All Classes and Interfaces

Serves no purpose really.
Efficient reading and writing of arrays to and from files, with custom encoding.
Interface for reading array data from inputs.
Interface for writing array data to outputs.
(for internal use) Varioys static functions for handling arrays.
Efficient reading of binary arrays from streams with custom binary encoding.
Efficient writing of binary arrays to streams with custom binary encoding.
(for internal use) Various static functios to handle ASCII sequences
ASCII table data.
ASCII table header/data unit.
Abstract base class for all header-data unit (HDU) types.
Table data for binary table HDUs.
Describes the data type and shape stored in a binary table column.
Binary table header/data unit.
Standard BITPIX values and associated functions.
Non-standard HIERARCH keyword formatter that separates hierarchical keyword component by multiple while spaces.
Use FitsDecoder instead which provides a similar function but in a more consistent way and with a less misleading name.
Use FitsInputStream instead which provides the same functionality with a less misleading name, or else use ArrayInputStream as a base for a more generic implementation for any (non-FITS) encoding.
Use FitsOutputStream, which provides the exact same functionality but with a less misleading name, or else use ArrayOutputStream as a base for an implementation with any (non-FITS) encoding.
Use FitsFile instead, which replaces the old BufferedFile with a less misleading name, or else ArrayDataFile, which provides a base for a more more generic implementation for efficient reading/writing arrays using any (non-FITS) encoding.
Use FitsEncoder instead which provides a similar function but in a more consistent way and with a less misleading name.
(for internal use) It is a rusty-rail compatibility implementation only, unsafe for general use.
Reading from and writing to byte arrays with a stream-like interface (primarily for internal use) .
Stream interface for reading from a ByteBuffer (primarily for internal use)
Stream interface for writing to a ByteBuffer (primarily for internal use)
This class should not be exposed in the public API and is intended for internal use only in ASCII tables.
This class should not be exposed in the public API and is intended for internal use only in ASCII tables.
File checksum keywords.
Table data that is stored (internally) in column major format.
A Set of commonly used keywords in the amateur astronomy community.
A no-frills complex value, for representing complex numbers in FITS headers.
Single-precision complex values.
FITS representation of a compressed image.
A header-data unit (HDU) containing a compressed image.
Class to extract individually compressed tiles from a compressed image.
FITS representation of a compressed binary table.
A header-data unit (HDU) containing a compressed binary table.
The following keywords are defined by the compression convention for use in the header of the FITS binary table extension to describe the structure of the compressed image.
An Iterator-based interface for key / value pairs allowing insertions and reverse movement also.
Interface for cursor-based access to keys
This is the file content.txt that presents a comprehensive compilation of all classes of data products in the Chandra Data Archive for the "flight" dataset.
These are available both in the CXCExt and STScIExt enums.
The data segment of an HDU.
This data dictionary contains FITS keywords that have been widely used within the astronomical community.
A non FITS-specific interface for generic table data access.
Date-time related keywords defined by the FITS standard.
A base data element type in a FITS image or table column, with associated functions.
Standard ESO FITS keywords, based on ESO's Data Interface Control Document.
Handling of FITS files and streams.
Helper class for dealing with FITS checksums.
ISO timestamp support for FITS headers.
Decodes FITS-formatted binary data into Java arrays (primarily for internal use)
I/O interface for various FITS file elements.
Encodes select Java arrays into FITS binary format (primarily for internal use)
When we cannot deal with some FITS data as expected.
Controls the creation of HDUs to encapsulate a variery of data, based on a few configuration switches.
For reading and writing FITS files.
Use the more intuitively named FitsKey class instead.
Heap for storing variable-length entries in binary tables.
For reading FITS files through an InputStream.
Failed checksum verification.
Base interface for reading and writing FITS.
A concrete implementation of standardized FITS header keywords.
Interface for FITS-specific output.
For writing FITS files through an OutputStream.
(for internal use) Was used by FitsLineAppender only.
Static utility functions used throughout the FITS classes.
Formatting number values for use in FITS headers.
Exception that is thrown if values do not appear in the format they are expected.
This class duplicates functionality that is available in FitsKey, Standard, ans/or IFitsHeader.
An ordered hash map implementation.
Options to the HCompress compression algorithm.
(for internal use) This class should not be exposed to users.
Access and manipulate the header of a HDU.
Keyword checking mode when adding standardized keywords via the IFitsHeader interface.
An individual entry in the FITS header, such as a key/value pair with an optional comment field, or a comment-style entry without a value field.
Value type checking policies for when setting values for standardized keywords.
Builder pattern implementation for easy readable header card creation.
(for internal use) This class should not have public visibility.
Exception that is generated when a header record is in violation of the standard, or encounters some other header card specific issue.
Helper class for creating HIERARCH-style (or long) FITS keywords for use within this library.
This data dictionary contains FITS keywords that have been widely used within the astronomical community.
The keyword is a HIERARCH-style long FITS keyword but the library does not have the hierarch support enabled at present.
Option for the compression algorithm, implementors are used to control the compression algorithm.
Interface for standardized header keyword implementations.
An enumeration of HDU types in which a header keyword may be used.
Documentation sources for the various known conventions.
Values types to which implementing keywords can be restricted to.
Interface for formatting HIERARCH-style header keywords.
Image data.
Header/data unit for images.
Image tiling interface.
Efficient base class for decoding of binary input into Java arrays (primarily for internal use)
Interface for asic binary input reading functionality.
This data dictionary contains FITS keywords that have been widely used within the astronomical community.
Access to Logger instances by class.
The string value does not fit into a signle 80-character wide FITS header record, and the library does not have long string support enabled at present.
The value cannot fit into the available header space, as requested.
The Fits extension keywords that may be added or read by MaxIm DL, depending on the current equipment and software configuration.
Make deep copies of multi-dimensional arrays.
(for internal use) use MultiArrayCopier instead.
Multi-dimensional array iterator (primarily for internal use)
()for internal use) Visibility may be reduced to the package level in the future.
This keyword dictionary defines keywords which may be used in image data recorded by the data acquisition system.
This data dictionary contains FITS keywords that have been widely used within the astronomical community.
A subclass of Data containing no actual data.
A class of HDU that contains only a header only with no associated data.
This data dictionary contains FITS keywords that have been widely used within the astronomical community.
This data dictionary contains FITS keywords that have been widely used within the astronomical community.
Efficient base class for encoding Java arrays into binary output (primarily for internal use)
Interface for basic binary output writing functionality.
This exception is thrown if padding is missing between the end of a FITS data segment and the end-of-file.
Use ElementType instead.
Use ElementType instead.
Use equivalent static methods of ElementType instead.
Use identical static fields of ElementType instead.
Quantization options when they are part of the compression scheme.
Quantizes floating point values as integers.
Interface that combines file-based random acesss with high-throughput array IO
A random accessible FileChannel implementation for FITS I/O purposes.
Interface for IO objects that support file-like random access.
Random Groups data.
Random groups header/data unit.
A standard fixed random sequence to use for portable and reversible dither implementations.
Interface for basic random access read and write operations.
Options to the Rice compression algorithm.
(for internal use) This class should not be exposed to users.
Use try-with-resources constructs of Java 8+ instead.
A Set of FITS Standard Extensions for Amateur Astronomical Processing Software Packages published by SBIG.
This data dictionary lists the 53 keywords currently defined in the FITS Standard.
HIERARCH keyword formatter based on the ESO convention.
Standard image tiling implementation.
A mapping of image coordinate values for a coordinate axis with WCS.CTYPEna = 'STOKES' (or equivalent), specifying polarization (or cross-polarization) data products along the image direction.
Helper class for setting or interpreting a set of measured Stokes parameters stored along an array dimension.
Simple streaming image tile implementation.
This keyword dictionary gathered form STScI.
This enum wil try to list synonyms inside or over different dictionaries.
Interface for accessing binary and ASCII table data.
For when attempting to do something illegal or invalid with FITS tables.
Base class for binary and ASCII table implementations.
When an EOF is encountered in the middle of an HDU.
A header value with an unclosed single quote.
A container for unknown binary data types.
A HDU that holds a type of data we don't recognise.
Invalid value type used for a standard header keyword.
Standard FITS keywords for defining world coordinate systems (WCS).