Package nom.tam.util

Interface DataTable

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DataTable

A non FITS-specific interface for generic table data access. For a FITS-specific interface see TableData.

Note, that this interface is the little brother to TableData, with nearly identical method signatures. But, there are differences too, such as the type of argument of setting row data, and when and what excpetions are thrown. The other one also defines some further methods. Overall it would have been a more prudent design to consolidate the two interfaces but this is what we have so we stick to it. However, mabe this is something an upcoming major release may address...

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getColumn(int column)
    Returns the data for a particular column in as an array of elements.
    getElement(int row, int col)
    Returns the data element in this table
    Returns the number of columns contained in this table.
    Returns the number of rows contained in this table.
    getRow(int row)
    Indexed access to data by row
    setColumn(int column, Object newColumn)
    Sets new data for a table column.
    setElement(int row, int col, Object newElement)
    Sets new data element in this table
    setRow(int row, Object newRow)
    Sets new data for a table row