Writes a byte.
write(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileChannel
write(int[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write an array of int's.
write(int[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write a segment of an array of int's.
write(int[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
write(int[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
write(long[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write an array of longs.
write(long[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write a segment of an array of longs.
write(long[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
write(long[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
write(short[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write an array of shorts.
write(short[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write a segment of an array of shorts.
write(short[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
write(short[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
write(DataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
This method is poorly conceived as we cannot really write FITS to just any DataOutput but only to specific ArrayDataOutput, which utilize FitsEncoder to convert Java types to FITS binary format, such as FitsOutputStream or FitsFile (or else a wrapped DataOutputStream). As such, this method is inherently unsafe as it can be used to create unreadable FITS files. It will be removed from a future major release. Use one of the more appropriate other write() methods instead. Writes the contents to an external file or stream. The file or stream remains open and it is up to the caller to close it as appropriate.
write(File) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Writes the contents to a new file.
write(Boolean[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write an array of booleans, including legal null values.
write(Boolean[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write a segment of an array of booleans, possibly including legal null values.
write(Boolean[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
write(Boolean[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
write(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Writes the contents to the specified file.
write(String[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write an array of Strings.
write(String[], int, int) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Write a segment of an array of Strings.
write(String[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
write(String[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
write(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
write(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
write(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
write(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
write(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Data
write(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.FitsElement
Writes the contents of the element to a data sink, adding padding as necessary if the element (such as a header or data segment) is expected to complete the FITS block of 2880 bytes.
write(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsHeap
write(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
write(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageData
write(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.NullData
write(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsData
write(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
write(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.UndefinedData
write(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.image.StreamingTileImageData
write(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Writes the table's data to an output, in row-major format.
write(ArrayDataOutput, int, int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Write a column of a table.
write(FitsFile) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Writes the contents to a designated FITS file.
write(FitsOutputStream) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Writes the contents to a designated FITS output stream.
writeArray(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayDataFile
See ArrayDataOutput.writeArray(Object) for a contract of this method.
writeArray(Object) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput
Writes the contents of a Java array to the output translating the data to the required binary representation.
writeArray(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayOutputStream
See ArrayDataOutput.writeArray(Object) for a contract of this method.
writeArray(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsEncoder
writeArray(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.OutputEncoder
Writes the contents of a Java array to the output translating the data to the required binary representation.
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
writeByte(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
writeByte(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
writeBytes(String) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
writeBytes(String) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
writeChar(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
writeChar(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
writeChars(String) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
writeChars(String) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
writeDouble(double) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
writeDouble(double) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
writeFloat(float) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
writeFloat(float) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
writeInt(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
writeInt(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
writeLong(long) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
writeLong(long) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
writePrimitiveArray(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
writeShort(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
writeShort(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
writeUnchecked(ArrayDataOutput) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
(for internal use) Similar to Header.write(ArrayDataOutput), but writes the header as is, without ensuring that mandatory keys are present, and in the correct order, or that checksums are updated.
writeUTF(String) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsFile
writeUTF(String) - Method in class nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream
writeUTF(String) - Method in class nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileChannel
writeUTF(String) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileIO
See RandomAccessFile.writeUTF(String) for a contract of this method.


XBAYROFF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
X offset of Bayer array on imaging sensor.
XBINNING - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
XBINNING - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Binning factor in width.
XBINNING - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Pixel binning in X direction
XORGSUBF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
XORGSUBF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Sub frame X position of upper left pixel relative to whole frame in binned pixel units.
XPIXSZ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
XPIXSZ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Pixel width in microns (after binning).
XPOSURE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.DateTime
Net exposure duration (in specified time units, or else seconds)
XPOSURE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Duration of exposure, exclusive of dead time, in seconds.
XTENSION - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value field shall contain a character string giving the name of the extension type.
XTENSION_A3DTABLE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.NonStandard
an alternative olde value of the XTENSION keword in case of an earlier version of binary table.
XTENSION_ASCIITABLE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value of the XTENSION keword in case of a binary table.
XTENSION_BINTABLE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value of the XTENSION keword in case of a binary table.
XTENSION_IMAGE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Standard
The value of the XTENSION keword in case of an image.
XTENSION_IUEIMAGE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.NonStandard
An alternative older value of the XTENSION keword in case of an image.
XX - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
linear cross-polarization between two 'horizontal' wave components (in local orientation)
XY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
linear cross-polarization between a 'horizontal' (input 1) and a 'vertical' (input 2) wave component (in local orientation)


YBAYROFF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
Y offset of Bayer array on imaging sensor.
YBINNING - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
YBINNING - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Binning factor in height.
YBINNING - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Synonyms
Pixel binning in Y direction
YORGSUBF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
YORGSUBF - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Sub frame Y position of upper left pixel relative to whole frame in binned pixel units.
YPIXSZ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.MaxImDLExt
YPIXSZ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.SBFitsExt
Pixel height in microns (after binning).
YX - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
linear cross-polarization between a 'vertical' (input 1) and a 'horizontal' (input 2) wave component (in local orientation)
YY - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Stokes
linear cross-polarization between two 'vertical' wave components (in local orientation)


ZBITPIX - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
(required keyword) The value field of this keyword shall contain an integer that gives the value of the BITPIX keyword in the uncompressed FITS image.
ZBLANK - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
When using the quantization method to compress floating-point images, this header is used to store the integer value that represents undefined pixels (if any) in the scaled integer pixel values.
ZBLANK_COLUMN - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
When using the quantization method to compress floating-point images that is described in Section 4, this column is used to store the integer value that represents undefined pixels (if any) in the scaled integer pixel values.
ZBLOCKED - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
ZCMPTYPE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
(required keyword) The value field of this keyword shall contain a character string giving the name of the algorithm that must be used to decompress the image.
ZCMPTYPE_GZIP_1 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
Gzip is the compression algorithm used in the free GN U software utility of the same name.
ZCMPTYPE_GZIP_2 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
If ZCMPTYPE = ’GZIP 2’ then the bytes in the array of image pixel values are shuffled in to decreasing order of significance before being compressed with the gzip algorithm.
ZCMPTYPE_HCOMPRESS_1 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
Hcompress is an the image compression package written by Richard L.
ZCMPTYPE_NOCOMPRESS - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
compression algorithm that specifies that the data is uncompressed.
ZCMPTYPE_PLIO_1 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
If ZCMPTYPE = ’PLIO 1’ then the IRAF PLIO (Pixel List) algorithm is used to compress and uncompress the image pixels.
ZCMPTYPE_RICE_1 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
If ZCMPTYPE = ’RICE 1’ then the Rice algorithm is used to compress and uncompress the image pixels.
ZCMPTYPE_RICE_ONE - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
alternative name for 'RICE 1'
ZCTYPn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
The value field of these keywords shall contain a charac- ter string giving the mnemonic name of the algorithm that was used to compress column n of the table.
ZD - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.NOAOExt
Zenith distance of telescope pointing at TELMJD.
ZDATASUM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
The following optional keyword is defined to store a verbatim copy of the the value and comment field of the corresponding keyword in the original uncompressed FITS image.
ZDITHER0 - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
(optional keyword) The value field of this keyword shall contain an integer that gives the seed value for the random dithering pattern that was used when quantizing the floating-point pixel values.
ZERO - Static variable in class nom.tam.util.ComplexValue
The complex zero
ZEXTEND - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
The following optional keyword is defined to store a verbatim copy of the the value and comment field of the corresponding keyword in the original uncompressed FITS image.
ZFORMn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
The value field of these keywords shall contain the character string values of the corresponding TFORMn keywords that defines the data type of column n in the original uncompressed FITS table.
ZGCOUNT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
The following optional keyword is defined to store a verbatim copy of the the value and comment field of the corresponding keyword in the original uncompressed FITS image.
ZHECKSUM - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
The following optional keyword is defined to store a verbatim copy of the the value and comment field of the corresponding keyword in the original uncompressed FITS image.
ZIMAGE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
(required keyword) This keyword must have the logical value T.
ZLREMOV - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.extra.STScIExt
Whether map was corrected for zodiacal light
ZMASKCMP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
(optional keyword) Used to record the name of the image compression algorithm that was used to compress the optional null pixel data mask.
ZNAMEn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
(optional keywords) These pairs of optional array keywords (where n is an integer index number starting with 1) supply the name and value, respectively, of any algorithm-specific parameters that are needed to compress o r uncompress the image.
ZNAXIS - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
(required keyword) The value field of this keyword shall contain an integer that gives the value of the NAXIS keyword in the uncompressed FITS image.
ZNAXISn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
(required keywords) The value field of these keywords shall contain a positive integer that gives the value of the NAXISn keywords in the uncompressed FITS image.
ZPCOUNT - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
The following optional keyword is defined to store a verbatim copy of the the value and comment field of the corresponding keyword in the original uncompressed FITS image.
ZQUANTIZ - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
(optional keyword) This keyword records the name of the algorithm that was used to quantize floating-point image pixels into integer values which are then passed to the compression algorithm.
ZQUANTIZ_NO_DITHER - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
This is the simplest option in which no dithering is performed.
ZQUANTIZ_SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
It should be noted that an image that is quantized using this technique can stil l be unquantized using the simple linear scaling function given by Eq. 1.
ZQUANTIZ_SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
This dithering algorithm is identical to the SUBTRACTIVE DITHER 1 algorithm described above, ex- cept that any pixels in the floating-point image that are equa l to 0.0 are represented by the reserved value -2147483647 in the quantized integer array.
ZSCALE_COLUMN - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
name of the column containing the quant scale value.
ZSIMPLE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
The following optional keyword is defined to store a verbatim copy of the the value and comment field of the corresponding keyword in the original uncompressed FITS image.
ZSOUna - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Source redshift value for the given column index.
ZSOURCEa - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.WCS
Redshift value of source in the spectral reference frame.
ZTABLE - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
(required keyword) This keyword must have the logical value T.
ZTENSION - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
The following optional keyword is defined to store a verbatim copy of the the value and comment field of the corresponding keyword in the original uncompressed FITS image.
ZTHEAP - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
Stores the original heap offset of the uncompressed heap.
ZTILELEN - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
The value field of this keyword shall contain an integer representing the number of rows of data from the original binary table that are contained in each tile of the compressed table.
ZTILEn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
(optional keywords) The value of these indexed keywords (where n ranges from 1 to ZNAXIS ) shall contain a positive integer representing the number of pixels along axis n of the compression tiles.
ZVALn - Enum constant in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
(optional keywords) These pairs of optional array keywords (where n is an integer index number starting with 1) supply the name and value, respectively, of any algorithm-specific parameters that are needed to compress o r uncompress the image.
ZZERO_COLUMN - Static variable in enum nom.tam.fits.header.Compression
name of the column containing the quant zero value.
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